Monday, October 21, 2024

This Day, October 22, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


362: A mysterious fire destroys the temple of Apollo at Daphne outside Antioch. According to one source, the Christians living in Antioch who were angry with the Emperor Julian for the favor he showed to Jewish and pagan rites, and, outraged by the closing of its great church of Constantine, burned down the temple of Apollo in Daphne. Julian had promised to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem, a promise he was unable to keep due to his untimely and mysterious death. Julian was the last non-Christian emperor of Rome.  He opposed the special privileges that his predecessors had granted to Christianity because he thought the road to restoring Roman grandeur lay in returning to basic Roman values which were tied to their pagan religion.

741:  Charles Martel passed away.  Charles Martel or Charles the Hammer is credited with saving Europe from Islam by defeating the Moors at the Battle of Tours. This effectively meant, that Islamic culture would remain south of the Pyrenees in what is modern day Spain.  Although fighting would continue between invading Moslem armies and defending Christian armies, most of Europe was destined to be Christian.  This division would have profound consequences for the development of Jewish civilizations in various parts of Europe, Africa and Asia.  Charles Martel was the grandfather of Charlemagne, the great French leader and effectively the first Holy Roman Emperor.  Charlemagne treated his Jewish subjects comparatively well even in the face of pressure from the Catholic Church 

1495: Ines Lopez of Ciudad Real, Spain was accused of heresy. In confessing, she wrote to the Inquisitional Court stating she was a 'Christian', but admitted wearing clean clothing on Saturday. In the letter she accused her cousin of teaching her to observe Passover, saying it was good "for her soul." Turning in her cousin satisfied the Inquisition, but they could do nothing as she was safe in Constantinople. Soon after this, Lopez was sentenced to life imprisonment, ordered to wear the San Benito and was burned at the stake.

1586: Sixtus V issued Christiana Pietas, a papal bull that ameliorated the restrictions placed on Jews by his papal predecessors. Among other things, the papal bull allowed the reprinting of the Talmud and other Jewish books provided that they had properly been censored before publication.  The successor to Sixtus would not only reverse this bull, he would promulgate even more onerous restrictions on the Jewish people.

1586: A bull issued today by Sixtus “permitted the Jews to rebuild synagogues on the earlier sites, provided the contributions for the support of catechumens be not reduced in amount.”

1597: The Roman Curia ruled that a Jewish child baptized without the permission of his parents, as required by canonical law, must be brought up as a Catholic.  The ruling required the removal of the child from hits parents.

1601: The thirty-one-page L’abitacolo degli Oranti or Me’on ha-Sho’alim (The Abode of the Supplicants) by Devora Ascareilli which “was completed in about 1537” was published today in Venice possibly making it the first book published by a Jewish woman.

1668: The Jews of Barbados were forbidden to engage in foreign or local retail trade. Jews were forbidden from purchasing slaves and were forced into living in a Jewish Ghetto in Barbados. All the discriminatory laws were removed by 1802, by the colonial government of Barbados. In 1820, the British Parliament also confirmed this repeal of the discrimination laws against the Jews.

1688: Birthdate of Nadir Shah of Persia.  A member of the Afsharid dynasty, he was positively disposed towards his subjects.  Persecution of the Jews resumed after he was assassinated in 1747

1727: Coronation of George II who was so moved when he saw Charles Macklin’s portrayal of Shylock in the Merchant of Venice (of which a bystander said “This is the Jew/That Shakespeare Drew””  the English king “was so moved he could not sleep”

1732(14th of Cheshvan, 5493): Rachel Asher, the daughter of Asher Michaels whose first husband was Moses Levy passed away today in New York City.


1732(14th of Cheshvan, 5493): Rachel Myers-Cohen the New York born daughter of Michael (Jechiel) of Herzfeld, Germany and Rebecca Falk de Paul and the wife of Samuel Zanvil Levy and Samuel Myers-Cohen passed away today.

1746:  The College of New Jersey, which became Princeton University, received its charter.  Like all elite colleges, Princeton has a checkered past when it comes to Jewish students and faculty.  Today the university boasts a Jewish Studies Program and a Hillel Chapter.  Albert Einstein is probably the most famous Jew to serve at Princeton.

1762: Sarah Pimental and Isaac Da Costa gave birth to Samuel Da Costa, the husband of Savanah, GA born Esther de Pass.

1765: Ezra Stiles, the future president of Yale whose “Diary” contains a “large number of references to Jews and to Jewish affairs” beginning with one on March 16, 1769 in which “he tells us he spent” the day “mostly with the Jew priest Isaac de Abraham Touro in a discussion of biblical prophecies” was installed today as pastor of the Second Congregational Church at Newport.

1766: Birthdate of Montreal merchant and War of 1812 veteran Samuel David.

1780(23rd of Tishrei, 5541): Simchat Torah celebrated on the same day that General George Washington wrote to General Nathaniel ordering him to go to North Carolina and take command of “the southern Army” replacing General Gates whose behavior at the Battle of Camden is being investigated by the Continental Congress.

1782: “Benvenida de Isaac Henriques Valentine and Amsterdam native Solomon da silva Solis gave birth to Isaac Solis

1790: In Amsterdam, “Frumet Rees” and “Levie Isaac Machielse Hass” gave birth to “Hartog Hirsh Levie Machielse Hass” the husband of “Rebecca Benjamin Polak.”

1792: French troops take Frankfurt and the tri-color floats above the arsenal located at the north gate to the ghetto.  Oddly enough, the Jews of Frankfurt respond as “Prussian patriots” and cheered when the French were to leave a few weeks later.

1794: Gidel Oppenheimer and Moses Behr gave birth to their third child Gitel Behr.

1799(23rd of Tishrei, 5560): Last Simchat Torah of the 18th century.

1804: Birthdate of Bavarian native and University of Wurzberg trained geographer and historian  Joseph Schwartz, the brother of Israel Wurzberg who settled in Jerusalem.,+jewish&source=bl&ots=9dPXSRdOAT&sig=aOEnOkA6GD8pgH3Q_eDYz8rIm_s&hl=en&sa=X&ei=loDIVPmHLs_9yQSfzYCADA&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Alexander%20shor%2C%20jewish&f=false

1806: In London, Nathan Mayer Rothschild married Hannah Barnet-Cohen the daughter of Lydia and Levi-Barent Cohen.

1807(20th of Tishrei, 5568) Sixth Day of Sukkoth

1817: Moses Asher Goldsmid, the London born son of Asher Aron Goldsmid and Rachel Kijser married Eliza Solomon at the Great Synagogue today after which they had three children – Augustus, Louisa Sophia and Charles Godsmid.

1821: Two days after he had passed away, 90-year-old Mordecai Levy, the father of Moses Levy, was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1824(30th of Tishrei, 5585): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1824(30th of Tishrei, 5585): Jacob King, the husband of Mary, the widow of Solomon Isaacs passed away today in Richmond,

1824: A day after he had passed away, Benjamin Moses Van Praagh, a native of Holland, the son of Moses Lammerts Van Praagh and Mindele Benjamin Van Emden and wife of Elizabeth Joseph Speyer with whom he had two children – Lewis and Morris – was buried at the “Lauriston Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1832: In Prussia, Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich Damrosch gave birth to German American musician and conductor Leopold Damrosch “who was baptized a Lutheran when marrying his wife, former opera singer Helene von Heimburg.”

1833: Birthdate of Rev. Jacob Lesser the long-time chorister at the Great Synagogue, Duke's Place, London, and later at the Western Synagogue, St. Alban's Place, London where he subsequently became second reader, from 1872 until 1874. In the following year, he was appointed the chazan of the Dalston Synagogue, London (1875-1906), the first person to hold such position in the then recently-established congregation. In 1900, he was presented with a testimonial on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his appointment.

1834(19th of Tishrei, 5595): Fifth Day of Sukkoth observed on the same day that Anne and John Scott gave birth to Abigail Jane Scott who gained fame as Abigail Scott Duniway, the writer and women’s rights advocate whose ‘associations and friendships with divorcees, Jews, and Unitarians induced criticism…”

1835: During the Texas War for Independence Albert Moses Levy, who had come to Texas as a member of the New Orleans Greys and who had been appointed surgeon in chief of the volunteer army of Texas began his army career which last would less than five months before he transferred to Republic’s fledgling Navy. In 1986, the state of Texas would institute Albert Moses Levy Day to honor Levy and all of his fellow Jews who served during the War for Independence.

1836: Sam Houston is inaugurated first President of the Republic of Texas.  Jews played an active role in the settlement of Texas from the earliest days.  Samuel Izaacs was reported to be the first Jew to settle in Texas when he arrived in 1821 with the party led by Stephen Austin.  Dr. Moses Levy, a native of Richmond, Virginia, was the surgeon-in-chief of the volunteers.  Castroville, Texas takes its name from Henri Castro, a French native who provided financial aid for the fledgling republic in return for a large land grant in south Texas between San Antonio and the Rio Grande River.

1837(23rd of Tishrei, 5598): Simchat Torah.

1837: In New York, Isabella Lloyd and Henry Russell gave birth to Henry Lloyd Russell

1837: In Liverpool, UK, Eliazer Laman Fox, “the proprietor of a large cap making business” and his wife gave birth to Ephraim Laman Zox who moved to Australia in 1852 where he became a successful financier and political leader.

1839: Birthdate of Leon Jacob Wertheim the Amsterdam born banker and author who was a friend of the French poet Lamartine.

1842: In Koblenz, Germany, Solomon and Gutel Kaufmann gave birth to Aron Kaufman, the husband of Jeanette Kaufmann and the father of Saul Harris Kaufmann; Adolph Kaufmann; Benjamin Kaufmann; Cora Meisner and Edmund Isadore Kaufmann.

1843: In Keidany, Kovno Governorate R. Zevi, a poor cooper gave birth  to Moshe Leib Lilienblum “a Jewish scholar and author who also used the pseudonym Zelophehad Bar-Hushim (Hebrew: צלפחד בר־חושים and was one of the leaders of the early Zionist movement Hovevei Zion.”

1844: Birthdate of actress Sarah Bernhardt.  Born in Parish, she was the illegitimate daughter of Judith van Hard who came from a Dutch Jewish family. Since the youngster’s presence interfered with her mother’s way of life she placed in a convent and baptized but was always conscious and proud of her Jewish origin.”  Ms. Bernhardt was an international star of the legitimate stage and the silent silver screen.  She passed away in 1923.

1845: Birthdate of Liverpool native Esther Anna Phillips who would be interred in the Jewish cemetery at Natchitoches, LA when she passed away on May 18, 1924.

1845(21st of Tishrei, 5606): Hoshana Raba

1845(21st of Tishrei, 5606): Angiolo Fiorentino, the son Solomon Fiorentino and Laura Gallico, who was born at Monte San Savino in 1770 and “was a Hebrew instruct at Leghorn and Florence” passed away today.

1847(12th of Cheshvan, 5608): Henriette Herz née De Lemos who was “best known for the "salonnieres" or literary salons that she started with a group of emancipated Jews in Prussia” passed away today. Henriette Herz had grown up in the Berlin of the Jewish emancipation and had shared tutors apparently with the Mendelssohn's daughters. At age fifteen, she married a physician, twenty years her senior. Dr. Markus Herz had studied medicine at the University of Königsberg, one of only three universities that accepted Jews -- but only in its medical faculty. She was said to be an extremely beautiful woman. After a few years the salon split in two, a science-seminar led by her husband and a literary salon by Henriette herself. Most notable men and women in Berlin were said to have attended her salon. Among her friends and acquaintances were Dorothea von Schlegel, Jean Paul Richter, Friedrich Schiller, Mirabeau, Friedrich Rückert, the Danish Barthold Georg Niebuhr, Johannes von Müller, the sculptor Schadow, Salomon Maimon, Friedrich von Gentz, Fanny von Arnstein, Madame de Genlis. Alexander von Humboldt often visited and even received Hebrew lessons from Henriette. The theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher was another frequent visitor; a fact which for Jews was her undoing.  After the death of her husband, she came under the powerful influence of Schleiermacher and converted to Protestantism.  Strange that the daughter of a Portuguese Jewish family, a family that clung to its faith despite the blandishments of Catholic Princes and the threat of the Inquisition, would surrender to the blandishments of the pseudo-equality of 19th century Germany. 

1850: In Buttenwiesen, Germany, Seligman Pinchas Luchs, the Bavarian born son of Moses and Marianne Marie Luchs and his wife gave birth to Joseph Luchs.

1852: A column entitled "Austria" published today reported that a fire had broken out in a synagogue in Kolmed, Galicia where approximately a thousand Jews were attending services.  The warning cry of "fire" was first heard in the women's balcony.  In the ensuing stampede to avoid the flames thirty-six women were crushed to death as they tried to make their way down the narrow stairway.  The fire had been set by a gang of thieves who snatched pearls, diamonds and other jewelry from the women during the confusion.

1853(20th of Tishrei, 5614): Shabbat shel Sukkoth observed for the first time during the Crimean War.

1856(23rd of Tishrei, 5617): Simchat Torah observed for the last time during the Presidency of Franklin Pierce.

1860: It was reported today that in New York, the Board of Alderman had adopted report in favor of leasing, at the rate of $1 per year, a plot of ground on the corner of Third-avenue and Seventy-seventh-street, for the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, the lease to continue so long as it is used for such purposes.

1860: In Staunton, VA, Abraham Singer and Regina Gutman gave birth to Philadelphia attorney Jacob Singer the graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, husband of Lea Marguerite Frank and Republican Party activist who joined B’nai B’rith in 1890 while serving also serving as a trustee of the Jewish Theological Seminary and a director of Congregation Adath Jeshurun and the B’nai B’rith Manual Training School.

1860: “Eide” and Ephraim Moshewitz gave birth to Esther Moshewitz.

1861: "Affairs in Utah" published today Jews were an important component of this Mormon dominated territory. “A new Governor has been talked of for some time, for this Territory, but I believe no such person has yet appeared in this vicinity. As far as I can see, the reappointment of the late incumbent, Mr. Cumming, would meet the views of Jews and Gentiles here perhaps as completely as could be done by selecting any other name. That burly old gentleman somehow had the knack of getting decently along with both the contending elements of this community, though I believe neither could drive him an inch further than he was inclined to budge.”

1864: 22nd of Tishrei, 5625): Shmini Atzeret coincided with Shabbat

1864: In Cleveland, OH, Benjamin Franklin Peixotto, the New York born son of Dr. Daniel Moses Levy Maduro Peixotto and Rachel Lopes Mendes Peixotto and his wife Hannah Peixotto gave birth to Judith Eugenia Salzedo Morningstar, the wife of Joseph Morningstar.

1864: During the Civil War. Major Alfred Mordecai, Jr. was named Acting Chief of Ordinance for the Department and Army of Tennessee, one of the largest military units in the Union Army.

1865: Funerary Monument to Dr. Gabriel Riesser, a leader in the fight for emancipation of German Jewry who had passed away in 1863.

1866: “Singular Discover: A Colony of Jews in the Heart of China” published today described the plight of the Jews living in Kaifeng, the capital of Hunan province, which was one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China.  According to a stone found on the site of the now destroyed synagogue, the Jews had first arrived during the Hon Dynasty (200 BCE-200 CE), this house of worship had been built in 1163 during the Sung dynasty and rebuilt about 300 years ago during the Ming dynasty.  There are between 200 and 400 people who identify themselves as Jews living in the city.  The last Rabbi, who apparently was the last person to know Hebrew, passed away about 40 years ago.  The Jews still knew the names of their holidays but had no knowledge of how to observe them. The Jewish community has suffered serious economic loss as a result of the many years of violence that have racked the area.  The synagogue had fallen into a state of disrepair and ruin.  There was no money to rebuild it. According to this account, the Jews actually tore the decaying building down with the hope of selling the scrap for money to help to meet their basic needs.  Somehow, one of the main stones from the synagogue ended up as part of the local mosque.  

1866: In London, Henrietta Susannah Temperley Budd and Edward John Oppenheim, a Jewish leather merchant gave birth to Edward Phillips Oppenheimer who became “one of the country’s most popular writers of spy novels.”

1867(23rd of Tishrei, 5628) Simchat Torah

1867: In Farnworth, Widnes, Lancashire, German born chemist and industrialist Ludwig Mond and Frida Löwenthal gave birth to British chemist and archaeologist Sir Robert Mond, the brother of Sir Alfred Mond, first Baron Melchett.

1868: In New York, Gustav and Augusta Hirschberg gave birth to Sidney G. Hirschberg, “one of the largest manufacturers in the United States of headwear for men, women and children” who is the husband of the former Anna Hoover-Knoerzer and an active member of many civic and Jewish organizations including the Federation of Jewish Charities.

1872: Jeanette and Aron Kaufmann gave birth to Saul Harris Kaufmann the husband of Cora Kaufmann and father of Estelle and Cecil Kaufmann.

1873: The Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary “was founded in Berlin today “by Rabbi Dr. Israel Hildesheimer (also Esriel or Azriel) for the training of rabbis in the tradition of Orthodox Judaism.”

1873: Fannie and Louis Abrams gave birth to Massachusetts resident Fannie A. Frank the wife of Benjamin Frank.

1874: In New York City, at the Academy of Music, Bayard Taylor gave a lecture on the topic of “Ancient Egypt.”  The well-attended event was sponsored by the Hebrew Young Men’s Association. John R. Brady, a justice of the state Supreme Court introduced the speaker.  In his opening remarks, Brady, who was not Jewish, said, “…the purpose of the …Young Men’s Hebrew Association…are first, the establishment of a reading room and library; second, the delivery of lectures on historical , scientific and social topics and on Jewish history and literature, and in the third place, entertainments of a social, artistic, literary and musical nature….This is a program so entirely comprehensive that he who cannot be satisfied with any of the several subjects suggest me be extremely unworthy of the designation of an American citizen.  The lecture tonight is given on the invitation of the descendants of a race who were formerly bondsmen on the banks of the Nile, who helped build the pyramids, and hence the propriety of commencing a lecture season with a lecture, the subject of which is identified with that extraordinary performance.”

1875(23rd of Tishrei, 5636): Simchat Torah observed for the last time during the Vice Presidency of Henry Wilson whose death in office meant that when U.S. Grant went to the dedication of Adas Israel in 1876 he was accompanied by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

1876: In Fürth, Middle Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, Baruch Rothschild and his first wife Fanny Rothschild gave birth to “Charlotte (Lotte) Rothschild” who became Charlotte Stern when she married Markus Stern

1876: In Baltimore, MD, the new Hebrew Orphan Asylum was dedicated in ceremonies led by Dr, Benjamin Szold.  Governor John Carroll and Baltimore Mayor Ferdinand Latrobe were among the dignitaries in attendance. Szold was the rabbi for Temple Oheb Shalom and the father of Henrietta Szold.

1877: Birthdate of San Francisco native and Stanford trained surgeon Lawrence Harold Hoffman the World War I veteran and brother of William J. and Melville G. Hoffman

1878: Moritz Ellinger has been chosen to run for the position of Coroner by the opponents of the Tammany political machine.

1878: In Charleston, SC, W.W. Sale officiated at the wedding of Dr. T.E. Hertz and Mrs. Louis E. Jenkins.

1880: In Hungary “Bertha Katscher (1856-1927) and her husband Max Schwimmer (1845-1922), both from secular Jewish, upper middle class backgrounds” gave birth to their third child Franciska aka Franzi, a graduate of National Music Academy in Budapest who was a feminist and music teacher in Hungary and then, starting in 1922 the United States where she supported her mother and her sister until her death in 1963.

1882: In New York, Sophie Schafer, the New York born daughter of Lois and Michael Schwab and her husband gave birth to “music patron and philanthropist” Minnie Guggenheimer, the wife of Charles S. Guggenheimer.

1882: The Casino, the first permanent of light opera in American which was the creation of New York born composer and theatrical manager Rudolph Aronson opened today.

1883(21st of Tishrei, 5644): Hoshana Raba

1883: In Temesvar, Hungary, Dr. Jules Rosenberg, a leading Jewish lawyer, shot and killed Count Etienne de Battyany in duel fought over the affections of Mlle. Hona de Schossberger.

1883: It was reported today that a dispute over the process of selecting officers to lead Ansche Chesed B’nai Kovanah was the cause of the altercation that took place at the synagogue on the Lower East Side after Shabbat had ended last week.

1883: The original Metropolitan Opera House in New York held its grand opening with a performance of Gounod's ''Faust.'' The Met was the product of the Metropolitan Opera Association.  Two decades after the opening of the Met, Otto H. Kahn took over as head of the association and chaired it for almost three decades until his death.

1884: Birthdate of Hungarian native Paul Kaufman, the Royal Medical University (Budapest) trained physician who moved to the United States in 1924.

1884: “Shot For A  Robbing A Melon Patch” published today described events surrounding the fatal shooting of John Henry Wilson who  was shot while stealing melons from a patch guarded by a 19 year old, Henry Lehr described as “a Hebrew.”

1884: It was reported today that Justice McCarthy is “reserving his decision” after hearing the evidence in a suit brought by Sara Rook, an 18-year-old Jewess from Poland who has been living with her uncle Jacob Leiman, against her cousin Kever Leiman to whom she claims she is engaged and who wrongfully took back gifts he had given as part of the engagement.  Kever’s parents testified that the jewelry belonged to his mother who had lent the items to the young lady and that the event which she claims was her engagement party was in fact the engagement party for Kever’s younger brother.  (Yes, this Jewish soap opera actually appeared in a major secular newspaper.)

1886(23rd of Tishrei, 5647): Simchat Torah

1886: Birthdate of Polish-Jewish ethnographer Szmil Lehman

1886: It was reported today that when a member of the Ohio Grand Lodge of Mason was challenged over his role in laying the cornerstone for Anshe Chesed in Cleveland, he “explained that it is the duty of Masons to lay a cornerstone whenever called upon.”

1886: It was reported today that Mary Suselinski, the young servant girls who had tried to poison the Ginsburg family, told authorities that she was really a Christian and not Jewish.  She had only claimed to be Jewish because she thought it would be easier to find work that way.

1887: Aaron and Freida Kaplan Sievers gave birth to Missouri resident Samuel I. Sievers, the husband of Pauline G. Sievers with whom he had two children – Virginia and Wider.

1887: In “The Growth of Liberalism,” which was published today, Rabbi Kaufman Kohler defended his decision to begin delivering lectures on Sunday at Temple Beth-El that would replace the traditional Saturday services.  He began the practice 14 years ago while in Chicago and states that it is quite popular with the Reform leaders in German.  He claims that the young men this congregation are highly supportive of the change and the need to attract younger members to Jewish congregations is one of the many reasons for making the shift from Saturday to Sunday. (Those of you who know about the history of the Reform movement will recognize this as a contemporary account of one of that movement’s attempt to create a Judaism that conformed to the world around it,)

1887(4th of Cheshvan, 5648) Seventy-one-year-old historian Simon Hock passed away today.

1888: It was reported today that the members of the newly formed Hebrew Actors’ Union “are all Socialists and” that they “intend to join the Central Labor Union.”

1888: It was reported today that the Century will be publishing an article on Assyrian monuments written by Professor Morris Jastrow.

1888: It was reported today that Professor Morris Jastrow “will take charge of the course in Semitic Languages at the University of Pennsylvania while his colleagues are conducting an expedition to Babylonia. 

1889: In Poland, Ralph and Esther Baumgart Brown gave birth to future California resident Bertha F. Brown Sieroty the wife of Adolph Sieroty whom she married in 1917.

1890: Birthdate of Martha Wertheimer the Frankfurt born author and journalist who lost her newspaper job when the Nazis came to power and whose inability to find safe sanctuary abroad led to her eventual murder at Sobibor in 1942.

1890(8th of Cheshvan, 5651): Joseph Rosenthal who has been head of the “dry good firm of J. Rosenthal & Co. for the last forty five years” and “was a generous contributor to Hebrew charities”  passed away today at his home on East 61st Street in New York.

1891: “Russia and Europe” published today described the problems that the Czar’s government is having dealing with the disastrous famine gripping the country including the persecution and expulsion of the Jews which has deprived the regime “of those citizens” who are most useful “in times of distress” and has made the possibility of obtaining a loan even more difficult because of the opposition of Jews throughout Europe to such an action. 

1891: “In Belarus, Menachem Mendl Hyman and Esther Bella Kaplan gave birth to Ben Zion Hyman, the “husband of Fanny Feigeh Mindl Konstantynowski” and University of Toronto trained electrical engineer who founded “Hyman’s Book and Art Shoppe” and the Toronto Jewish Public Library.

1892: In Clinton, NY, Hamilton College announced “the prize oration and essay subjects” that included “The Hebrew Prophets as Social and Political Reformers” and “Pathos in the Life and Poetry of Heinrich Heine.”

1892(1st of Cheshvan, 5653): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan; Parashat Noach

1892: Edwin Einstein, the Republican candidate for Mayor of New York City “made his first formal speech of the campaign at a meeting tonight in the Hebrew Institute Hall at East Broadway and Jefferson Street.

1893: In Waxahachie, TX, Elizabeth Novashelsky and Louis Mittenthal gave birth to  Stanford trained engineer Norman Jerome Mittenthal, the husband of Bessie and 2nd Lt. in the U.S. Army Coast Artillery during WW I who worked for General and Electric and the Pacific States Electric Company in San Francisco.

1893: Birthdate of Manfred George Cohn, the German born journalist who gained fame as Manfred George, the refugee from the Nazis who “started work in New York as editor of Aufbau and turned it into an important journalistic voice for the Jewish exile community in the post-World War II era, leading him to be called ‘a central figure in Jewish journalism of the Hitler and post-Hitler period’".

1894(22nd of Tishrei, 5655): Shmini Atzeret

1894(22nd of Tishrei, 5655): New South Wales businessman and art enthusiast  Eliezer Levi Montefiore, the Barbados born son of “merchant Issac Jacob Levi and  the husband of  “Esther Hannah Montefiore, a first cousin of Sir Moses Montefiore” passed away today.

1894: According to reports published today, Jacob A. Cantor has five opponents in his bid to be elected to the House of Representatives from New York’s 15th Congressional District. Cantor’s is the first name on the ballot which bodes well for his chances of being elected.

1896: “Baroness Hirsch’s Check” published described how the widow of the Baron had sent a check for $1,000 to Temple B’nai Israel in Columbus, GA after she had received a request four months ago from Mrs. Gabriel, the President of the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society who unfortunately passed away on the same day that the check arrived from Paris.

1896: In San Francisco, Louis Cohen and his wife gave birth to Samuel Arthur Cohen who gained famed a major league infielder Sam Bohen who played for St. Louis, Cincinnati and Brooklyn.

1897: “The Sunday –Sabbath” published today described a meeting of the Central Union in Berlin where “it was resolved that the Sunday-Sabbath Sabbaths were against the interests of Judaism and should be abolished”

1897: It was reported today that over 200 Jewish family from Galicia who “have all been reduced to a state of starvation” have arrived in Budapest.

1897: The Treasurer of the Central Synagogue “acknowledged with the thanks of a donation from H.I. Beddington towards the building fund of the Central Synagogue.

1897: Thirty-eight-year-old “Marks David Greenberg” was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery in London.”

1898: Captain Mathew Nathan, a graduate of the Royal Military Academy and the son of Jonah Nathan was promoted to the rank of major in the engineers

1899: The USS Scorpion (PY-3) which had been commanded by Adolph Marx the first Jewish graduate of the United States Naval Academy during the Spanish-American War was recommissioned today.

1900: In New York City, Joseph Leon Buttenwieser and Caroline Weil Buttenwieser gave birth Columbia educated Benjamin Joseph Buttenwieser, the partner in Kuhn, Loeb, who like his brother Lawrence served as “president of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York.”

1900: In Lodz, Israel Jakob Perelberg (who changed his name to Perlberg) and the former Tajbe Markus gave birth to Wolf Perelberg who gained famed as movie producer William Perlberg.

1901: Thirty-four-year-old J. Clarence Davies, the New York born of David and Maria Davis who was “one of the organizers of the New York Board of Trade and the Real Estate Board of Trade and the vice president of the West End Synagogue and director of the Bronx Y.M.H.A. married Rosalie Loewi, the mother of his two sons, Valentine and J. Clarence Davies, Jr.

1901: Today, Simon Glazer the Kovno born son  Abraham Elijah and Rebekah (Fisher) Glazer, the husband of Ida Cantor who served as the Rabbi for several congregations in the United States and Canada including Congregation B’nai Israel in Des Moines, Iowa from 1902 to 1905, who wrote Jews of Iowa published in 1904 and who “wrote under the pseudonyms of Zerubbabel, Eliel and Yigosh” married Ida Cantor.

1902(21st of Tishrei, 5663): Hoshana Raba

1902: Meeting with Colonial Minister Joseph Chamberlain: Herzl presents the plan for the colonization of Cyprus and the Sinai Peninsula, including El Arish: Jewish settlers under a Jewish administration.

1903(1st of Cheshvan, 5664): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1903: “In the Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn” “Jennie (Gorovitz) and Solomon Horwitz gave birth to Jerome Lester Horwitz (Yehudah Leib bar Shlomo Natan HaLevi) who gained fame as Curly Howard one of the Three Stooges, along with his brother Moe Howard and Larry Fine.

1904: In “The Jew In America” published today, Maurice H. Harris took issue with Israel Zangwill’s statement “that no more Jews can come to the United States without raising an anti-Semitic issue” and said that the project to settle Jews in East Africa should not be based “on the ground that America’s doors are closed to further Jewish immigration.”

1904(13th of Cheshvan,5665): Parashat Lech-Lecha

1904(13th of Cheshvan, 5665): Yiddish poet Isaac Reingold passed away today in Chicago.

1904: In Brussels, “Paul Louis François Spaak and Marie Anne Augustine Janson” gave birth to dramatist Claude Spaak, the husband of Suzanne Spaak, the lady of luxury who joined the joined Leopold Trepper’s “Red Orchestra and saved 163 Jewish children from sent to the death camps before being captured, tortured and murdered by the Nazis – actions for which she recognized by Yad Vashem as a Righteous Among the Nations.

1905(23rd of Tishrei, 5666): Simchat Torah

1905: Birthdate of Budapest native József Kozma who was the brother of Ákos Kozma and who gained fame as composer Joseph Kosma.

1906(22nd of Cheshvan, 5667): Sixty-year-old Russian born  Alexander Cohn, the husband of Lena Marks Cohn and the father of Florence, Stella, Solomon and Arnold Cohn passed away today after which he was buried in the “Dispersed of Judah Cemetery” in New Orleans.

1906: Birthdate of Manfred Erich Swarsensky the German born rabbi who came to the United States after being imprisoned in Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp came to the United where served Temple Bethel “a reform congregation in Madison, Wisconsin.”

1906: Birthdate of New Yorker Sidney Krischner, who gained famed as Pulitzer Prize winner dramatist Sidney Kingsley.

1907: In New York’s Ninth District Municipal Court, Justice Wauhope Lynn heard a case which involves the right of landlords to refuse to rent to Jews in which Walter J. Solomon, the Jew who had been turned away, was not a party.

1908: It was reported today that as a result of the “current industrial depression” in the year just ended there had been 10,776 applicants for relief from the United Hebrew Charities as against 8,970 during the preceding year.

1908: Birthdate of Israel Lewittes, the New York resident and hold of Social Security card 118-09-7459.

1909(7th of Cheshvan, 5670): Lieb Tubiansky passed away today.

1910: The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets, led by Center Albert Lorch “Al” Loe nicknamed “The Yiddish Wildcat,” defeated the University of Alabama.

1911: At a meeting in Pilgrims’ Church, Representative William Sulzer stated, “that when Congress convenes in December he will introduce a joint resolution for abrogation of the Treat of 1832 in Russia.”

1911: In response to objections from Rabbi Moses Gaster, the “hakham of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation in London” the Board of Deputies revised their decision “with respect to authority for control of Shehitah as provided in the Slaughter of Animals Bill.

1912(11th of Cheshvan, 5673): Sixty-seven-year-old Rabbi David Shayne passed away at Atlantic City.

1912(11th of Cheshvan, 5673): “Philanthropist Baroness de Rothschild” passed away today in Paris.

1913(21st of Tishrei, 5674): Hoshana Raba

1913: Twenty-three-year-old Princeton University graduate Hugh Grant Straus, the New York City born son of Lina Gutherz and Nathan Straus who had begun his career with R.H. Macy in 1910 married Flora Stieglitz today in Port Chester, NY.

1913: In Duluth, MN, Isadore and Ann Jaffe gave birth to Edward Jaffe. Isadore Jaffe “was a tailor from Lithuania who borrowed the money for a passage to America from a woman acquaintance who assumed he would then send for her and marry her. When he did not, she came over herself, tracked him down in Duluth and got a rabbi to perform the wedding.” Edward Jaffe moved to New York and  “became  a press agent legendary for his lost causes, chutzpah and angst, who all but made Broadway his alias and held that the best kind of promotion was self-promotion.” (As reported by Ralph Blumenthal)

1913: In Budapest, Dezső and Júlia Friedmann-Berkovits gave birth to Endre Ernő Friedmann who as Robert Capa became one of the most famous of photographer of his time.  He survived the Spanish Civil War and World War II only to die in 1954 while covering the war in Indochina.  Capa was in the first wave of troops that hit the beaches at Normandy and his photos are the classic views of the Longest Day.

1914: In Wellington, Kansas, Bella and Moses Simon gave birth to Pauline Simon the graduate of the University of Nebraska who became Pauline Hirschfeld when she married Louis Hirschfeld the founder, in 1939 of The Lithoprint Company

1914: “Nathan Straus sent a letter to Govern Glynn of New York today praising the work the Governor had accomplished in the way of legislative reform, particularly the new primary law and the Workmen’s Compensation Law.”

1914: “Great Russian Host on Prussian Border” published today described the multi-ethnic force under General Rennenkampff that included Jews from Riga and Libau which was preparing an new attack on Eastern Front.

1914: In Canonsburg, PA “was broken for a synagogue, which was made of brick, “cost in the neighborhood of $7,000” and whose officers were “president, Samuel Burg; vice president, B. (Benny) Klee; secretary, Samuel Finkel; treasurer, Jacob Morris.”

1914: In describing the fighting on the Eastern Front during World War I,a correspondent for the London Standard reported he shudders “to think of the ravages made by the waves of troops, both German and Russians who passed to and fro over what was once a peaceful, quiet agricultural region inhabited chiefly by Jews.”

1915: Birthdate of Aaron Katz, who would spend fifty years of his life seeking to exonerate Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

1915: “in the predominantly Jewish village of Ruzhany, Grodno province Russian Empire (now Belarus) Perla and Shlomo Yezernitsky, the owner of a leather factory gave birth to Yitzhak  Yexernitsky who gained fame as Yitzhak Shamir, the seventh Prime Minister of Israel.

1915: Colonel John Monash, who was a brevet brigadier-general was decorated with the Companion Order of Bath.

1915: “Seligman for Perkins” published today quoted a letter from Isaac Seligman to Frank Moss and the Perkins Campaign stating this endorsement of Moss was only for the primary election and that he was prepared to cast his vote for Charles A. Perkin in the upcoming general election for district attorney.

1915: The list of the newly re-elected trustees of the Hebrew United Charities published today included “Mrs. J.B. Greenhut, Louis J. Grumbach, Morris Mayer, Alexander New, Daniel Richter, Jack W. Schiffer, Louis Stern and Edwin C. Vogel.”

1915: Birthdate of Sydney Simon Shulemson DFC who “was a Canadian fighter pilot, and Canada's highest decorated Jewish soldier, during World War II… After the war, Shulemson located aircraft and recruited pilots for Israel's growing Israeli Air Force.”  He passed away at his home in Florida in 2007

1915: In the village of Ruzhany, Perla and Shlomo Jeziernicky gave birth to Icchak Jeziernicky who would gain fame as Yitzhak Shamir, the seventh Prime Minister of Israel.

1915: “German Jews Aid Turks” published reported that the “Jewish parishes of Germany have sent to Constantinople two railroad cars filled with hospital supplies for the Turkish Army” under the control of Herr Nosig, the Jewish delegate” who “was received in audience by the Sultan, the heir to throne, the Minister of War, Enver Pasha and other representatives of the Turkish Government.”  (Herr Nossig was Alfred Nossig, the son of Fryderka and Iazk Nossig, who had been born in the Ukraine in 1943 and who died in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 – just another prominent German Jew whom the Germans considered to be only a Jew)

1915: It was reported today that “a Moslem-Israelite Union for the promotion of solidary between Jews and Turks” exists in Constantinople.

1915: It was reported today that “the Turkish, German and Austro-Hungarian Governments have exchanged views with the purpose of reaching an agreement concerning the betterment of the position of the Jews in the East.”

1916(25th of Tishrei, 5677): Sir Jacob Elias Sassoon, 1st Baronet “the elder son of Elias David Sassoon” who  built the Knesset Eliyahoo in Mumbai, Ohel Leah in Hong Kong, and Ohel Rachel in Shanghai” which was completed after his death, passed away today.

1916: The Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering Through the War reported a list of contributions today including $300 from Congregation Gates of Wisdom, $654 from Congregation A.B.I in New Britain and $100 from Beth H’am Hagodal in Jersey City.

1916: “The Provisional Zionist Committee, the organization which in in control of the activities of the Zionist movement, announced that it has secured the consent of the State Department to the sending of a consignment of drugs to Palestine on the Syrian relief ship that is to leave New York under the joint auspices of the Syrian Committee and the Red Cross.”

1916: “Consent has been secured to send a medical unit consisting of ten doctors, five nurses and representative of the Provisional Zionist Committee to Palestine” to deal with the typhus, cholera and other epidemics” that are overwhelming the country due to the scarcity of physicians.

1916: In a case of Jew versus Jew “]at a meeting of the United Hebrew Trades held this afternoon at the Star Casino, five thousand people “derided and jeered at Saul J. Dickheiser, the former Deputy Attorney General of New York State when he challenged Morris Hilliquit during” the speech given by the self-described “scientific socialist.”

1916: Owen Johnson described The Arcade on Lincoln Square, an ethnic melting pot that includes “Jews with their clothing bazars” as being Manhattans “New Bohemia.”

1917(6th of Cheshvan, 5678): English solicitor George Solomon Joseph, the husband of the former Henrietta Franklin, the father of “composer, arranger and musical teacher” Jane Marian Joseph, passed away today after suffering a heart attack.

1917: It was reported today that “a resolution introduced by ex-Assemblyman Solomon Suffrin” at conference of Rumanian Jews meeting in New York “pledging to the” United States “the loyalty of Rumanian Jewish citizens and promising cooperation in the sale of Liberty bonds was carried unanimously by a rising vote.”

1917: It was reported today that “the Russian peace program drawn up by the Central Executive Committee of the Council of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Delegates” included 15 parts, the seventh of which stated “Rumania to be restored her old frontiers on condition that she…grant equal rights to the Jews.”

1917: At the Fusion coalition party’s headquarters in the Hotel Manhattan, Henry Morgenthau the former Ambassador said that Mayor Mitchel would win re-election with a “plurality of approximately of 40,000” that would spell defeat for the other three candidates including Morris Hillquit.

1917(6th of Cheshvan, 5678): Seventy-seven-year-old Giuseppe Foa, the husband of Annetta Luzzati Foa and the father of Ida Dolce Foza Ghiron, who was the Grand Rabbi of Turino until 1903, and knight of the Crown of Italy passed away today in Turin.

1917: The two hundred aged residents of the Home of the Daughters of Jacob in NYC gave $100 to Superintendent Albert Kruger "with instructions of buy a Liberty Bond in the name of the institution.  Among the contributors were 109 year old Nissen Rosenstein said to be the oldest man living in NY who gave five dollars and 113 year old Ethel Polansky who contributed one dollar.  The residents held a service before making their donations during which they prayed "for the success of the American arms and the coming of an honorable peace.

1918(16th of Cheshvan, 5679): Eighty-two-year-old Leopold Bloch, the “son of Samuel and Theresia Bloch” and the husband of Rosa Bloch with whom he had three children passed away today in his native Vienna.

1919: It was reported today that the Zimro Ensemble Players who have come to the United States from Russia by way of Japan and “are said to bring a wealth of Jewish Folk Songs and traditional airs which ae the musical expression of their people in many lands” are scheduled to perform in Carnegie Hall on November 1st.

1919:  Birthdate of author and political radical Doris Lessing.  Lessing led a colorful life.  Born Doris Tayler to English parents living in Persia (now Iran) her father moved the family to what was then the British Colony of Rhodesia.  In 1943, after divorcing her second husband she married Gottfried Lessing, a German Jewish Marxist, in order to give him the protection of citizenship. Strange what some people would do save one Jewish life while others turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the screams of tens of thousands.

1920: The Young Israel Synagogue announced that the courses being offered for the coming season are Biblical History to the Diaspora, Post Exilic Jewish Education, Hebrew Grammar and Conversation, Current Jewish Problems, Jewish Customs and Ceremonies and The Bible in English.

1920: A letter received today afforded President Willson “a most welcome opportunity to express”  to the “Flying Squadron” headed  by Mortimer L. Schiff his “very deep in the movement which is being pushed forward by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations to set for the spiritual needs of Israel and to appeal for a stronger and more active Judaism and also to raise money for a ten-year extension program.”

1920: “Catherine the Great” a German silent film about the Russian ruler directed and written by Reinhold Schünzel

1921: Birthdate of Alexander Kronrod, Russian mathematician.

1921(20th of Tishrei, 5682): Shabbat Shel Sukkoth.

1921: Eugen Schiffer completed his service as Minister of Justice in the Weimar Republic

1922: In Niagara Falls, NY, Anna Cohen and Louis Goodman, “Jewish immigrants from Russia and Poland” gave birth the youngest of their five children illustrator Jeremiah Goodman.

1923: Senator William H. King of Utah delivered an address on conditions in Europe  at the Hotel Pennsylvania during which “said that some persons have sought to prejudice” the United States” against the Jews because they the Jews in Russia are the basis of the Soviet Government, but the reality is that “of the 450,000 Communists only 20,000 are Jews” and that there are three million Jews in Russia.

1924: “The tenth annual exhibition of the Art School of the Educational Alliance, maintained by the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies, was opened today at the Anderson Galleries.”

1925: Marcus Melchior, “the rabbi of the main synagogue in Copenhagen at the time of the rescue of the Danish Jews in 1943, and his wife gave birth to Danish member of parliament and cabinet minister Arne Melchior who “headed the Danish Zionist Federation from 1975 to 1979.

1925: “The Farmer from Texas” a “German silent comedy” directed, produced and written by Joe May with sets designed by Paul Leni was released today in Germany.

1926: In New York City, William Isaiah and Sonya Clare (Breitman) Teichner gave birth to Temple University trained M.D. Victor Jerome Teichner, the member of the United States Naval Reserve and Columbia University certified psychoanalysis who was President of the Society of Medical Psychoanalysts and the husband of Gail W. Berry.

1926: In a surprise assault, J. Gordon Whitehead repeatedly punches magician Harry Houdini in the stomach in Montreal. The episode contributed to the death of Houdini on Halloween.

1927: Pincus “Pinky” Silverberg won the NBA World Flyweight Championship today in Bridgeport, CT.

1927: “Three hundred delegates assembled tonight in the auditorium of the New Standard Club as the Constructive Relief Conference of the Joint Distribution Committee and the United Jewish Campaign was opened by James Rosenberg.” (JTA)

1928: “Four hundred Jewish leaders attended the non-Zionist Conference on Palestine.”

1929(18th of Tishrei, 5690): Fourth Day of Sukkoth

1929: Fifty-three-year-old Manchester, England born “short-story writer, novelist and playwright Montague Glass underwent a minor intestinal operation” this morning at the Harbor Sanitarium in Manhattan.

1929: “Seeks Missing Son” published today described a request by Hyman Cohen, “ a dealer in hides and furs in New Bern, NC, that the NYT publish a description of his 24-year-old son William C. Cohen, an agent for a brewing company in Richmond, VA who was last seen on October 8th by two friends from his Duke University days and for whom the father has been looking for for the past ten days without any success.

1930: In a case of Jew versus Jew, Abie Bain fought Light Heavyweight Champion Maxis Rosenbloom in Madison Square Garden with the champ winning with a TKO in the 11th round.

1930: Birthdate of Frank Lowy, the European-born Australian-Israeli businessman who is one of the richest people in Australia. He is known for his co-founding and continuing involvement with The Westfield Group, a retail giant that owns dozens of shopping centers in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Great Britain.

1930: The Honorable Harry Snell, the chairman of the Labor Party in the House of Commons is scheduled address the weekly Forum of the Brooklyn Jewish Center this evening.

1931: A board meeting is scheduled to be held today at which Emanuel Neuman’s replacement as president of the Jewish National Fund of America is to be selected.

1931: Five days after his thirtieth, Harry Mordecai Freedman the Russian born of “Barnett (Dov) Freedman and Beila Henah” who received “his rabbinical ordination from Jews’ College in 1924” and received his Ph.D. from the University of London 1930 “was naturalized as a British citizen” today.

1931(11th of Cheshvan, 5692): Rabbi Morda Zambrowsky of Mahanoy City, PA, the son of Rabbi Joshua Zambrowsky of Congregation Poiley Tzedeck, died in St. Joseph Hospital late tonight,

1931: A codicil to the well of Dr. Arthur Schnitzler, the Austrian physician turned playwright who passed away yesterday, was read tonight. The codicil called for a pauper’s funeral, forbidding “wreaths, obituary announcements and all accessories to the funeral ritual such as a guard of honor,” Schnitzler wanted the money that would have been used for the funeral to be given to various hospitals. The codicil also forbids eulogies and the wearing of mourning clothes.  Finally, he left instructions that a needle be “thrust through his heart to remove any doubt of his death.

1931: “The Virtuous Sinner” a comedy directed by Fritz Kortner, produced by Arnold Pressburger and with music by Nicholas Brodszky was released today in Germany.

1932(23rd of Tishrei, 5693): Simchat Torah

1932: “Dinner at Eight,” a play by George S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber “opened at the Music Box Theatre.

1932: Three retired major league baseball players including Moe Berg arrived in Japan as part of a tour to teach baseball at various universities after which Berg “went on to tour Manchuria, Shanghai, Peking, Indochina, Siam, India, Egypt and Berlin.” (This is not to be confused with Berg’s more famous 1934 tour where he reportedly engaged in espionage activities for the U.S. government)

1933: Bernard Bergman, the nursing home mogul, received his rabbinic ordination, Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein today.

1934: Birthdate of Tel Aviv native David Libai, Israeli lawyer and politician.

1935: Brigadier General Charles H. Sherrill was quoted today as saying “I went to Germany for the purposed of getting at least on Jew on the German Olympic team and I feel that my job is finished.”

1936: “The School for Jewish Studies” is scheduled to “hold an open convocation at 9 P.M. in the Community House of Temple Emanu-El” where Dr. Louis I. Newman of Rodeph Sholem will be the principle speaker.

1936: It was reported today that the government “is issuing free railway tickets to bring” “the Jorga-Cuza anti-Semitic groups to the congress” that they are holding in November which 200,000 are expected to attend.

1936: “An anti-Semitic demonstration took place at the University of Prague today in connection with the first lecture by Professor Kelsen, who had previously lectured at universities in Germany but had to leave that country on account of his democratic and pacific convictions.” (Kelsen is Professor Hans Kelsen

1936: Harold Jacobi, the chairman of the publication committee, announced today that “President Roosevelt is among the sponsors of a book entitled Reconstruction recording what the Jews of American have done for the relief and rehabilitation of their less fortunate coreligionists throughout the world.”

1936: Rabbi Israel Goldstein, of the National Conference of Jews and Christians was among the “jurors” who, “following a mock trial of more than three hours” found newspaper publisher William Randolph Hurst guilty of “perverting the news, breed war, breaking strikes, fascism and destroying liberty.”

1937(17th of Cheshvan, 5698): Seventy-eight year old Frank Heino Damrosch, the German born son of “conductor, violinist and composer” Leopold Damrosch and “the former Marie Helene Von Heimberg” a leading opera singer and the husband of “Hetty Mosenthal” who pursued a career in business and served as a “lieutenant in the National Guard” before devoting himself to the field of music which included the found of the Institute of Musical Art passed away today in New York City.

1937: “Conquest” a “historic film” written by S.N. Behrman, Salka Viertel and Samuel Hoffenstein and filmed by cinematographer Karl Freund was released in the United States by MGM

1937: The Palestine Post reported that Avinoam Yellin, the senior inspector of education and a prominent Jewish leader, was shot and seriously injured by an Arab terrorist lying in wait at the entrance to his office.

1937: Funeral services were held today for Felix Warburg at Temple Emanuel on New York’s Fifth Avenue.

1937: Warm tributes were paid to the memory of Felix Warburg tonight at a dinner given by the Joint Distribution Committee of which he was an honorary chairman.

1938(27th of Tishrei, 5699): Parashat Bereshit

1938(27th of Tishrei, 5699): Seventy-year-old Edward M. Hart, the “president of the Yonkers Civil Service Commission and secretary and past president of Temple Emanu-El  and brother of Jack Hart passed away today.

1938: In Leeds, UK, Julius Stone, the “Challis Professor of Jurisprudence and International Law at the University of Sydney from 1942 to 1972, and thereafter a visiting Professor of Law at the University of New South Wales” and his wife gave birth to Michael Edward Stone “a professor emeritus of Armenian Studies and of Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem whose research deals with Armenian studies and with Jewish literature and thought of the Second Temple period” and who was the husband of Nira Weintraub, scholar in the history of Byzantine and Armenian art, a field in which she taught for many years at the Hebrew University. (His accomplishments are way too many to be covered by this simple blog)

1939(9th of Chesvan, 5700) Shimon Yehuda Hakohen Shkop passed away. Born in 1860, “he was a rosh yeshiva ("dean") in the Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah and in the Telshe yeshiva and a renowned Talmudic scholar. He was born in Torez in 1860. At the age of twelve he went to study in the Mir yeshiva, and at fifteen he went to Volozhin yeshiva where he studied six years. His teachers were the Netziv and Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik, with whom he was very close. Shkop married a niece of Rabbi Eliezer Gordon and in 1885 was appointed to the Telz Yeshiva, where he remained for 18 years until 1903. While there, he developed a system of talmudic study which combined the logical analysis and penetrating insights of Rabbi Chaim Brisker with the simplicity and clarity of Rabbi Naphtali Zevi Yehudah Berlin (the Netziv) and which became known as the "Telz way of learning". In 1903, he was appointed Rabbi of Moltsh, and in 1907 of Bransk. A famous pupil of his in Moltsh was Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna who studied under him for a year in 1906, before leaving to the Slabodka yeshiva when Rabbi Shkop himself left. During World War I, the communal leaders urged him to leave before the Germans arrived, but he refused and stayed with his community. Between 1920 and 1939, at the request of Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, he succeeded Rabbi Alter Shmuelevitz as Rosh Yeshiva of the renowned Sha'ar HaTorah in Grodno. He raised the level of the institution and transformed it into one of the finest yeshivos in Poland and beyond. Hundreds of young men flocked there from near and far. For many years, Rabbi Zelik Epstein, who was married to a granddaughter of Rabbi Shkop, has headed a successor in Queens. It is known as an exemplary institution. It was there that he taught Rabbi Dovid Lifshitz, the Suvalker Rav.As a young man of eighteen, Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz was invited by Rabbi Shimon to give the third level lecture in the Yeshivah Ketanah in Grodno. At the age of 22, he headed a group of students who transferred from Grodno to Mir. However, his four years in Grodno with Rabbi Shimon had a profound influence on his approach to Talmudic analysis. In 1928 Shkop traveled to the United States in order to raise much needed funds for the Yeshiva. After delivering a lecture at Yeshiva University, he eventually acceded to Rabbi Bernard (Dov) Revel's invitation to serve as a Rosh Yeshiva of Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan (RIETS) in New York. In his absence from Poland, he was greatly missed by Rabbis Yisrael Meir Kagan and Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, who pleaded with him to return. He also received a scathing letter from Rav Yeruchom Levovitz, the mashgiach of Mir, which, according to an eyewitness, he ignored. For family reasons, Rabbi Shkop chose to return to Europe in the fall of 1929. Shkop had a winning personality. He was an active member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of the Agudas Yisroel. Many of his students attained distinction, among them Rabbis Elchonon Wasserman of Baronovitch, Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman of Ponevezh and Isser Yehuda Unterman, a future Israeli Chief Rabbi. Dayan Michoel Fisher of London was also a pupil of Rabbi Shkop. Shkop formed close bonds with [the younger] Rabbi Yehuda Zev Segal, the future Manchester Rosh Yeshiva. He would sometimes come to England to raise funds for his yeshiva, and Rabbi Segal took advantage of these opportunities to serve as his attendant, spending one vacation at Rabbi Shimon's summer resort, studying with him and accompanying him on his walks. He published his classic essay titled Sha'arei Yosher (The Gates of Honesty) in 1925 and Ma'arekhet ha-Kinyanim in 1936. Novellae on the Talmud tractates Bava Kamma, Bava Metzia, and Bava Basra were published posthumously in 1947 with a preface by his son, and on Nedarim, Gittin, and Kiddushin in 1952, and on Yevamos and Ketuvot in 1957. Rabbi Shkop's Talmudic novellae are still studied in yeshivos throughout the world today. Sha'arei Yosher is largely concerned with the intellectual principles by which the law is established, rather than with concrete laws, and is stylistically similar to the Shev Shema'tata of Aryeh Leib HaCohen Heller, on which it was partly based. As the Russian army was about to enter Grodno during World War II, he ordered his students to flee to Vilna and he himself died two days later on the 9th of Cheshvan 5700 (1939) in Grodno. Including his death, the Jewish people lost three Rabbis and Torah giants in 10 months: Harav Shimon Shkop, Harav Boruch Ber Leibowitz of Kamenitz and Harav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski. He is buried in the Jewish cemetery in the Zaniemanski Forshtat section of Grodno.

1939: Birthdate of English professional football player George Cohen who was on the 1966 World Cup Team.

1939: The Brooklyn Dodgers, whose roster included Ed Merlin and Leo Disend defeated the Philadelphia Eagles led by Fullback  “Dynamite” Dave Smulker in the first televised professional football game which “was played in Ebbetts Field before 13,000 people” at a time where there were “approximately 1,000 television sets in New York City.”

1940(20th of Tishrei, 5701): Sixth Day of Sukkoth

1940: In Luxembourg, the Nazis destroy the synagogue of Escj/

1940: The Nazis deported 6,300 Jews living in Baden, the Saar and the Palatinate where there had been Jewish  since the 14th century to the Gurs Concentration Camp in southern France which was the first stop on the trip the death camps in Poland.

1940: Jewish business owners in the Netherlands must register their businesses with the occupying Nazis.

1940: Today, during the “Wagner-Bürckel Action” the last Jews from Kippenheim, Germany  were deported to the Gurs camp.”

1941: Birthdate of Max Apple, author of I Love Gootie: My Grandmother’s Story and The Jew of Home Depot and Other Stories

1941: Rear Admiral Joseph Taussign who had been forced to retire in September, 1941 “due to his age, despite his petition to continue on active duty with the impending international crisis” and whose 1940 before Congress had accurately predicted the coming war with Japan, today was reported to the rank of Vice Admiral.

1941: The Rumanian command headquarters for the ODESSA "ACTION" were blown up. Seventeen Rumanians and four Germans were killed. In reprisal for this apparent act of defiance over 5,000 Jews were rounded up in Odessa and shot dead the next day. Considering what the Nazis did to the Jews of the Soviet Union, it is always amazing to read about the excuses that were concocted for various mass murders.

1942:  The keel was laid for the HMS Totem which would renamed INS Dakar when the Israelis purchased the submarine from the British in 1965.

1942(11th of Cheshvan, 5703): Sixty-nine-year-old Dr. Sigismund Schulz Goldwater who served as Superintendent of Mount Sinai Hospital and Commissioner of Health in New York City passed away today.

1942(11th of Cheshvan, 5703): Sixty-six-year Alfred Herz, a former resident of Ostrava was transported today from Terezin to Treblinka where he was murdered.

1942(11th of Cheshvan, 5703): Icek and Fraidla Dobrzynska, Jewish parents of two children who had been deported from Poland's Lódz Ghetto in September 1942, commit suicide

1942(11th of Cheshvan, 5703): Jacob Joseph, a captain in the United States Marines Corps who was the great-grandson of Rabbi Jacob Joseph and son of New York State Senator Lazarus Joseph was killed today while fighting on Guadalcanal.

1943(23rd of Tishrei, 5704): Simchat Torah

1943: In Brooklyn, American Objectivist poet Louis Zukofsky and Celia Thaew Zukofsky, a musician and composer gave birth to composer and violinist Paul Zukofsky

1943: “Haven for Refugee Jews Planned After War in Northwest Australia” published today described “a plan to promote mass settlement of refugee Jews in the Kimberly region of northwestern Australia which was outlined by Dr. Isaac N. Steinberg, general secretary of the Freeland League for Jewish Territorial Colonization” who is “on his way to England after a four-year stay in Australia, where he investigated the possibilities of Jewish mass colonization in the northwestern section of the country.”

1944: Birthdate of “American computer company executive” Donald Sidney Teiser.

1944: The Federation of Jewish Communities officially reestablished its activities today a few days after the liberation of Belgrade, when its surviving chairman, Friedrich Pops, reopened its office. Fifty-six Jewish communities were reconstructed, and the federation, with the aid of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), engaged in a variety of welfare projects, including the reopening of the home for the aged in Zagreb, extending material aid to the needy who began to return to their daily lives, etc. It also reestablished its ties with the World Jewish Congress and other Jewish organizations.

1944: As the Soviets closed in on Budapest, 25,000 Hungarian Jews were deported and forced to dig anti-tank ditches on the Westward roads. Thousands were shot during the marches.

1945: “The Emir Abdullah Ibn Hussein, 64-year-old ruler of TransJordan, asserted today that Palestine belonged to the "whole Arab world" and that the present situation there, where domination is contested by both Jews and Arabs, was "very bad."

1945: In Chicago, at the opening session of Hadassah’s four day long convention, the 1,000 attendees passed a resolution which was “to be sent to President Truman saying that there would be backing down on Zionist demands for a Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine” and “expressing a sense of shock” that Secretary of State Byrnes had recently issued a statement disregard “the fact that the American Government already has a positive policy with regard to Palestine”

1945: The will of “Mrs. Alice Goldmark Brandeis, the widow of Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis” which was filed today “left the residue of her estate to Garfield Memorial Hospital” in Washington, DC “in memory of her husband” while also show a bequest of “$90,000 to Hadassah…for its charitable purposes to be used in Palestine.

1946: A transport ship is scheduled to leave Haifa today bound for Cyprus loaded with 800 Jews who been taken off  the SS Alma when it tried to run the British blockade designed to keep Jews from settling in Eretz Israel.

1946: Birthdate of Tel Aviv native Israel Bartal, the “Avraham Harman Professor of Jewish History, and the former Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Hebrew University” who was “one of the founders of Cathedra, the leading scholarly journal on the history of the Land of Israel.”

1947: Canadian Ethel Stark became the first woman to conduct at Carnegie Hall when she raised her baton in front of “the Montreal Women’s Symphony Orchestra, the first Canadian orchestra to play at the legendary venue.” (As reported by the Jewish Women’s Archives)

1947: In describing the tenuous situation in Jerusalem, Zipporah Borowdky, who had just arrived from the United States, wrote her parents that “Jerusalem is thick with barbed wire and barricades…I still haven’t gotten used to the idea of being frisked every time I go into a public building, even the Post Office.

1947: “Forever Amber,” a screen adaptation of the novel directed by Otto Preminger with music by David Raskin was released today in the United States.

1948: Israeli naval commandos using explosive boats sank the Egyptian flagship Emir Farouk, and damaged an Egyptian minesweeper.

1948(19th of Tishrei, 5706): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1948(19th of Tishrei, 5706): One day after having been mortally wounded during the battle to take Beersheba, 23 year old Avraham Abarzel, an Algerian native who survived the Nazi occupation of France and was serving as a member of the French Commando Company of the Palmach Hagegev’s 9th Battalion passed away after which he was buried at Kibbutz Dorot and later “re-interred at the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

1948: During the War of Independence, the Third Cease Fire went into effect. 

1948: The Arab Liberation Army did not feel itself bound by the Third Cease Fire and it  “continued to harass Israeli forces and settlements in the north. On the same day that the truce came into effect, the Arab Liberation Army violated the truce by attacking Manara, capturing the strongpoint of Sheikh Abed, repulsing counterattacks by local Israeli units, and ambushed Israeli forces attempting to relieve Manara. The IDF's Carmeli Brigade lost 33 dead and 40 wounded.”

1948: The Arab Liberation Army violated the truce by attacking Manara, capturing the strongpoint of Sheikh Abed, repulsing counterattacks by local Israeli units, and ambushed Israeli forces attempting to relieve Manara. The IDF's Carmeli Brigade lost 33 dead and 40 wounded. Manara and Misgav Am were totally cut off, and Israel's protests at the UN failed to change the situation.  [Editor’s note – the more things change, the more they stay the same.]

1948: Operation Yoav, the goal of which was to secure the Negev, came to a close today.

1948: As of today, “twelve more Spitfires were ready at Kunovice for a second Velvetta mission but Yugoslavia had rescinded permission for the Israelis to refuel” forcing Sam Pomerance to begin “stuffing even more fuel tanks into the Spitfires in the hope of extending their range to allow a non-stop flight to Israel.”

1948: Birthdate of Peter D. Kramer, the New York born psychiatrist and son of Holocaust survivors whose latest book was Ordinarily Well: The Case for Antidepressants.

1948:”Off the coast of Ashkelon, Maoz Ben Hecht took part in the attack on two Egyptian Navy ships, Emir el Farouq and the escorting minesweeper.”

1949(29th of Tishrei, 5710) Parashat Bereshit

1949: “With warning that the United Palestine Appeal is faced with an economic crisis that "may spell disaster for the Jewish State," Magistrate Morris Rothenberg of New York, acting national chairman of the Appeal, reported today that the Appeal and its agencies had incurred a deficit of $90,872,000 in the last ten years.”

1949: Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, the director of the United Nations Department of Trustees was the guest of honor at a dinner” tonight “at the Pierre Hotel where the Omega Psi Phi fraternity presented him with “its plaque for the outstanding achievement of 1948 for his mediation of the conflict in Palestine.”

1951(22nd of Tishrei, 5712): Shemini Atzeret

1951(22nd of Tishrei, 5712): Forty-eight-year-old Aaron B. Tart, “a director and former executive vice president of the Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training (ORT) passed away today in the United States Marine Hospital on Staten Island where he had been flown for treatment after getting sick “while acting as E.C.A coordinator in Saigon.

1951(22nd of Tishrei, 5712): Sixty-three-year-old Polish born, Maine-raised producer and co-founder of the American Society of Cinematographers Phil Rosen whose career spanned 35 years starting in 1915 passed away today.

1952(3rd of Cheshvan, 5713): Sixty-one-year-old bacteriologist Dr. Barnett Cohen, the Russian born son of “Louis and Rose Cohen” and “associate professor of physiological chemistry at John Hopkins University School Medicine” passed away today.

1952: The complete “Jewish Torah” was published in English for the first time. A collection of oral and written commentary (dating 200 BC to AD 500) on the first five books of the Old Testament, the Torah comprises the basic religious code of Judaism.

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported from London that Eliahu Elath, accompanied by eight senior members of his staff, presented Queen Elizabeth II with his credentials as the first Israeli ambassador to the Court of St. James.

1952: In West Homestead, PA, Dr. Harold Goldblum and Shirley (née Temeles) Goldblum gave birth to multi-talented actor Jeffrey “Jeff” Lynn Goldlbum who appeared in such films as “The Big Chill” and “The Fly.”

1953(13th of Cheshvan, 5714): Ninety-one-year-old Austrian born Louisa L. Wander, the wife of Solomon Wander and the father of Joseph and Frederick Wander passed away today after which she was buried at the Jewish People’s Cemetery in Albany, NY.

1953(13th of Cheshvan, 5714): Seventy-nine-year-old Dr. Max Danzis, the graduate of Bellevue Medical School, “the nationally known surgeon and one of the founders of Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, NJ” passed away today.

1954(25th Tishrei, 5715): Eighty-six-year-old Kovno native Selma (nee Zena) Kamaiky, the widow of Leon Kamaiky with whom she had three children – Miriam, Rebecca and Israel who waa member of the board of director of H.I.A.S. , a leader of in the Women’s Division for forty years and a director of the Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations passed away today.

1956(17th of Cheshvan, 5717): Seventy-two-year-old Benjamin Antin, a former New York State Senator and director of the Bronx Young Men’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Association whose survivors included his Robert H. Antin of Cedar Rapids, passed away today.

1956: In a second round of meetings, Israelis led by Ben-Gurion meet with the British and French at Sevres, France, to make plans for coordinating a triple military attack on Egypt.

1957: Start of the 12th season the National Basketball Season which marked the start of Earl Stroms career as an NBA referee

1958: Edgar D’Arcy McGree completed his service as Canadian Ambassador to Israel.

1958: Margaret Blanche Meagher began her service as Canadian Ambassador to Israel.

1959: In Newark, NJ, Claire (née Goldfein) and William Robert Shaiman gave birth to award winning composer and lyricist Marc Shaiman.

1960: The ITV network transmitted the first episode of “The Strange World of Gurney Slade” starring Anthony Newley today.

1961(12th of Cheshvan. 5722): Seventy-five-year-old Pinks born insurance executive Morris Gurin, the husband of Sarah Nimetz Gurin with whom he had four children – Gerald, Arnold, Ann and Gloria – and partner in Gurin and Levey, Inc. who “was first vice president of the Sholom Alechem Institute” and “director of the Yiddish Scientific Institute, known as YIVO” passed away today.

1961(12th of Cheshvan, 5722): Eighty-two-year-old film executive Joseph M. Schenck whose interest in young starlets spanned an era from Norma Talmadge to Marilyn Monroe passed away today.

1962(24th of Tishrei, 5723): Seventy-two-year-old Odessa born composer and pianist Samuil Yevgenyevich Feinberg who “was the first pianist to perform the complete The Well-Tempered Clavier by Bach in concert in the USSR passed away today in Moscow.

1962: “Israeli Ambassador Avraham Harmon was among the foreign diplomats summoned to the State Department tonight by Secretary of State Den Rusk for an emergency briefing on the United States moves in connection with the Cuban blockade crisis.” (JTA)

1963(4th of Cheshvan, 5724): Seventy-five-year-old Rabbi Isidore Meir Davidson, the husband of Rose Miriam Ginsburg Davidson whom he married in 1914 and the father of Alfred, Martin and Philip Davidson passed away today in Wilkes-Barre Township, PA after which he was buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Hanover, PA.

1963: It was reported today that “Rabbi Yakutiel Halberstam, the Rebbe of Kalusenberg who settled in Israel four years ago” will be returning the United States “because of the continuing strife over Sabbath violations in Jersualem.”

1965: Protestant theologian Paul Tillich passed away.

1966(8th of Cheshvan): Fifty-six-year-old Hyman Hirsch Shear, the Johannesburg born son of Lazar and Bleama Shear and the husband of Ruby Shear passed away today.

1966(8th of Cheshvan): Eighty-two-year-old Michael Noyk, the Lithuanian born solicitor and Irish Republic leader passed away today in London. For more see

1969: Having premiered in Germany, “Marlowe” a detective movie reminiscent of the 1940’s genre featuring music by Peter Matz was released in the United States today.

1969: “The Sterile Cuckoo” directed and co-produced by Alan J. Pakula was released today in the United States today.

1969: In Rockville, MD, Sandra L. Granzow and Arthur H. Spiegel III gave birth to Adam Spiegel, “the great-great-grandson of Joseph Spiegel, the founder of the Spiegel catalog, who gained fame as multi-talented filmmaker Spike Jonze, the winner of “the Academy Award, Golden Globe and Writers Guild of America.”

1970(22nd of Tishrei, 5731): Shmini Atzeret

1970: “The Jordanian representative at the 25th anniversary session of the United Nations accused the United States today of helping and encouraging Israeli occupation of Jordanian territory” which seems kind of strange since Jordan had illegally occupied a section of Jerusalem and the West Banks from 1948 to 1967.

1971: Today excerpts from Treemonisha, an opera by American ragtime composer Scott Joplin whose first piano teacher was German-born American Jewish music professor Julius Weiss, were presented in a concert at the Lincoln Center Library which  commemorated the recent publication of Joplin's collected works, which had been compiled and edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence.

1972(14th of Cheshvan, 5733): Sixty-one-year-old Elmira, NY native Harvard trained physician Ferdeinand Hasse, Jr, the “executive director of the Nathan Littauer Hospital” passed away today.

1973: Birthdate of Great Neck, NY native and MIT trained Iraqi-American artist Michael Rakowitz the winner the 2020 Nasher Prize awarded by the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas.

1973: Security Council Resolution 338 establishing a cease fire ending the Yom Kippur War was officially supposed to go into effect at 7 p.m. However, combat did not cease.  Syrians continued to bombard Israeli positions.  Israeli forces on the west bank ceased a major juncture of highway connecting Suez with Cairo.  In Lebanon, Fatah, the Palestinian terrorist organization announced it would not accept the cease fire and fired rockets into northern Israel.  It would be another 48 hours before the facts on the ground would reflect the desires of those on the banks of New York’s East River.

1973 Israel took full control over all Syrian positions on Mt. Hermon. (JTA)

1973: “A combined force of Egyptian paratroopers and commandos…repulsed a final Israeli effort to capture the city’ Of Ismailia.

1975(17th of Cheshvan, 5736): Seventy-three-year-old Louis Mann, “founder of the Dolly Varden women’s apparel chain and the father of two daughters – Bornie and Leila – passed away today.

1976: “Car Wash” a comedy with a script by Joel Schumacher, the son of Swedish Jew Marian Kantor Schumacher and featuring Irwin Corey and Melanie Mayron was released in the United States today.

1976: After “40 activists demonstrating in the Supreme Soviet, marched out to the reception room of the Central Committee with yellow stars on their clothes… they are detained and taken to a drunkards facility, registered and forewarned

1978(21st of Tishrei, 5739): Hoshana Raba

1978(21st of Tishrei, 5739): Eighty-seven-year-old Samuel Eliezer Goldfarb, “the New York born son of Polish immigrants Malya Molly Goldfarb and Nesanel Dovid Bryer, a cantor and small merchant” considered to be “the father of Jewish music in America” and brother of Israel Goldfarb passed away today.

1979(1st of Cheshvan, 5740): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1979(1st of Cheshvan, 5740): Seventy-year-old attorney Robert S. Benjamin  cochairman of Orion Pictures and a former cochairman of the United Artists Corporation and business partner of Arthur B. Krim who raised two children, Jonathan and Marget, with his wife, the former Jean Kortright passed away today.

1981(24th of Tishrei, 5742): Eighty-three-year-old Lily Pincus, “a social worker who founded the Institute of Marital Studies at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relationships and the author of “The Challenge of a Long Life” passed away today.

1981: Birthdate of American actor Michael Aaron Fishman best known for his portrayal of “D.J. Conner” in the long-running sitcom “Roseanne.”

1982(5th of Cheshvan, 5743): Sixty-three-year-old author and editor of some 15 books, most of them dealing with Jewish themes, Harold U. Ribalow the Kiev  born son of Menachem Ribalow founder and editor of Hadoar and the husband of Shoshana Riablow with whom he raised two children – Meir and Reena – who was “A sports columnist for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the National Jewish Post during the 1940s thru early 1950s and who was the namesake for  “The Ribalow Prize. a literary prize awarded annually by Hadassah Magazine the best work of fiction in English on a Jewish theme passed away today in New York.

1982: After having passed away two days earlier in England, Rabbi Leib Gurwicz, the Gateshead Rosh Yehsiva was laid to rest “before the onset of Shabbat” in Israel after “a gathering of more than 15,000 people heard eulogies by leading Israeli rabbis in the Kiryat Mattersdorf neighborhood.”

1983: Admiral Arnold Resnicoff remained in Beirut after yesterday’s memorial service for Sgt. Allen Soifert instead of flying back to Italy because it was Shabbat.

1984: After the Alignment agreed to join a national unity government with Likud in 1984, Sarid left the party today to join Shulamit Aloni's Ratz.”

1984: Abd Rabbo murdered Ron Levy and Revital Seri today when he “came upon the two hiking south of Jerusalem, tied them up at gunpoint, placed bags over their heads and shot them dead.” (As reported by Elhanan Miller)

1986:  Albert Szent-Györgyi, Hungarian born physiologist and Nobel Prize laureate passed away.  He was an anti-fascist who helped his Jewish friends escape from Hungary.

1989(23rd of Tishrei, 5750): Simchat Torah

1989: The funeral of Israeli journalist Dahn Ben-Amotz was held today.

1990(3rd of Cheshvan, 5751): Seventy-eight-year-old sports writer Barney Nagler who specialized in covering boxing and horseracing who was the husband of Betty Nagler and the father of Robert Nagler passed away today.

1992: “The Sisters Rosensweig,” a play by Wendy Wasserstein that focuses on three Jewish-American sisters and their lives “premiered off-Broadway in a Lincoln Center Theater production at the Mitzi Newhouse Theater.”

1993: U.S premiere of “Twenty Bucks” with a script by Leslie and Endre Bohem, co-starring David Schwimmer and photographed by Emmanuel Lubezki.

1999: Maurice Papon, an official in the Vichy French government during World War II was jailed for crime against humanity. Papon was a senior police official and instrumental in the deportation and murder of large numbers of French Jews.  He covered up his crimes for several decades but eventually he was brought to justice.

1999:  “One Day in September” an Academy Award winning documentary about the murder of the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics was released today in the United States.

1999: Barry Blaustein’s “Beyond the Mat,” a documentary about wrestlers outside of the ring was released today in the United States.

2000(23rd of Tishrei, 5761): Simchat Torah

2000: The New York Times featured reviews of two books by Jewish authors: The Fortune Tellers: Inside Wall Street's Game of Money, Media, and Manipulation by Howard Kurtz and Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik

2001: Ariel Sharon’s son Gilad “was able to get a loan at relatively high rate from the Bank Leumi” to cover part of the 1.5 million NIS that his father had had to return to donors.

2002: The Anaheim Angels defeated the Giants in the third game of the World Series. Scott Schoeneweis, whose mother was Jewish, pitched the final two innings of a 10-4 Angel victory -- he allowed no runs, struck out two, and gave up only one hit.  The Angels went on to win the series in seven games

2002: Domazlice -- An old Jewish cemetery was desecrated in a southwestern Czech town. Five tombstones were toppled at the cemetery in Domazlice, 94 miles southwest of Prague, and five copper lanterns stolen. Copper plaques with Hebrew inscriptions were removed from two tombstones.

2002: At least 14 Israelis were killed and more than 45 injured when an explosives-laden sport utility vehicle driven by a Palestinian suicide bomber rammed a bus near Hadera in northern Israel. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

2002: “An Israeli military official acknowledged today that an Air Force video appears to show Palestinians gathering in an alley near the site of a helicopter strike in the Gaza Strip, and that their presence could account for the high casualty toll in a missile attack

2004: Palestinian terrorists pounded Jewish settlements with mortar fire today, following the killing of Adnam al-Ghoul, the bombmaker responsible for the deaths of dozens of Israeli citizens, including in major suicide bombings in the 1990sin an Israeli airstrike.

2005(19th of Tishrei, 5766): Shabbat Shel Sukkoth

2005(19th of Tishrei, 5766): Alva T. “Ted” Bonda, “a partner with Howard Metzenbaum in Metzenbaum's airport parking company,” “a principal owner of the Cleveland Stokers” and the President of the Cleveland Indians for three years passed away today.

2005: The World Series in which the Houston Astros whose roster included Brad Ausmus began today.

2005:  What do you do with the Etrog after Sukkoth?  According to the Jerusalem Post, Uzi Eli the "etrog medicine man" has created a variety of etrog-based juices, tonics, pastes, and creams that are more than just medicine; they are a way of life. There is evidence that in the Middle Ages the etrog, or as it is called in English, citron, was used as a remedy for seasickness, pulmonary troubles, intestinal ailments and other disorders, according to Fruits in Warm Climates by J. Morton. Jews are not the only ones who believe the curative value of the etrog. In India, the peel is eaten to cure dysentery and halitosis, while the distilled juice is given as a sedative. In China, the peel is made into a tonic and used as a stimulant and expectorant. In West Tropical Africa, the etrog is used only as a medicine, most often against rheumatism. In Panama, etrogim are ground up and combined with other ingredients and given as an antidote for poison.

2006: The Chicago Tribune book section featured reviews of two books about I.F. Stone: All Governments: The life and Times of Rebel Journalist I.F. Stone by Myra MacPherson and The Best of I.F. Stone edited by Karl Weber

2006: University of Chicago Professor, Norman Gelb’s long-discredited theory on the Dead Scrolls has gained new support based on recent archeological digs at Qumran.  Rather than being a monastery used by the Essenes, Qumran may have been a fortress and then a pottery factory.  According to Gelb, the caves were a repository of literature brought from Jerusalem at the time of destruction of the Second Temple, placed in clay containers purchased at the pottery factory and then hidden from the Romans in the local caves.  This would mean that the Dead Scrolls are not the unitary work of one sect but a collection of literature from a variety of authors.

2006: At Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, Rabbis James Ponet is scheduled to officiate at the wedding Adam Louis Berenzweig and Anya Miriam Kamenetz, the daughter LSU English Professor Moira L. Crone and LSU English Professor Rodger L. Kamenetz who “is also the founder of the Jewish studies program” and he author of The Jew in the Lotus, Stalking Elijah, The Lowercase Jew and The Missing Jew: New and Selected Poems.

2006: The Chicago Tribune reported on Dina Babbit’s attempt to reclaim artwork she had created while an inmate at Auschwitz.  As a teenager Babbit’s life was spared because she was able to draw pictures for Dr. Josef Mengele.  Babbit has been trying to claim the paintings since 1973 when she first found out that they had survived the war.  A museum at Auschwitz has the paintings and despite repeated requests from a variety of sources claims that the only one who could make a claim for them would be Mengele since the work was done for him.  Babbit wants the art works as a way to bring some sort of closure to the evil experience she endured with her mother.

2006: Siraly (Seagull in English) the newest nightspot in Budapest opened its doors on Kiraly Street in the heart of what used to the city’s Jewish ghetto.  The three-level bar hosted a Hebrew rapper in the theater space, paintings by a young Hungarian Jew and, on the front door, a mezuzah with a playful cartoon of a little girl.  The opening is a climactic event in the Jewish gentrification on this formerly Jewish section that was laid waste by the Nazis and smothered by the Communists.

2006: The New York Times features reviews of the following books by Jewish authors and/or that featured Jewish topics including Blood Brothers: Among the Soldiers of Ward 57 by Michael Weisskopf and two books by Lemony Snicket, The End: A Series of Unfortunate Events: Book the 13th and The Beatrice Letters. Lemony Snicket is the pen name of author Daniel Handler, Jewish 33-year-old native of San Francisco

2007: At the Englert Theater in Iowa City, IA, Ambassador Samuel Lewis, one of Washington's most experienced and respected Old Middle East Hands facilitates a presentation that is part of  "US and the World," the ongoing series, which focuses on US policy in the Middle East, past, present and, so far as possible, future.

2007:  Zigota, a tiny fringe studio/movement theater ensemble presents its new show “The Passerby” at the intimate Tmumna Theatre in south Tel Aviv.

2007: “Yael Naim, the self-titled second studio album by Yael Naïm” featuring the single "New Soul" was released today “ “on the Tôt ou tard label.”

2007: The New York Times and the Washington Post each featured a review of Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House by Valerie Plame Wilson. Like Madeline Albright, Plame did not find out that she was “part Jewish” until she reached adulthood. At least one great grandfather was a rabbi.  Her husband, Joe Wilson, who was part of the “leak scandal”, has two Jewish children from his first marriage.

2007: The New Republic magazine featured a review of Fateful Choies;Ten Decisions That Changed The World, 1940-1941 by Ian Kershaw.  Kershaw views the Holocuast as one of these ten decisions.  “Kershaw argues that the Nazi program for the ‘Final Solution of the Jewish Question,’ adopted in the summer and autumn of 1941, was for Hitler a strategic decision.  In his view the war could never be won unless the Jews were destroyed.”

2008: Simchat Torah, 5769 (The Holiday Season ends)

2008: “Role Models,” a comedy directed and written by Shaker Heights, Ohio, native David Wain premiered in Westwood today.

2008: Award-winning Israeli author Etgar Keret reads from his writing as part of the Raymond Carver Reading series at Syracuse University.

2008: The New Republic includes reviews of Indignation by Philip Roth and Khibet Khizeh by S. Yizhar; translated by Nicholas de Lange.

2009(4th of Cheshvan, 5770): “Soupy Sales, whose zany television routines turned the smashing of a pie to the face into a madcap art form, died today at the age of 83”. (As reported by Richard Goldstein)

2009: The annual Presidents’ Conference comes to a close in Jerusalem.

2009: In “Examining a Man Who Was (of Wasn’t?) a Holocaust Hero” Stephen Holden reviewed Gaylen Ross’s documentary about the controversial Hungarian entitled “Killing Kasztner: The Jew Who Dealt With Nazis.”

2009: Sportswriter and author John Feinstein reads from and discusses Change-up: Mystery at the World Series, his new book for young readers (ages 9-12), at Aladdin's Lamp Children's in Arlington, Va.

2009: At the Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival a program entitled “Past Imperfect: New Jewish Fiction” provides an opportunity to meet three of the newest authors of Jewish fiction: Binnie Kirshenbaum (The Scenic Route), Jonathon Keats (The Book of the Unknown: Tales of the Thirty-Six) and Norah Labiner (German for Travelers: A Novel in 95 Lessons).

2010: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to present a program entitled “Lenin's Jewish Question” in which Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern an Associate Professor of Jewish History at Northwestern University and author of Lenin's Jewish Question is scheduled to his discoveries about Lenin’s maternal Jewish great-grandfather named Moshko Blank, “Blank's conversion to Christianity, and related questions, such as why Soviet communists sought to suppress any discussion of Lenin's Jewishness, why Russian racists attempted to portray Lenin as a Jew, and why Lenin approached the Jewish question as he did.”

2010: “Paranormal Activity 2,” produced by Jason Blum, Akiva Goldsman and Oren Peli and co-starring Molly Ephraim was released today in the United States.

2010: The Jewish People Policy's annual conference held its closing session in Jerusalem today

2011: Jews begin the cycle again with the reading on Bereshit.

2011: The 21st Holocaust Remembrance Concert, featuring the Brooklyn Philharmonic, is scheduled to take place in New York City.

2011: Firefighters battled flames at the Gilon junction and the Ahihud Forest this afternoon, after extinguishing two blazes that had broken out earlier that day and one on Friday.

2011: Israel gave Egypt a list of 81 Egyptian prisoners held in Israel to be released in exchange for Ilan Grapel, according to Egyptian newspaper Al-Youm Al-Sabeh, Army Radio reported early this morning.

2012: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to present “a play reading” of My Name is Asher Lev.

2012: The American Jewish Historical Society and Yeshiva University Museum are scheduled to present “Jews as Art Dealers and Collectors,” a panel discussion that will examine Jewish “prominence as collectors and dealers supporting their claim to membership in European high culture and making them the principal targets of Nazi dispossession

2012: “The Queen of Versailles,” directed and produced by Lauren Greenfield and starring Jackie and David A. Siegel was nominated for Best Documentary Film by the International Documentary Association (IDA)

2012: More than 2,500 people signed up to participate in a global Shema flash mob as part of a campaign to promote religious pluralism in Israel.  The gatherings early this afternoon came two days after Conservative Jewish congregations were asked to dedicate a recitation of the Shema to the topic as well.

2012: The Israeli air force hit a rocket launching squad in the northern Gaza Strip today, reportedly killing three. The airstrike came in response to rocket fire on southern Israel from Gaza and a mortar attack on an IDF patrol, military sources said.

2013: Mayor Nir Barkat defeated Moshe Lion in today’s mayoral election in Jerusalem.(As reported by Yoel Goldman)

2013: Today, “1n a panel discussion at Yeshiva University Sheldon Adelson said that the United States must get tougher about Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program

1981: Birthdate of American actor Michael Aaron Fishman best known for his portrayal of “D.J. Conner” in the long-running sitcom “Roseanne.”

2013: Rihanna is scheduled to be giving a public concert in the Tel Avi’s Park Hayarkon as the ballots from the city’s election are being counted (As reported by Renee Ghert-Zand)

2013: The JCCNV is scheduled to present “My Name Is Asher,” a play reading by Aaron Posner adapted from the novel of that name by Chaim Potok.

2013: The Israel Action Center at the JCRC is scheduled to present “Iran: The Nuclear Threat and Implications for the Greater Middle East.”

2013: The Center for Jewish History” is scheduled to present “The Jews in Poland-Lithuania and Russia – 1350 to the Present Day.”

2013: “An earthquake measuring 3.3 on the Richter scale took place today in northern Israel, according to the Israel Geophysical Institute. It is the fifth quake in the Galilee in less than a week. The quake was centered at a depth of two kilometers, beneath the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret).” (As reported by Gil Ronen)

2013: Mohamed Aazi, 28, and who helped plan the bus bombing in Tel Aviv last November in which 29 people were injured was killed in a clash this morning with Israeli Special Forces.

2014: The American Sephardi Federation and Congregation Shearith Israel is scheduled to present Mimouna’s Moroccan Jewish Caravan: “Preserving the Past, Connecting in the Present & Building the Future.”

2014: Hilma Wolitzer, author of An Available Man: A Novel, and her daughter Meg, author of the literary sensation The Interestings and the new young adult novel Belzhar are scheduled to discuss their writing and the family influences that have shaped their work at the Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival.

2014: A resident of Gaza was arrested on Wednesday morning by security forces after having illegally infiltrated into Israeli territory. (As reported by Ari Yashar)

2014: “The world-leading Israeli defense company Elbit Systems announced today that it has been awarded contracts from an unnamed Asian country for roughly $85 million, as Israel's Asian ties continue to blossom.” (As reported by Ari Yashar)

2014(28th of Tishrei, 5775): Fifty-six-year-old “Rabbi Dr. Judith Abrams, the founder and director of the online Talmud learning website, MAQOM, died of a heart attack today in Houston.”

2014: “A baby girl was killed and eight people were injured today, after a terrorist hit them with his car outside the Givat Hatachmoshet (Ammunition Hill) Light Rail stop.” (As reported by Tova Dronin)

2014: “NBC freelance cameraman Ashoka Mukpo, who contracted Ebola while working in West Africa, is free of the virus and will leave the Nebraska Medical Center today.” (As reported by Daily Forward)

2015: In Iowa City, the University Iowa Office Of Research & Economic Development is scheduled to host a lecture by Israeli author Etgar Keret, author of The Seven Good Years

2015: Leslie Epstein, an American novelist who grew up surrounded by some of the luminaries of Hollywood's Golden Age, speaks about his experience as the son and nephew of the writers of Casablanca and dozens of other classic films is scheduled to lecture on Behind the Scenes: Growing Up Jewish In Hollywood sponsored by the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center.

2015: Richard Baranick and three of the surviving “Monuments Men” – “Harry Ettlinger, Motoko Furjishiro Huthwaite and Bernard Taper – were honored today with the Congressional Gold Medal.”

2015: Sidney “Blumenthal’s name came up today during” the United States House Select Committee on Benghazi “public questioning of Hillary Clinton at which time a motion calling for Blumenthal’s deposition to be made public was defeated by the Republicans in a straight party line committee vote.

2015: In Los Angeles, celebrities including Israeli movie star Odeya Rush, actress Karla Souza, actor Michael Richards and comedian Jerry Seinfeld attended the third annual Red Star Ball sponsored by The American Friends of Magen David Adom

2015(9th of Cheshvan, 5776): Seventy-eight-year-old Tony and Emmy award nominated author Jerome Kass, the husband of Delia Ephron passed away today. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2015: Former BBC investigative journalist and television producer Dina Gold is scheduled to recount her successful legal battle to reclaim a building originally owned by her German ancestors and seized by the Reichsbahn, Hitler's railways, in 1937 in a lecture co-sponsored by the Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival entitled “Stolen Legacy: Nazi Theft and the Quest for Justice at Krausentrasse 17/18 Berlin.”  

2016(20th of Tishrei, 5777):  Shabbat Chol Hamoe’ed

2016: Hollywood superstar Scarlett Johansson swapped the red carpet for a turn behind the counter at her new popcorn shop in Paris today where she “dished out the crunchy treat to punters at the launch of the Yummy Pop store she and husband Romain Dauriac have opened in the city’s trendy Marais district.”

2016: “Night” an exhibition of work by Israeli Michal Rovner is scheduled to come to close at the Pace Gallery.

2016: The Cornelia Street Café is scheduled to host a performance by Israeli-born jazz guitarist Gilad Hekselman

2016: In NYC, the Beer Garden is scheduled to host Sukktoberfest! Completed with “ice cold harvest beer, glatt kosher bratwurst, a band and a Sukkah.”

2017: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including For Two Thousand Years by Mihail Sebastian and the recently released paperback editions of The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel by Uri Bar-Joseph and Twenty-Six Seconds: A Personal History of the Zapruder Film by Alexandra Zapruder.

2017: As part of the 2017 Rabbi Jeff Portman Lecture Series, Dr. Robert Cargill is scheduled to present “When Tobias Met Sarah, A Romance.”

2017: Temple Israel Ner Tamid is scheduled to host 2016 Reuben Award Winner, cartoonist Terri Libenson speaking on “A Jewish Family Invades the Comics.

2017: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to host “A celebration of the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Jewish Labor Bund, the socialist movement which has figured so prominently in the history of Eastern European and World Jewry.”

2017: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker is scheduled to host “Middle East Security: Fresh Takes on Long-Standing Challenges.”

2017: “The Wedding Bar and Bat Mitzvah Show – Simchas Live” is scheduled to take place at the Village Hotel Watford

2017: Today, “the Los Angeles Times reported that 38 women have accused Academy Award winning screenwriter James Toback, the Manhattan born son of “Selma Judith (née Levy), a president of the League of Women Voters” and “Irwin Lionel Toback, a stockbroker and former vice president of Dreyfus & Company” “of sexual harassment or assault.”

2017: The Sydney Jewish Museum is scheduled to host a book launch for When Freedom Beckons; The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the Jewish Journey to Australia by Vasilios Vasilas

2018: The ASF’s Sephardi Scholars Series is scheduled to present “Synagogue of Iran: Design and Development in Urban Contest” During which “Professor Mohammad Gharipour will discuss his research and recently published book, Synagogues of the Islamic World: Architecture, Design, and Identity (Edinburgh University Press, 2017), which explores how the architecture of synagogues in Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and Spain responded to contextual issues and traditions, as well as how these contexts influenced the design and evolution of synagogues.”

2018: In London, at the Jewish Museum, Dominik Czechowski is scheduled to deliver a talk on “The Charms of Frankenstein.”

2019: A “pipe bomb” found in “a mailbox at the home of George Soros” was “proactively detonated by bomb squad technicians.”

2018: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host an evening with author Gary Shteyngart whose most recent work was Lake Success

2019: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host both a Simchat Torah service and a “women’s service with torah dancing” followed by a lunch and dinner that evening.

2019: In San Francisco, this evening the “Weird Film Fest is scheduled to host a screening of “ The Last Shepherd.” a “2015 Israeli comedy-adventure about Kabbalists vs. an angry archangel and a secret government agency.”

2019: In Iowa City, the Hillel Chapter at the University of Iowa is scheduled to host a community wide evening concert featuring scholar in residence Eliana Light.

2019: The Baruch Performing Arts Center is scheduled to host Alon Goldstein, performing “The Art of Imagination,” “a solo recital featuring works by Scarlatti, Beethoven, Janacek, Debussy and Ginastera.”

2019(23rd of Tishrei, 5780): Simchat Torah

2020: “In a partnership with Classrooms Without Borders, the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage is scheduled to present the film “The Day I Met Hitler” followed by a post-film discussion with the filmmakers.”

2020: The Center for Jewish History and JDC Archives are scheduled to present via ZOOM “The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to the Rescue in Shanghai: From 1941 to 1951”

featuring Sara Halpern

2020: The Epstein Hillel School is scheduled to present its “Virtual Gala 2020” where it “will honor former board president and current Hillel trustee Bob Goldman with the Dr. Bennett I. Solomon Community Leadership Award.”

2020: “LABA East Bay is scheduled to present a teaching on boundary-pushing Jews and a performance by theater artist Sara Felder that mixes juggling, personal narrative, social justice and circus shtick.”

2020: In Ohio, B’nai Jeshurun Congregation is scheduled to host a virtual session on “Ethical & Ritual Issues Through the Lens of Conservative Jewish Law with Rabbi Stephen Weiss.”

2020: North Peninsula Chabad is scheduled to present Biblical archaeological scholar Rabbi Avraham Stolik talking about the Underground Secrets of the Temple Mount.”

2021: Israel designated six so-called Palestinian rights watchdogs as terrorist organizations after Defense Minister Benny Gantz ruled that the “were a front”  for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a terrorist group “that does not recognize the State of Israel.

2022: Sam Shleifer is schooled to be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah at Temple Judea in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

2022: Rabbis Aliza Berger and Jen Gubitz, along with artist in residence, Jeremiah Klarman, are scheduled to perform  an hour of song and community on at University Lutheran Church in Cambridge as we celebrate the many blessings of the new year.

2022: The San Francisco Playhouse is scheduled to host a performance of “Indecent,” a play written by Paula Vogel based on events surrounding the scandalous Broadway debut of Sholem Asch’s “The God of Vengeance,” considered by some as a seminal work of early Yiddish theater as traitorous libel by other.”

2022(27th of Tishrei, 5783):Parashat Bereshit (In the beginning)

2023: In New Jersey, the Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County is scheduled to present the “Vic Schioppo and Bethe Burns: Tribute to Stephen Sondheim Concert.”

2023: Tablet magazine is scheduled to host a screening of “Carlos” which shows the anti-Semitic side of the terrorist followed by a Q & A with director Olver Assayas who according to one source is the son of a  father of “Turkish-Jewish” origin.

2023: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Collison of Power: Trump, Bezos and the Washington Post and The Times: How the Newspaper of Record Survived Scandal, Scorn, and the Transformation of Journalism by Adam Nagourney.

2023: In Atlanta, GA, “in the wake of the war in Israel today’s scheduled debut of The Temple Chamber Players concert series will be a benefit, with a portion of the proceeds going to Magen David Adom, Israel’s national emergency medical, ambulance and blood bank service – similar to the American Red Cross.”

2023: The Museum at Eldridge Street's beautiful Main Sanctuary is scheduled to be the site “for an afternoon of music with our friend Jake Shulman-Ment, "considered one of the finest klezmer fiddlers on the planet" (Jon Kalish, NPR), and cantor Yoel Kohn, who will perform the kind of traditional chazones (cantorial music) one might have heard at the Eldridge Street Synagogue at the turn of the century.”

2023: Detroit Police Chief James White “said an update on the investigation” into the stabbing death of Rabbi Samantha Wolf “would come” today.

2023: As October 22 begins in Israel,  aid trucks have moved into Gaza, police in Cyprus are holding four Syrians on suspicion of setting off a pipe bomb near the Israeli embassy and  “as the country mourns its dead, the list now includes Staff Sgt. (res.) Omer Blava who had flown form the United States to reports and who was a casualty of the Hezbollah “attacks” on the northern border. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)

2024: Comedy for Korby, featuring Tom Cotter, Judy Gold, Nick Griffin and Avi Liberman is scheduled to appear at the ZOA House in Tel Aviv.

2024: The Hadassah Brandeis Institute is scheduled to present “Jewish Ritual Innovation After 10/7: Hope, Resilience and Memory” as seen by Rabbi Vanessa Ochs, Ph.D., an ethnographer of Jewish practice and material culture and a professor emeritus in the UVA Department of Religious Studies and Jewish Studies Program. 

2024: By examining appalling and acute situations in which the Jewish people have found themselves, such as the Warsaw ghetto, Trudy Gold is scheduled to examine the nature of heroism and the variety of forms it can take in a virtual lecture hosted by Lockdown University.

2024: The Museum at Eldridge Street a holiday lecture on “Why Do Jews Eat in the Sukkah?” which is “a virtual talk exploring the festival of Sukkot with religion scholar Raymond Jasen.”

2024: LBI is scheduled to host a lecture by John Ganz and Gavriel D. Rosenfeld on “Anti-Semitism As A Pillar of Fascism.”

2024:In Columbus, OH, the Tifereth Israel Men’s Club is scheduled to host “Salmon, Steak, and Scotch in the Sukkah”

2024: The Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans is scheduled to host a reception complete with Kosher Style Light Hors D'oeuvre & Wine celebrating the life and legacy of Oscar J. Tolmas.

2024(20th of Tishrei, 5785): Fifth Day of Sukkot; for more see Weekly Torah Reading / Weekly Torah Portion and This Day ... In Jewish History

2024: As October 22nd begins in Israel, an  unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 382 in captivity while Israelis brace for more rocket attacks by Hezbollah  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)








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