March 4
(1st of Nisan, 3303): According to chapter 7, verse 9 of the Book of Ezra, Ezra
and his followers left Babylonia for Jerusalem
Saladin, the great Moslem leader, passed away.
Among Saladin’s many accomplishments were the re-taking of Jerusalem
from the Crusaders and his subsequent defeat of Richard the Lionhearted. Saladin had begun his leadership career in
Egypt where Maimonides served as physician to his court. There is some question as to whether
Maimonides provided medical services to Saladin or to his brother-in-law and
his entourage.
Frederick Barbarossa, who unlike other Crusaders, sought to protect the
Jews, warning local priests and monks not to preach against the Jews and tell the
Diet (Parliament) that anybody who killed a Jew would forfeit his own life
which lead a Jewish commentator of that time to write, "Frederick
defended us with all his might and enabled us to live among our enemies, so
that no one harmed the Jews ‘was elected Roman-German king.’ today
King John of England makes an oath to the Pope as a crusader to gain the
support of Innocent III. While they may
have been odds over many issues, the two leaders both held firm to the concept
of allowing the Jews to exist, but in a state of humiliation. In 1210, John imprisoned the Jews of Bristol
and demanded 66,000 in ransom as the price of their freedom. To move the process along, John reportedly
had the teeth of the prisoners extracted one at a time until they agreed to the
payment. Such was his treatment of the Jews, that Barons included special
language about the treatment of the Jews in the Magna Carta. The Fourth Lateran
Council over which Innocent actively presided adopted several cannons attacking
Jews including the denying them the right to hold office and the requirement to
wear distinctive dress.
Impia Gens issued by Pope Innocent IV today in a letter to the King Louis IX of
France, ordered the Talmud to be burned. Two months later( May 9), he also
issued papal bull Impia judeorum perfidia (The Disrespectful, Deceitful Jews)
callint the Jews a perfidious race and reaffirming the restrictions on Jews
implemented by Pope Gregory IX. The Talmud was banned and Jews were prohibited
from hiring Catholics for manual labor to avoid their faith becoming confused.
1277: “Emperor Rudolph of Hapsburg granted a charter of rights to the Jews of Prussia.”
1349: Birthdate of Prince Henry the Navigator. The Portuguese prince earned his sobriquet
and place in history for supporting ever more ambitious efforts to explore the
uncharted waters of the Atlantic Ocean and beyond. His efforts were financed and encouraged by
the family of Don Judah Abarbanel a wealthy refugee from Spanish persecution
who served as financer and confident to two generations of Portuguese monarchs.
Władysław II Jagiełło (Jogaila) is crowned King of Poland. The situation of the
Jews in Poland had already begun to deteriorate prior to his kingship. In the middle of the century, the Jews were
blamed for the Black Plague and attacked by the countrymen. Under Wladislaus II and his successors the
first extensive persecutions of the Jews in Poland commenced, persecutions
which the monarch did not act to stop.
According to some records, today Columbus arrived in Lisbon from which he sent
the letter that described the results of his first voyage. The letter was
addressed to Luis de Santangel, the converso who, as finance minister, had
convinced the Spanish monarchs to finance the voyage.
In Cairo, Mohamed Bey freed the Jews who had been imprisoned by the viceroy
Ahmed Schaitan on the day on which he planned to kill them. Ahmed had rebelled against the Sultan and
when a Jewish leader, Abraham de Castro, exposed the plot, Ahmed responded by
demanding a ransom from the Jews of Cairo and then imprisoning them once they
had brought him the money. This day of
deliverance is celebrated as the Purim of Cairo.
of Adar): Rabbi Issachar Baer, author Arba’ah Hadashim passed away
The Second Anglo-Dutch broke out today; a naval battle between two European
countries whose Jewish communities were intertwined.
Jews of Lubeck, Germany, were expelled.
Birthdate of Tuscan poet Solomon Fiorentino who wrote “Elegie” after the death
of his wife Laura Gallico and was the father of Hebrew teacher Angiolo
9th of Adar II, 5521): London physician Meyer Low Schomberg, the
German born son of Low Schomberg, the brother of “Salomon, Hertz and Gerson
Schomberg” and the father of physicians Isaac Raphael and Joel Schomberg as
well as Moses, Solomon, Rebecca, Alexander and Henry Schomberg passed away
today after having alienated himself from the London Jewish community because
of his feud with Jacob de Castro Sarmento
of Adar, 5528): Shushan Purim
Birthdate of Muhammed Ali the Ottoman Albanian viceroy and governor who became
the de facto ruler of Egypt from 1805 to 1848, widely considered the founder of
modern Egypt who annexed Jerusalem in 1831 providing “a window of opportunity
for the Perushim, “Jewish disciples of the Vilna Gaon, Elijah ben Solomon
Zalman, who left Lithuania at the beginning of the 19th century to settle in
the Land of Israel”
In London, Haham Moses Cohen d’Azvedo, the London born son Daniel David Cohen
d’Azvedo and Sara Cohen d”Azvedo, and his wife Sara de Abraham Cohen d’Azvedo
gave birth to Samuel Cohen D’Azvedo
Lancaster, PA native Shinah Solomon and Frankfurt, Germany native Elijah Etting
gave birth to Hetty Etting.
of Adar, 5536): Fast of Esther; Erev Purim
In Philadelphia, PA Miriam Simon and Michael Gratz gave birth to Rebecca Gratz,
one of the most important Jewish women of the 19th century who
according to some was the role model for the character in the novel Ivanhoe.
of Adar, 5547): Purim
James Madison, who championed religious liberty through the Bill of Rights
began serving as a member of the U.S House of Representatives from Virginia.
Vermont is the 14th state to join the Union. It is the first state to join the original 13
states. Today Vermont boasts a vibrant,
if small, Jewish community. This
includes houses of worship in at least half a dozen cities, a Chabad in
Burlington and Hillel chapters at two of the state’s universities.
1791: A Christian in Alsace was punished by
the Church for lighting a fire for a Jew on Shabbat.
Israel Jacobs of Pennsylvania took his seat as the first Jewish member of the
United States House of Representatives.
1793: Philadelphia native “Catherine” Bush and
London born Myer S. Solomon gave birth to Alexander Solomon.
1795(13th of Adar, 5555): Fast of Esther;
erev Purim on the same day “the 4th United States Congress convened in Philadelphia,
1796: In Richmond VA, Richea Myers and Joseph Marx
gave birth to Samuel Marx.
1797: John Adams was sworn in as second President of
the United States, succeeding George Washington providing proof that orderly
transfer of power, including the acceptance of the outcome of elections, is a
uniquely American gift to the world of political science. At the national
level, the U.S. failed to abide by this and the result was four violent years
of Civil War. There are those who would
say that the Jewish people have been able to thrive in America because of the
stability of the society and because of its respect for the rule of law as
epitomized by this seemingly simple event.
Adams, like so many of his New England contemporaries was greatly
influenced by his reading of what he called “the Old Testament.” The images of George III as Pharaoh and the
colonists as the modern-day Israelites fighting tyranny provide a couple cover
for what others might have called treason.
Adams was an early Zionist, writing to the Jewish leader Mordechai
Manuel Noah, “I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent
nation.” For more about the views of our
Second President on the Jewish people see
Catholic women were forced to do penance for kindling fire for Jews on
Either this is the same episode reported at two different times or being a
"Shabbos Goy" was a big no-no among the Catholic hierarchy.
Birthdate of Abigail Judah, the daughter of Baruch Juda, the wife of Moses
Judah and the mother of Rachel Judah.
Under cover of night, between the 3rd and the 4th of March, work commenced- the
erecting of five batteries, four against the southern wall and one in support
of the northern sector.13 The artillery park at Napoleon¹s command consisted
only of field pieces, mostly of 12, 8, 6 and 3 "pouces" (=inches of
2.7 cm), of howitzers of 6 pouces and of 6-pouce mortars,14 since the heavy
artillery had all been loaded for transfer to Acre bay onto the ships of the
flotilla commanded by captain Standelet, and onto the freighters that had been
collected for that purpose in the Egyptian harbors. Those ships were only just
then commencing their journey north, without the means of contact with the land
forces, and Napoleon was compelled to make do with the lighter ordnance at his
command. However, he did not seem to have been unduly worried. Most probably,
the outward appearance of these antiquated walls revived his confidence in the
description of M. de Volney, who, in 1784, had called the ramparts of Jaffa
"mere garden walls."
In Piemonte, Italy, Sabino Leonino Sacerdote gave birth toe Barone Abram David
Leonino Sacerdote the husband of Easter Leonino and “father of Elena Pereyra;
Baron Sabino Leonino; Baron Joseph Leonino and Nina Leonino:
Birthdate of Charleston SC native and cousin of the renowned Judah P. Benjamin,
Henry Michael Hyams who “served as the 7th Lieutenant Governor of
Louisiana from 1862 to 1864l
Adar, 5569): Parashat Ki Tisa
James Monroe, who had helped draft the Bill of Rights which included language
intended to protect the religious liberty of all Americans, including its
Jewish citizens, began serving as President of the United States.
1813: Baptism of
Franz Delitzsch “a German Lutheran theologian and Hebraist” who wrote many
commentaries on books of the Bible, Jewish antiquities, Biblical psychology, as
well as a history of Jewish poetry, and works of Christian apologetics” while
also translating the New Testament into Hebrew and raising his son, “an
influential Assyriologist and author of works on Assyrian language, literature,
and history.
1817: On the day after Shushan Purim, James
Madison, who had appointed Mordecai Noah to serve as Counsel to Tunis after the
latter had turned down an appointment to serve as U.S. Consul to Riga completed
his second and final term as President of the United States.
1817(16th of Adar, 5577): Grace
Mears, the wife of “Haim” Levy with whom she had two children – Judith and
Moses – passed away today.
1818: Birthdate of future Kansas City resident
Louis Berkowitz, the husband of Henrietta Jaruslawski Berkowit with whom he had
seven children – Sarah, Benjamin, Albert, Henry, Rose William and Maurice.
1820: Alexander I of Russia prohibited the
employment of Christian servants by Jews.
of Adar): Eighty-two-year-old Isaac
Franks the American patriot from Philadelphia who served in the Continental
Army passed away.
of Adar, 5585): Purim observed on the same day that John Quincy Adams takes the
oath of office as president of the United States.
1826: In St. Thomas, Jacob and Leah Biaz gave
birth to Sarah Henriquez Morón
1829(29th of Adar I, 5589):
Forty-six-year-old attorney Judah Zuntz, the son of Alexander Zuntz who was a
member of Shearith Israel and a supporter of Moses Elias Levy’s plan for
educating Jewish youth passed away today after which he was buried in the First
Cemetery of Congregation Shearith Israel.
1833(13th of Adar, 5593): Fast of
Esther; Erev Purim
1836(15th of Adar, 5596): Shushan
1837(27th of Adar I, 5597): Parashat
Vayakhel and Shabbat Shekalim
1837: Chicago receives its official charter by
the state of Illinois. Jews first came to Chicago from Prussia, Austria,
Bohemia and sections of modern-day Poland, fleeing oppression to settle in the
Chicago area as early as 1832. Kehilat Anshe Mayriv (Congregation of the People
of the West), Chicago's first Jewish congregation, was founded in 1847; in 1851
KAM built the city's first synagogue at Clark and Jackson streets, a site now
occupied by the Kluczynski Federal Building. It was followed by B'nai Shalom,
in 1852, and Chicago Sinai, the city's first Reform congregation, in 1861. The
expansion of the Jewish community was slow but steady. In 1871, the Great Fire
destroyed many residences near the downtown business district, forcing
thousands of people to relocate. The more prosperous German Jews, who made up
the majority, moved south along Michigan, Wabash and Indiana avenues,
eventually settling in Washington Park, Kenwood, Hyde Park and South Shore; the
Eastern European Jews moved west of the central business district in the
vicinity of Maxwell Street. Between 1880 and 1900, a new wave of 55,000 Russian
and Polish Jews crowded into the Maxwell Street market neighborhood. Yiddish
was the language of choice. Dozens of Hebrew schools and Yiddish theaters were
organized, and 40 Orthodox shuls were built within walking distance of Halsted
and Maxwell streets. As successive waves of Jewish immigrants became settled
and successful, the Jewish community began expanding. In addition to continued
growth on the South Side, neighborhoods such as Lawndale and Douglas Park on
the West Side and Albany Park, Humboldt Park, Lake View, Uptown and Edgewater
on the North Side became vibrant Jewish communities. Many Chicago Jews today
trace their roots in this city to one or more of these areas.
1838: The first Sunday School for Jewish
students, under the direction of the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society, opened
today in Philadelphia, PA.
1839: In Württemberg, Germany, Bernhard
Frankfurter, the son of Moses Levi Frankfurter and Mirjam Landauer, and his
wife Esther Frank gave birth to Henriette Emma Frankfurter
of Adar, 5604): Fast of Esther; erev Purim
1849: In Poland, Saul
and Mollie Levy gave birth to Isaac D. Levy, the husband of Mollie Wolfe Levy
and Aaron and Hary Levy.
Austrian Jews were granted equal civil and political rights under the new
constitution. The imperial government would renege on its promise and full
rights would not be finally granted until 1867.
In Winnsboro SC, Sailing and Sarah Cohen Wolfe gave birth to Isabel “Belle”
Wolfe Baruch, the Winnsboro, SC, the wife of Dr. Simon Baruch and the mother of
Hartwig, Bernard, Herman and Sailing Baruch
In Paris, “Prof. Hermann G. Ollendorff and Dorothea Ollendorff” gave birth to
art critic and Franco-Prussian War veteran Gustave Ollendorff who along with is
brother Paul “received his Jewish education from the chief rabbi Zado Kahn” and
who was the was president of the Union Française de
la Jeunesse, which he founded immediately after the close of the war” while
also serving as at the head of the bureau of museums, expositions, and art in
the department of the fine arts
Fifty-year old businessman, militia colonel and Democrat Party member Emanuel
Bernard Hart began serving his first and only term as a member of the U.S.
House of Representatives, making him the first Jews to serve in Congress.
Alexander Samuel Joseph, the ten-month-old son of Simon and Eliza Joseph was
buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”
Philip Phillips began serving as a U.S. Congressman representing Alabama’s 1st
of Adar, 5615): Purim
After having been out of office for four years, David Yulee, the first Jew
elected to the United States, began his second term in office today.
Philadelphia Democrat Henry Myer Phillips began service as a member of the U.S.
House Representatives
Birthdate of Bernard Steinharter, the husband of Rebecca Swope Steinharter whom
he married in 1879 and the father of Corinne Steinharter Frank, who was buried
in the Walnut Hills Jewish Cemetery when he passed away in 1920.
In Charleston, SC, Rabbi Solomon Jacobs officiated at the wedding of Mr. Magnus
of Rome, GA and Rebecca Alexander the youngest daughter of the late Abraham
Mary Levy and John Fileman gave birth to Rachel Fileman
Edmund Myer Tobias married Adeline Miriam Alexander today at “Bristol, (Avon),
of Adar I, 5619): Sixty-six-year-old Frances Cohen, the daughter Hymen Cohen
and the former Zipporah Isaacs passed away today in London.
Birthdate of Russian native an future resident of Atlanta, GA, Clara Mitnick
Massell, the wife of Raphael M. Massell with whom she had five children –
Benjamin, Levi, Samuel, Alan, Rebie and Jacob.
Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the 16th President of the United
States. Lincoln sensitivity to Jewish
can be seen in the way he handled the law that allowed Jews to serve as
Chaplains and the aftermath of General Grant’s infamous order banning Jews from
the area under his command. But
Lincoln’s greatest contribution to the welfare of the Jewish people was his
successful effort to save “the last best hope of man” which has provided Jews
with unprecedented opportunity.
“From the African Coast” published today described the travels of the USS Saratoga through the waters of the
South Atlantic including a stop at the island of St. Helena where the ship took
on provisions. According to the author, the Jews on the island exploited the
plight of the American naval vessel, selling spoiled and overpriced supplies
and even exchanging money at rate that exploited the Americans. “The Jews of
St. Helena took money out of us and tucked sour flour and bad rice into us,
sold us Spanish dollars at 4s. 2d., and took them at 3s. 9d., was a caution,
never to come again if we can help it. Even the common necessaries of life were
in price luxuries -- for instance, beef, 60c. per pound; mutton, do.; butter,
55c. per pound; eggs, 5c. each, &c., &c.” [It is difficult to know who
these Jews were. During the 1820’s,
Nathanial Isaacs uncle served on St. Helena as the counsel for France and
Holland. Saul Solomon who converted to Christianity was born in St. Helena in
1817 but left to find fame and fortune in South Africa. “The few other St.
Helena Jews who settled” on St. Helena “during Napoleon's banishment, the
Gideon, the Moss, and the Isaacs families, were all related to” Solomon, and,
like him “most of them drifted from Judaism.”
1863(13th of Adar, 5623): Ta’anit Esther; Erev
1863: Myer Strouse, the Bavarian born American editor, lawyer
and Democrat politician began the first of his two terms as a Congressman from
1863: A rumor from Jackson, Miss., says that a Jew has
been arrested on the charge of offering to spike the guns at Port Hudson for
1863: William Sprague completed his term as governor of
Rhode Island and took his seat in the United States Senate representing his
home state. While in the Senate Sprague
would explain away the suffering of the Jews of Romania as being the result of
their taking away the lands and livelihood of the Christian, a pattern that he
implied could be repeated in the United States.
Sprague’s words take on additional weight because he was not just an
ordinary political hack. He was a successful businessman who supported Abraham
Lincoln and was the son-in-law of Salmon Chase, the powerful Republican
politician who served as Secretary of the Treasury and Chief Justice of the
U.S. Supreme Court.
1863: Myer Strouse, the Bavarian born American editor, lawyer
and Democrat politician began the second of his two terms as a Congressman from
German born, Tulane University graduate George Michael Deck Hahn began servings
as the 19th Governor of Louisiana.
1865: Birthdate of Lieutenant General Sir George Mark
Watson Macdonogh, that rarity among British officers, “a Zionist sympathizer”
who was a close enough friend of Chaim Weizmann, that Jewish leader discussed
the possibility of having Herbert Samuel removed as British High Commissioner
following the issuan”ce of the report issued by the Haycroft Commission of
German born, Tulane University graduate George Michael Deck Hahn ended his term
in office as the 19th
Governor of Louisiana.
1866: The Purim Ball: The Wonders or a Persian Temple-A
Glimpse of the Glories of Babylon Fun, Frolic and Phantasmagoria” published
today described the celebration of the Purim Ball in New York City which was
“duly celebrated…with all the pomp, display an out-rivaling effectiveness which
was promised for it by its promoters.”
1868: Birthdate of Kiev native,
“Talmudist and Hebrew scholar,” Max Jacobs, a partener in the firm of Jacobs
and Janowitch and the husband of the fromer Sonia Feldman whom he married in
July, 1893 and with whom he had four children – Moe, Libbie, Sadye and
Elizabeth – who “has helped various Jewish in situtions in New Haven and New
York and who is the borther of J.L. Jacob “a prominent engineer in Chicago.”
1869: William Seward who had served as
Secretary of State under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson completed his service
in this office following which he took a tour around the world which included a
stop in Jerusalem and Palestine which he had first visited in 1859. Seward
described in the Jews as “the builders and the founders of “ Jeruslaem.
1870(1st of Adar II, 5630):
Rosh Chodesh Adar II
1870: President U.S. Grant appointed Civil War hero
Edward Selig Salomon governor of Washington Territory (the future state of
Washington, not D.C.)
1870: Six days after she had passed away in France,
Octavia Dresden, the daughter of Edward Emanuel and Rosetta Mischolls, the wife
of Ephraim Dresden and the mother of Mathilda, Ernest and Edmond Dresden was
buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”
1871: In France, Israël-Vita Lattès and Marie ép.
Lattès gave birth to Eveline Bethsabée Lattès ép. Mayrargue the wife of Henri
Daniel Mayrargue.
1871: Robert C. De Large, the son of
black woman and Jewish man, began serving in the U.S. Representatives as a
member from South Carolina’s 2nd district. A Republican, he had served in the state
legislature and as state land commissioner before being elected to Congress.
1872: In Tilsit, East Prussia, Abraham
Weil, the son of Salomon Weil, and the former Berta Seligman gave birth to
their son Karl Fischel.
1873(5th of Adar, 5633):
Sixty-seven-year-old Bohemia native Siegfried Becher, the University of Prague
and University of Vienna educated economist who taught at the Polytechnic
Institute in Vienna and was employed in the ministry of commerce from 1848 to
1851 passed away today.
1873: Two days after she had passed away
Rosa (Joseph) Asher, the wife of Andrew Asher, was buried today at the “West
Ham Jewish Cemetery.”1873: Two days after she had passed away, Ruth Ellen Hyam
was buried today in the UK
1874(15th of Adar, 5634):
Shushan Purim
1874: In Cincinnati, Ohio, Solomon and
Caroline Fox gave birth to Lydia Mack
1874: “The Jews In Italy” published
today contains a synopsys of an article by Dr. Berliner published in the Judische
Presse. According to Dr. Berliner there are approximately 4,500 Jews living
in Rome “most of who are destitute.”
There are 5 synagouges in Rome two of which follow the Sephardic
(Spanish) rite and three of which follow the Italian rite. One of the
synagogues dates backs to the time of Titus, the Roman who destroyed the Second
1875: It was reported today that over 2,000 tickets have
already been sold to the upcoming Hebrew Charity Ball sponsored by the Purim
1875: William Sharon began serving as U.S. Senator
from Nevada. When he passed away ten
years later, his recipients of his bequests included several California
charities including those established by the Jewish community.
1875(27th of Adar I, 5635): Rabbi Joseph Saul
Nathanson of Lemberg, author of Ner Ma’aravi, a novaellae on the Jerusalem
Talmud passed away
1876: Birthdate of Ferencz Dezso Weisz, the native of
Budapest, who “went by the name of Theodore Weiss when the family was living in
Appleton, Wisconsin” and who in 1893 as Theodore Hardeen Hardeen performed with
Houdini at Coney Island as "The Brothers Houdini:
1876: In Girait, Hungary, Maurice and Rose (Baumgarten)
Moschcowitz gave birth to American portrait painter, Paul Moschowitz, the
husband of Madeline Rabb and winner of the Silver Medal at the 1904 St. Louis
Exposition whose works included “Portrait of Young Woman in Opera Box with
Classical Background.”
1877: “The Russian Army of the South” published today
provides a detailed description of Kishinev, the city that is the headquarters
of the major Russian unit under the Grand Duke that has been mobilized in the
war against the Turks. Kishinev has a
population of 100,000, more than half of whom are Jews. [This is the same
Kishinev that will be the site of future horrible Pogroms.]
1877: Emile
Berliner invented the microphone. He
would also invent the flat disc that replaced Edison’s cylinder and became the
prototype for the record which would become the standard for the recording
industry for the better part of a hundred years.
1877: Leopold Morse began serving as a member of the
U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts’s 4th district.
1878: Birthdate of Toronto, Canada native Murray
Leonard Cohen, the Edinburgh University medical student who was buried in that
city when he passed away at the age of 24.
1878: The Great Synagogue at 187a Elizabeth Street
in Sydney, Australia was consecrated today.
1878: In New York City, Sonny and Hettie (Monsky)
Simmons gave girth to NYU trained attorney and Commander of the Spanish War
Veterans of New York Maurice Simmons who fought anti-Semitism in the National
Guard, led protests during the Kiishineff Masscrest, opposed literacy
requirements for immigrants and who got President Taft “to grant leaves of
absence to al men of the Jewish faith in various branches of military and naval
1879: It was reported today that the Purim
Association will be sponsoring a fancy-dress charity ball to be held later this
week at the Academy of Music in New York City.
1879: Cincinnati native and CCNY alum Edwin Einstein
began his serving his one term of service as a member of the House of
Representatives after which he was an unsuccessful candidate as a Republican
for the mayor of New ork.
1879(9th of Adar, 5639): Leon Hyneman passed away.
Born in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, in 1808, he “was the author of
"The Fundamental Principles of Science" and of several works on
masonic subjects, the chief among them being "The Origin of
Freemasonry" and "Freemasonry in England from 1567 to 1813."
Hyneman was one of the members of the Jewish Publication Society of America.
Among his eight children were Leona Hyneman who “under the stage name of
"Leona Moss," became a talented actress. Another daughter was Alice
Hyneman, authoress; born in Philadelphia Jan. 31, 1840; contributor to
"The North American Review"; "The Forum"; "The Popular
Science Monthly"; and the author of "Woman in Industry," a
treatise on the work of woman in America, and of "Niagara," a
descriptive record of the great cataract and its vicinity.
1879: Edwin Jonas took his seat as a United States
Senator from Louisiana making him the third Jew to serve in “the upper
1879: Edwin Einstein, a native of Cincinnati, began
to serve as a member of the U.S. House Representatives from New York’s 7th
Congressional District.
1880: Birthdate of Washington, DC native, playwright
and drama critic Channing Pollock, author of Adventures of a Happy Man.
1881: William Sharon, who would bestow a bequest of
$5,000 on the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of San Francisco, completed his term as
service as a U.S. Senator from Nevada.
1881: James G. Fair who would bestow a bequest of
$25,000 on the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of San Francisco, began his term as service
as a U.S. Senator from Nevada.
1882(13th of Adar, 5642: Triple Header –
Parashat Tetzaveh; Shabbat Zachor; Erev Purim
1882: In Syracuse, Frances Epstein and Marcus Rubin,
the father Syracuse University trained attorney J. Robert Rubin, the husband of
Reba Lillian Hitchcock whom he married in 1910 and who was vice president,
general counsel and director of MGM
1883: Leopold Morse began serving as a member of the
U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts’s 5th district.
1883: Julius Houseman began serving as a member of
the U.S. House Representatives from Michigan’s 5th district.
1884: Arthur Sebag-Montefiore and Harriett
Beddington gave birth to Charles to English stock-broker Charles Edward
Sebag-Montefiore, the husband of Muriel Alice Ruth de Pass.
1885: Birthdate of Pittsburgh native and Harvard
trained attorney Allan Davis, the president of the Menorah Society.
1885: Grover Cleveland who relied on Isidor Strauss
the co-owner of R.H. Macy and member of Congress as a trusted advisor and whom
he appointed as Ambassador to Turkey was inaugurated as 22nd
President of the United States.
1885: Julius Houseman completed his service as a
member of the House of Representatives from Michigan’s 5th district.
1885: Charles Henry Grosvenor is elected to the
House of Representatives from Ohio for the first time. His career will last until 1907, but he will
represent 3 different congressional districts.
During his career he will take part in several debates on immigration
bills during which he said “he said he would not vote for a measure framed
specially to restrict the entrance of the Russian Jews, for such a would be
charged up to him as a vote against a man on account of his religion.”
1885: Californian William W. Morrow, who would
champion the cause of Adolph Kutner, formerly of Wierbchow, Russia who was
afraid to return to his native land on business because of the Czar’s policies,
began serving a member of the House of Representatives today.
1885: Joseph Kemp Toole, who would lay the
cornerstone when construction was begun on Temple Emanu-El in Helena, Montana
began serving as the Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives from Montana
Territory’s At-large district today.
1885: Edwin Jonas, who failed to win re-election,
competed his term as a United States Senator following which he was appointed
Collector of the Port of New Orleans.
1887: James G. Fair who would bestow a bequest of
$25,000 on the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of San Francisco, completed his term as
service as a U.S. Senator from Nevada.
1887: William Stewart, who will defend the Jews of
Romania against persecution, begins serving as the U.S. Senator from Nevada.
1887: Leopold Morse began serving as a member of the
U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts’s 3rd district.
1887: Isidor Rayner began serving as a Congressman
from Maryland in the 50th U.S. House of Representatives.
1889: St. Louis newspaperman Nathan Frank began
serving as a member of the House of Representatives in the 51st
1889: In Baltimore, MD, Clara Ostro and Harris
Hirschman gave birth to Deichman College and University of Maryland medical
doctor Isidore Isaac Hirschman, an instructor at Johns Hopkins Medical School
and chief medical officer for the U.S. Veterans Bureau’s 4th
District from 1917 to 1922 who settled in Huntington, West Virginia and who was
a member of Oheb Shalom Congregation
1889: Benjamin Harrison who appointed Solomon Hirsch
of Portland, Oregon as Minister to Turkey was inaugurated as 23rd
President of the United States.
1890: Seventy-seven-year-old Franz Delitzsch, the
“Lutheran theologian and Hebraist” who “wrote many commentaries on the books of
the Bible and Jewish antiquities” and who “defended the Jewish community
against anti-Judaic attacks” passed away today.
1890: Isidor Gunsburg was among the spectators of
the chess match played between Delmar and Lipschutz at the Manhattan Chess
1890: The 29th annual ball sponsored by
the Purim Association took place this evening at the Metropolitan Opera House.
Money raised this year will go to the aid of the United Hebrew Charities.
1890: Thieves attempted to rob Solomon Barnett, a
Jewish tailor, while he was working at this shop on Lexington Avenue, near 83rd
Street in New York City.1891(24th of Adar I, 5651: Two students at the Hebrew
Union College, Isador H. Frauenthal and Ernst Sallinger, passed away today in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
1891: In Russia, Fanny Gold and Abraham M. Dubin
gave birth to bio-chemist and holder of a Ph.D from the University of
Pennsylvania Harry Ennis Dubin the husband of Estelle Amy Schacht whose works
included Physiology of Phenols.
1891: James B. Eustis completed his last term as a
United States Senator following which he would become U.S. Ambassador to
France, a position from which he would study the Dreyfus Affair but die before
he could deliver his report to the government in Washington.
1892: It was reported today that Abraham Herrman,
Simon Borg and Solomon B. Solomon have been unanimously elected to serve
three-year terms as Directors of the Hebrew Technical Institute.
1892: Max Marcus Zerner and Julie Zerner gave birth
to Alice Zerner who became Alice Eister when she married Otto Eisler.
1893: Grover Cleveland who would lend his support to
those who objecting to the treatment of the Jews of Russia and opposed
legislation that would have kept Jews from immigrating to the United States was
inaugurated as 24th President of the United States.
1893: In Austria, Anna Wilder and Abram Wolf
Tannenbaum gave birth to Dr. Frank Tannenbaum, the New York born labor activist
turned economics academic and U.S. Army veteran who taught at Columbia, his
undergraduate training ground before his death.
1893: It was reported today that the proceeds from
the upcoming ball sponsored by the Purim Association will be donated to the
United Hebrew Charities.
1893: “Scenes in the Azores” published today
provides a picture of life on these Atlantic Islands including the fact that
“native Azorean Jews” have gradually come to dominate the banking business, the
importation of coal and the ownership of the mail boats to Lisbon. The Jews now own homes in Tangiers and
1893: “Manifesto of Jewish Rabbis” published today
described a document issued by 210 German Rabbis designed to counteract the
increasing power of the country’s anti-Jewish movement.
1894: The Superintendent of the Bureau of
Immigration, a section of the Treasury Department, “has received an official
denial from the Russian Government that” it is aiding Russian Jews in their
efforts to come to the United States.
1894(26th of Adar I, 5654): Fifty-eight-year-old Rabbi Joseph Perles passed away. Born in
Baja, Hungary in 1835, he received his early instruction in the Talmud from his
father, Baruch Asher Perles, he was educated successively at the gymnasium of
his native city, was one of the first rabbis trained at the new type of
rabbinical seminary at Breslau, and the university of that city (Oriental
philology and philosophy; Ph.D. 1859, presenting as his dissertation Meletemata
Peschitthoniana). Perles was awarded his rabbinical diploma in 1862. He had
already received a call, in the autumn of the previous year, as preacher to the
community of Posen; and in that city he founded a religious school. In 1863 he
married Rosalie, the eldest daughter of Simon Baruch Schefftel. In the same
year he declined a call to Budapest; but in 1871 he accepted the rabbinate of
Münich, being the first rabbi of modern training to fill that office. As the
registration law which had restricted the expansion of the communities had not
been abrogated until 1861, Perles found an undeveloped community; but under his
management it soon began to flourish, and in 1887 he dedicated the new
synagogue. He declined not only a call to succeed Abraham Geiger as rabbi in
Berlin, but also a chair at the newly founded seminary in Budapest. Perles'
most important essays were on folklore and custom. There is much that is
striking and original in his history of marriage (Die Judische Hochzeit in
nachbiblischer Zeit, 1860), and of mourning customs (Die Leichenfeierlichkeitcn
ins nachbiblischen Judenthum, 1861), his contributions to the sources of the
Arabian Nights (Zur rabbinischen Sprach-und Sagenkunde, 1873), and his notes on
rabbinic antiquities (Beitrage zur rabbiniscizen Sprachund Altertumskunde,
1893). Perles' essays are rich in suggestiveness and have been the
starting-point of much fruitful research. He also wrote an essay on
Nachmanides, and a biography and critical appreciation of Rashba (1863).
1894: As the United States grapples with the
problem of unemployment brought by economic depression, the United Hebrew
Charities is one of the organizations making daily requests to aid the needy.
1894: Among the donations made to the fund to
help New York’s unemployed are R.H. Macy & Co ($100), Simon Borg ($100) and
Emanuel Lehman ($100).
1895: “The Pope May Interfere” published today
described the Pope’s plans to issue an “encyclical letter denouncing the
anti-Semitic agitation in Europe. The
Pope is reacting to the reports brought to him several weeks ago by Cardinal
Schoenborn “concerning Jew-baiting in Austria.”
1895: A case was “called against the Adelphi
Club” “among whose members are the wealthiest and most influential Jews of
Albany, NY” which resulted in the Judge decreeing that private clubs were under
the jurisdiction of the Excise Board and must be licensed accordingly.
1895: The 3-year-old “waif” found wandering the
streets and known only as “John Doe, No.19” moved to the Hebrew Sheltering
Society’s Home where Philip Goodhart, the President of the home gave him the
name of Judah Touro.
1895: “Mrs. Ida Lieberman, the convicted
fire-bug was taken to Auburn Prison” today to begin serving “her sentence of
six years and eight months.
1895: The six-year-old daughter and
eight-year-old son of prisoner Ida Lieberman, for whom no provision had been
made, were provided with a home today at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.
1896: Among the facilities being visited by
those attending the conference on “Improved Housing” is the Hebrew Institute on
East Broadway, where they will be greeted Inspector
Isaac Spectorsky
1897: Joseph Simon, a native of Germany who
settled in Portland, Oregon where he became a member of the bar and played an
active role in Republican Party politics began serving in the U.S. Senate
1897: Lucius Nathan Littauer, the first
football coach at Harvard, began serving as a Member of the U.S. House of
Representatives from New York’s 22nd District.
1897: “Two Heroes Remembered” published today
summarized a speech given by Hugo Hirsh in honor of the 1st and 16th
presidents of the United States in which he said that the “Hebrew race was
typified by the institutions of the county in that the Hebrew was the most
cosmopolitan among peoples and the United States the most cosmopolitan of
nations.” Furthermore, “the principles
of educational, religious and political freedom fostered by these two leaders
had been of incalculable benefit to the Hebrew race.”
1897: William McKinley was inaugurated as 25th
President of the United States.
William H. King, who in 1927 “declared…that he favored the United States
severing diplomatic relations with any country which failed because of
anti-Semitism to protect its Jewish nationals” and “expressed the belief that
eventually Palestine would be able to support a population of a million Jews”
began serving in the House of Representatives today
1899: Jefferson Monroe Levy, the nephew of
naval hero Uriah P. Levy, began serving as a Member of the U.S. House of
Representatives from New York’s 13th district.
1899: Mitchell May who was elected as a
Democrat to the 56th United States Congress began serving as a member of the
House of Representatives today.
1899: A group of “prominent” Jews met in
Cincinnati to plan for the reception and entertainment of the rabbis who will
be attending the upcoming annual Central Conference of American Rabbis.
1899: It was reported today that among the
three new novels in Houghton, Mifflin & Co.’s spring list is A Tent of
Grace, a story of a Jew and a gentile in Germany by Adelina C. Lust.
1900: Birthdate of Slonim, Poland, native
Jehoshua Alouf, the Polish gymnast and organizer of the “first five World
Maccabiah Games who “served as director of the Israel department of physical
education from 1953 to 1957.”
1900: In London, the “Jewish Study Society,”
which had been “formed as a result of the visit of the delegates of the Council
of Jewish Women in London” met for the first time today.
1900: The Council of Jewish Women which was
founded in 1897 began its triennial meeting today in Cleveland under the
leadership of its president Mrs. Hannah G. Solomon.
1900: In Philadelphia, PA Joseph and Eva
Biberman gave birth to screenwriter and director Herbert J. Biberman who was
one of the Hollywood Ten.
1901(13th of Adar, 5661: Ta’anit
Esther; Erev Purim
1901: Birthdate of Genevieve Brown the wife of
Ralph Horween, the All-American Harvard and NFL football player and lawyer who
founded the Horween Leather Company with his brother.”
1901: Birthdate of master bridge player,
Charles Goren, the Philadelphia born lawyer who probably did more to popularize
the game bridge than did any other single American.
1901: Henry Mayer Goldfogle began serving as a
member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 9th
Congressional District.
1902: It was reported today that “Jefferson M.
Levy” is the buyer of” of the property at “219 and 221 Wester 36th
Street” in New York.
1902: Israel Lubarsky, the Son of Leib (Leo)
Lubarsky and Rivke Lubarsky and the wife of Devorah (Dora) Lubarsky gave birth
to Rebecca Glassberg, the wife of Abe Glassberg and mother of Rosalyn Weinberg
and Adeline Hoppenstand
1903: Edmund H. Hinshaw, who in
1906 attended a mass meeting at Belasco’s Theatre in Washington, D.C which was
a protest against the atrocities begin committed against the Jews of Russia
began his service as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from
Nebraska’s 4th District today.
1903: Having spent six years serving as a
member of the U.S. House of Representative from New York’s 22nd
district Lucius Littauer began serving as a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives from New York’s 25th district.
1903: Henry Thomas Rainey who in 1906 attended
a mass meeting held to protest the “atrocities in Russia” and told the audience
that the Romanoffs “are inflaming the populace against the helpless Jews – and
already the blood of 100,000 Jews cries out for vengeance” began serving as a
member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois’s 20th
district today.
1903: Senator Joseph Simon, Oregon Republican,
finishes his term in the U.S. Senate. Simon returned to Portland, Oregon where
he resumed his law practice and would serve as mayor from 1909 to 1911.
1904: In Richmond, VA, Beth Ahabah, a Reform
congregation that could trace its roots back to 1789, laid the cornerstone for
a new house of worship popularly referred to as the Franklin Street Synagogue
because of its address 1111 West Franklin Street.
1905 Isidor Rayner began serving as U.S.
Senator from Maryland.
1905: “Barney and Fanny (Greenberg) Taber,” gave birth to Madeline Taber who
became Madeline Talamo when she married Dr. Haskell Talamo with whom she had
three children – Fern, Ronald and Alan.
1905: Frank Putnam Flint, who would be one of
those supporting a new trial for Leo Frank, began serving as a U.S. Senator
from California.
1905: William S. Bennett, who would publicly
support aid for the Jews Europe after the World War broke, began his service as
a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 17th
1905: William M. Stewart completed his services
as U.S. Senator from Nevada. During one
debate on anti-Semitism in Romania, Stewart defended the Jews of charges from
Senator Sprague that the Jews were the author of their own suffering because
they had been so successful.
1906: Abraham E. Lubarsky, a wealthy tea
merchant from Odessa arrived in New York today on the American liner St. Louis
and in describing the desperate conditions of his coreligionists said that “A
Jew’s Life in Russia is not worth as much as a bad cigarette.
1906: Only days after Martial Law had come to
an end a police officer name Kulchitsky was killed in Bialystok. This killing was one of the many acts of
violence that would lead to the pogrom that took place in June of that year.
1907: John Simon Guggenheim, the son of Meyer
and Barbara Guggenheim began serving as U.S. Senator from Colorado.
1907: Adolph Joachim Sabath began serving as a
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois’ 5th
district today.
1908(1st of Adar, 5668): Rosh
Chodesh Adar II
1908: “Surgeon General Walter Wyman of the
Public Health Service to-day submitted to Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou a
"Report on Milk in Its Relation to Public Health” in which he wrote that
“References will be observed to the achievements of Mr. Nathan Straus in
promoting the use of clean pasteurized milk for infants and the establishment
of infants’ milk depots both in the United States and abroad and its proper
here to give recognition to his philanthropic and successful efforts.”
1908: As the Jews of Cleveland celebrated Rosh
Chodesh, disaster struck the city with the burning of The Lakeview School which
claimed the lives of 172 students two teachers and one first responder.
1908: “At the third of his concerts of old
music in Mendelssohn Hall” this “evening, Mrs. Sam Franko devoted his entire
program to the Music of J.S. Bach.”
1908: Three weeks before his 20th
birthday, Sam Hamburg, the Russian born son of Sam and Bella Hamburg who would
become President of Hamburg Realty and Investment Company in St. Louis where he
was an active member of the Jewish community married Dora Hamburg today.
1909: Birthdate of Millionaire Real Estate
Mogul Harry B. Helmsley.
1909(11th of Adar, 5669): Fast of
Esther observed since 13th of Adar falls on Shabbat.
1909: The presidency of Theodore Roosevelt came
to an end.
1909: William Howard Taft, the first sitting United
States President to speak from the pulpit of a Jewish house of prayer took the
oath of office as President of the United States.
1909(11th of Adar, 5669):
Maximillian “Max” Hirsch the Cologne born Australian economist and political
leader who was a believer in the Single Tax theories of Henry George passed
away today.
1909: Ed “Cotton” Smith who as a member of the
House of Representatives had opposed legislation that would have exempted
Jewish immigrants from Russia from a literacy test began serving in the United
States Senate.
1910: The first issue of Der Yiddisher Record,
a Yiddish weekly, appeared in Chicago today.
1910: Birthdate of Mt. Pleasant, PA, native
Henry Weinberg, the guard for the Duquesne Dukes when they played Miami in the
first game of what would become the Orange Bowl before going on to play as a
lineman for the Pittsburgh (Football) Pirates who would become the Pittsburgh
1910(23rd of Adar I, 5670): Romanian
born Yiddish dramatist Moses Horowitz passed away in the Montefiore Home at the
age of 76. The Bucharest native came to
the United States in 1882 and was hailed at his passing as being “the Pioneer
Yiddish playwright in New York.” Five
years before his death he lost all of his money while trying to produce a
unique Yiddish opera at the Windsor Theatre.
of Adar, 5671): Parashat Terumah
1911: Victor Berger of Wisconsin
became the first member of the Socialist Party to be elected to the U.S. House
of Representatives.
1911: Edmund H. Hinshaw, the
Congressman from Nebraska who in 1906 attended a mass meeting at Belasco’s
Theatre in Washington, D.C which a protest against the atrocities begin
committed against the Jews of Russia completed his service today as a representative
for Nebraska’s 4th congressional district.
1911: Frank Flint, who in 1915 would offer
Governor Slaton who had commuted Leo Frank’s sentence a place of refuge,
completed his service as a U.S. Senator from California.
1911: James Edgar Martine, a member of the
Democratic Party who would support Jewish fund-raising efforts on behalf of
their co-religionists in war torn Europe began serving as a U.S. Senator from
New Jersey.
1911: Jefferson Monroe Levy, the nephew of
Uriah P. Levy began serving as the U.S. Congressman from New York’s 13th
1912(15th of Adar, 5672): Shushan
1912: Birthdate of the actor John Garfield in New
York. Born Julius Garfinkle, Garfield rose to stardom in the 1930's and 1940's
playing a variety of wisecracking, “lover boy” type roles. One of his
most famous roles was in the film hit, “The Postman Rings Twice.”
Garfield was caught up in the Anti-Communist Witch Hunts of the 1950's.
In Mainz, Germany Maier and Selma (Hirschberger) Trepp gave birth to Leo Trepp,
the German born American Rabbi who was freed from “Sachsenhausen Concentration
on the condition that “he and his wife leave the countries within two weeks – a
requirement that led him to England and then to California where he served as
the “rabbi for Beth Ami in Santa Rosa and Beth El in Berkley
Dr. Joseph Hertz sailed from New York on the SS Mauritania bound for the
British Isles where he will become Chief Rabbi of England which will make him
not only the leader of British Jewry but one of the most influential Jewish
clerics in the world.
“On Rivington Street in Manhattan's Lower East Side, Russian Jewish immigrants
David and Hannah Garfinkle gave birth to Jacob Julius Garfinkle who gained fame
as actor John Garfield whose marvelous talent did not keep him from being
crushed by the Red Hunting House Committee on Un-American Activities.
Jefferson Monroe Levy, the nephew of Uriah P. Levy began serving as the U.S.
Congressman from New York’s 14th District.
Maude Kohn is scheduled to play a piano solo this afternoon during the meeting
of the Ladies’ society of B’nai Sholom Temple.
The General Orders issued on this date provided the official citation awarding
Louis C. Hoseher the Congressional Medal of Honor. “The President of the United
States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the
Medal of Honor to Second Lieutenant Louis C. Mosher, United States Army, for
most distinguished gallantry on 11 June 1913, while serving with the Philippine
Scouts, in action at Gagsak Mountain, Jolo, Philippine Islands. Second
Lieutenant Mosher voluntarily entered a cleared space within about 20 yards of
the Moro trenches under a furious fire from them and carried a wounded soldier
of his company to safety at the risk of his own life.”
On his 21st birthday Frank Tannenbaum, a leader of the I.W.W. “led a
group of unemployed workers from Rutgers Square to the Catholic St. Alphonsus
Church on West Broadway where they were met by a phalanx of police and the
parish rector, who refused their demands after which he was arrested and
eventual fined a sent to jail on Blackwell’s Island.
“Arthur Ruppin wrote in his diary, ‘Today I succeeded in buying from Sir John
Gray Hill his large and magnificently situated property on Mount Scopus, thus
acquiring the first piece of ground for the Jewish University in Jerusalem.’”
The United States naval collier Vulcan
is scheduled to set sail from the League Island Navy Yard at Philadelphia today
carrying supplies paid for by the Jewish Relief Society for “distribution to
the starving residents” of Palestine.
William Stiles Bennet who in 1916 would tell 3,000 people attending a meeting
at the McKinley Casino that it was “now necessary for the American Jew to
assist his brethren in Europe” and “said that large sums of money would be
needed in order to accomplish the desired relief” began his services as a
Member of the US. House of Representatives from New York’s 27th
District today.
Dr. Robert Tuttle Morris, ex-President of the American Association of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists delivered a talk tonight at the Cornell Club on
“Warfare as Natural History” in which he “advanced the theory that the Jewish
people would be the next to dominate” the world because, among other thing,
“they are gathering in the citing, thriving under urban life” and “increasing
more rapidly than any others.”
1915: Jefferson Monroe Levy completed his
second and final term as a U.S. Congressman.
Meyer London, the Jewish Socialist, began serving his first term in the U.S
House representing New York’s 12th Congressional District.
Among those whose contributions to the Fund of the American Jewish Relief
Committee were received today included L.M. Jacobs of Tucson, AZ and the
Dallas, TX, YMHA,
“Assurance that the Jewish people of Palestine ‘enjoy perfect safety’ was given
in an official communication” that arrived in Washington, DC today from
of Adar I, 5676): Parashat Pekudi and Shabbat Shekalim
In King Williams Town, South Africa, Morris and Ethel Aronowitz gave birth to
Cecil Aronowitz, the South African viola player who was appointed “head of the
String Department at the royal Northern College of Music in Manchester” passed
away today at Suffolk while “performing a piece by Mozart.”
At 8:00 p.m. in Chicago, the Sinai Swimming Team is scheduled to take part in a
meet at the Hyde Park Y.M.C.A.
It was reported today 30,000 shirtmakers are on strike with their union
demanding “higher wages and more sanitary working conditions.”
1916: In Berlin, film start Helga Molander, a
Lutheran, and nightclub entertainer Eduard Anton Eysenck, a Catholic, gave
birth to psychologist Hans Jürgen Eysenck who was raised by his Lutheran
maternal grandmother who died in a concentration camp where she had been
interred because she came from a Jewish family.
1916: In Bologna, Dora Bassani and Dr. Enrico
Bassani gave birth to Giorgio Bassani the author of The Garden of the
Finzi-Continis whose early career was stifled by Italian race laws and who
was imprisoned for anti-fascist activates
1917: Among the contributions listed today by
The Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering Through the War were
$1,167 from the Jewish Morning News
and $1,097 from the Jewish Daily News.
1917: James Edgar Martine who in 1916
introduced a resolution in the Senate “asking the President to set aside a day
as Jewish relief day for Jewish war sufferers” which led to Jewish Relief Day
completed his terms as a U.S. Senator from New Jersey.
1917(10th of Adar, 5677): Moritz
Kalisch passed away today in Manchester.
1917: Republican Milton Kraus began serving the
first of three terms as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from
Indiana’s 11th Congressional District.
William H. King, who in 1927 “declared…that he favored the United States
severing diplomatic relations with any country which failed because of
anti-Semitism to protect its Jewish nationals” and “expressed the belief that
eventually Palestine would be able to support a population of a million Jews”
began serving as the U.S. Senator from Utah today.
1917: La
Renacensia Guida, the Zionist paper that argued against the use of the
Greek language in the 1920’s, was founded today in New York City.
1918: It was reported today that Mrs. Rose
Pastor Stokes told a gathering at the Masonic Temple “that she had just
returned to the Socialist Party and that while she was not anti-Zionist, she
feared a Jewsih State in Palestine could not be made socialistic at once” and
she feared that Great Britain was playing a game designed to dampen “the fervor
of the Jewish working people all over the world.
1918: Houston College and Stanford University
alum Herbert M. Ostroski, the San Francisco born son of Deborah Wise and Louis
I Ostrki who was a Major in the United
States Cavalry and an associate in the law firm of Turner and Geraghty marked
Helen D. Pupkin today.
1919: After four years out of office, Henry
Mayer Goldfogle began serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York’s 12th Congressional District.
In Washington “acting on behalf of a committee of thirty-one prominent men,
Congressman Kahn of California presented a petition to President Wilson on
behalf of the Zionist organization for consideration at the Peace Conference”
and in turn, President Wilson said that he would “have the matter put before
the conference after his arrival in Paris.”
Five days after he had passed away, 59-year-old John Robert Raps was buried
today at the “East Ham Jewish Cemetery.”
of Adar, 5680): Purim
Birthdate of Leo Greenland, the Bronx born adman whose accounts included
Tanqueray Gin, Johnnie Walker (Red & Black) Scotch and Olvatine. Do you
think he ever confused his liquids? (As reported by Margalit Fox)
In Harlem, Robert and Mary Habib Yohai, Jewish immigrants from Turkey, gave
birth to Morrie Robert Yohai, the man who invented Cheez Doodles one of
America’s most popular junk snack foods. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)
“The Raft of the Dead,” photographed by Mutz Greenbaum premiered today,
Having been out of office for two years, Meyer London again begins representing
New York’s 12th Congressional District.
of Adar I, 5681); Eighty-two-year-old Leopold Loeb passed away today after
which he was buried at Morgan City, LA.
“The Raft of the Dead” a silent drama filmed by cinematographer Mutz Greenbaum
was released in Germany today.
Birthdate of British cardiologist David Mendel.
Release date of German silent horror film “Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror”
co-starring Wolfgang Heinz, the stage name of David Hrisch.
of Adar, 5683): Shushan Purim, since the 15th of Adar fell on
of Adar, 5683): Edward Lauterbach, prominent New York attorney and leader of
the Republican Party who devoted four decades of his life to the Hebrew Orphan
Asylum passed away today.
Birthdate of Kurt Schubert, the founder of Austria's first Jewish museum after
World War II and the founder of the Jewish Institute at the University of
Vienna.1923: Burton K. Wheeler, who in 1936 “said that anti-Semitism has not
only gained a foothold in European countries like Germany, Poland, Rumania,
Austria and Hungary, but has been imported in the Western Hemisphere by Mexico,
Brazil and Ecuador” and that the “capacity for persecution” as embodied in
anti-Semitism is not “foreign to American soil” began serving as a U.S. Senator
from Montana.
Emmanuel “Manny” Celler began serving as a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives from New York’s 10th Congressional District.
Sol Bloom began as serving as a member of the U.S. House Representatives from
New York’s 20th District.
Royal Samuel Copeland begins serving as a U.S. Senator from New York. In June
of 1933, when several Senators rose on the floor to condemn the treatment of
the Jews of Germany, Copeland “paid tribute to the Jews as whole mentioning
Nathan Straus as an example of Jews whose work set an example for the world.”
He went on to say that the condemnation of Germany’s treatment of the Jews by
Senator Pat Robinson of Arkansas, the Senate majority leader, “will bring hoe
and cheer into the hearts of many persons…”
1924: In Manhattan, Isidor and Gussie Stein
gave birth to their only son “Robert Stein who helped expand the scope of
women’s magazines as editor in chief of McCall’s and Redbook in the early
stages of the modern women’s movement, publishing articles about race and
politics and introducing readers to the nascent writings of feminist leaders
like Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem.” (As reported by Paul Vitello)
1924: Iris Margaret Origo, an Anglo-Irish
writer who helped to save Jewish children through the kindertransport including
the painter Frank Helmut Auerbach “married Antonio Origo, the illegitimate son
of Marchese Clemente Origo.”
1925(8th of Adar, 5685): Polish born composer Moritz
passed away at the age of 70 while living in Paris.
Florence Kahn, the Salt Lake
City born daughter of Jewish Polish immigrants Mary and Conrad Prag and the
widow of Congressman Julius Kahn began serving as a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives from California’s 4th District.
1926: Plans are under way to raise five million
dollars to build a new library at the Hebrew Union College to house the new
collection of 6,174 items brought back from Europe by Dr. Adolph S. Oko.
of Adar I, 5687): Rosh Chodesh Adar II
William Cohen began his one and only terms as member of the U.S. House of
Representatives from New York’s 17th District.
Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for German born Meta Schroeder
Braunfeld, the widow of Julius Braunfeld had passed in 1921 in New Orleans
where he served as Cantor at Temple Sinia, the city’s leading Reform
congregation, is scheduled to be buried today in San Diego, CA
Birthdate of Richard “Dick” Savitt the Bayonne, NJ, who started out playing
basketball for Cornell University and then switched to tennis – a sport at
which he became so adept that he became the first Jewish player to “win both
Wimbledon and the Australian Open.”
of Adar I, 5687): Solomon Cicurel, 46, was fatally stabbed - eight times -
shortly after midnight today. The only witness to the crime was Cicurel’s wife
Elvire Toriel. She had little to say except that she had been chloroformed by
her husband’s assailants. Four suspects were eventually tried. They had either
murdered Cicurel during a robbery or as part of an act of revenge or both. The
four were all tried, but due to the legal system under which existed, they were
tried in the courts of their native countries. This reality caused as much
anger among many Egyptians as did the murder of the Jewish merchant. The murdered victim was the eldest of three
brothers. Solomon, Salvator and Joseph were the sons of Moreno Cicurel, a
Sephardic Jew who came to Egypt during the previous century from Smyrna
(Izmir), then a thriving cosmopolitan trading port in Turkey. A self-made man,
Moreno, started his career as an employee with a coreligionist who owned a
textile shop in the Mousky district, Cairo’s main commercial hub. Moreno
Cicurel was the founder of one of the largest department stores in the Middle
Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for Max Pine, the Secretary of
the United Trades, at The Jewish Daily Forward building at 175 East Broadway.
1928: In Mannheim, Germany, cantor and composer Hugo
Chaim Adler and Selma Adler gave birth to composer Samuel Adler who came to the
United States in 1939 where he earned a B.M. from Boston University, and an
M.A. from Harvard University. He has also received several honorary doctorates
in recognition for his artistic accomplishments. During his tenure in the U.S.
Army, he founded and conducted the Seventh Army Symphony Orchestra, and because
of the orchestra's great psychological and musical impact on the European
cultural scene, he was awarded the Army's Medal of Honor.
In New York, screenwriter Jo Swerling and Florence (née Manson) Swerling gave
birth to mathematician Peter Swerling.
The “headquarters of the Allied Jewish Campaign announced” today that Lt. Gov.
Lehman will be one of the speakers at its annual national conference” to be
held this weekend in Washington.
At least one member of Parliament complained that “new South African quota bill
limiting the number of immigrants to 50 each yeaer from each of the East and
South European countries” which passed its third reading was aimed at limiting
Jewish immigration.
‘Masks” a crime film direct by Rudolf Meinert was released in the Weimar
Republic today.
of Adar, 5691): Shushan Purim
William Henry Dieterich, the anti-Semitic and somewhat pro-German Republican
began serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois’s
at-large district.
“Two world records,” in the 500-yard back stroke and the half mile back stroke
“were broken today by Joe Wohl, the captain of the Syracuse University swim
“President Hoover signed the commission of Benjamin Cardozo as Justice of the
Supreme Court” today.
Illinois Democrat J. Hamilton “Ham” Lewis who as a congressman had supported a
“proviso in the Balfour Declaration that Jews going to Palestine to live could
retain their original citizenship instead of automatically becoming British
subjects” and who as U.S. Senator led “a protest against the possible transfer
of American Jews from their present homes in Palestine to other parts of the
country” began serving as Senate Majority Leader today,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was inaugurated as 32nd President of the United
States. Regardless of what one may think of Roosevelt's record during the
Holocaust, there is no denying the positive things he did for Jews during the
days of the New Deal. He had numerous Jewish advisors and appointed them
to a variety of positions of power including Supreme Court Justice to Secretary
of the Treasury. A hitherto untapped cohort of well-educated first- or
second-generation American Jews gained access to positions through the newly
emerging federal agencies that were part of Roosevelt's program to reform
American government, business and labor practices.
Theodore Albert Peyeser began serving as a member of the United States House of
Representatives from New York’s 17th congressional district.
Cordell Hull began serving as U.S. Secretary of State a post he would hold
until 1944. Hull would win the Nobel Peace Prize but he earned low marks from
the Jewish community for his moves to thwart attempts to aid Jewish refugees
and his failure to curb the genteel anti-Semitism found in his department.
Sixty-year-old Theodore Albert Peyser, a native of Charleston, West Virginia,
began representing New York’s 17th congressional district today.
1933: Seventy more people are imprisoned at Nohra on the
second day of the operation of Germany's first Concentration Camp. This
brings the total number of prisoners to 170.
As the Philadelphia SPHAS (South Philadelphia Hebrew Association) basketball
team dressed into their uniforms prior to playing the Brooklyn Jews, “Coach
Eddie Gottlieb introduced the team to its newest member, Moe Goldman, a
Brooklyn native, who had just completed his senior year of basketball at the
City College of New York (CCNY) where he had excelled as a center for the CCNY
team, under the tutelage of coach Nat Holman, arguably the best Jewish
basketball player in the 1920s.”
The Jerusalem Shopkeepers Association plans to shutter its shops today in an
attmpet to “force the Municipal Council to adopt a rent regulation ordinance”
similar to the ones in force in Tel Aviv and Haifa.
In Poland, “Warsaw University, scene of anti-Semitic riots, was closed today
for an indefinite period.”
Among those reported today to have been “denationalized” by the German
government were ‘nine designated as Jews” including “Herbert Stahl who writes
under the name of Steel who is denounced as ‘a Jewish editor who directed lying
press attacks against American newspapers against Germany and in connection
with the Jewish boycott movements surpassed all other machinations of that kind
in meanness.’” (Editor’s Note: What is
worse than being a Jew in Germany? Not
being Jewish but being labeled as one. Johannes
Steel was an author who left Germany before WW II and was allegedly involved in
wartime espionage for the Soviets.)
Under the terms reported today, “Netherlands citizens of Jewish descent living
in Germany” may be repatriated to Holland but every family can take no more
than 20,000 marks (less than $10,000) with them regardless of how much wealth
they may have accumulated or the size of the family. (Editor’s note: Anti-Semitism almost always includes
theft making it a profitable business throughout the centuries)
“Nearly 1,000 women representing various” philanthropic organizations attended
a meeting today at the Hotel Astor where “Christians and Jewish leaders joined
with officials of the women’s division of the United Palestine Appeal in the
campaign for $1,500,000 to be raised for the benefit of Jewish settlements in
Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland, a national co-chairman of the United
Palestine Appeal which is seeking to raise $3,500,000 to help settle German
Jews in Palestine and Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt are the featured speakers at a
tea in the Hotel Astor which is the opening event of the campaign in New York
City. (Editor’s note: Abba Hillel Silver was a Reform Rabbi and ardent Zionist
who was instrumental in seeing to it that support for a Jewish state in
Palestine was supported by both American political parties. One can only wonder how he would have reacted
to the state of Israel’s treatment of Reform Judaism including denying that
Jews who were converted by Reform rabbis are not really Jewish.)
The 9th Annual Academy Awards, hosted by Jewish actor and Hollywood fixture,
George Jessel, are held at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles.
In Warsaw, the Polish Government and the Jewish Emigration Agency signed an
agreement designed “to facilitate the emigration of wealthy Polish Jews to
of Adar, 5697): Four-year-old Miriam Ruhama Pacifici the daughter of Rabbi Riccardo Reuven Pacifici passed away at Genoa.
1938(1st of Adar II, 5698): Rosh
Chodesh Adar II
Two days after he had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held at
Union Temple in Brooklyn for 57-year-old to NYU Law School graduate Joseph J.
Baker, “a senior member of the law firm of Baker, Obermeir Rosenson and
Rosner,” “President of the Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn, the son of Adolph and
Carrie Baker and the husband of the former “May Lautman” with whom he had two
children – Ruth and Edward.”
1938: The
Palestine Post reported that Sir Harold MacMichael had arrived in Palestine
and described the ceremony in which he was sworn as the fifth High
1938: The
Palestine Post reported that The Lydda-Jerusalem train was sabotaged when
the railway line was damaged by an explosion. Another bomb was found on the
railway tracks near Khan Yunis. Curfew was imposed on Arab villages situated
close to the railway tracks.
1938: Birthdate of Allan Nathaniel Kornblum,
the Brooklyn native who would help steer the F.B.I. into the post-J. Edgar
Hoover era by drafting guidelines for its surveillance operations in the 1970s,
and whose testimony would help convict the murderer of a black man in a
celebrated civil rights case revived nearly 40 years after the event.
1938: The
Palestine Post reported that there were 5,734,917 Palestine pounds in
circulation and 15,641 registered vehicles in the country in 1937. There were
also 95 credit cooperatives with 79,750 members.
1939: Birthdate of Brooklyn native and Albert
Einstein College of Medicine trained Doctor Gerald Walker Wholberg, the
psychiatrist who served on the faculty of Boston University
1939: Twenty-three-year-old Bernard “Bernie”
Opperman, the Bronx native whose Kentucky Wildcats were upset by the Tulane
Green Wave in the 1938 SEC Tournament redeemed himself today by
leading his team to victory over the Tennessee Vols in the 1939 SEC
Championship finals.
1940: “An appeal to the people of Great Britain
‘to stay the hand’ of their government from putting into effect the proposal to
restrict the sale of land to Jews in Palestine was made” tonight by thousands
of people “at a protest meeting in Carnegie Hall called by a group of Jewish
1940: Nineteen-year-old twin brothers Robert
and David Goldwasser from Paris, NJ led Jewish students in a protest in front
of the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem after which they received “assurances from
the consul general that Washington would be informed about the effect of the
new land on the rights of Americans in Palestine.
1941(5th of Adar, 5701):
Eighty-nine-year-old Hattie Collenberger Bloomingdale, the New York born
daughter of Aaron and Rieka Ikelheimer Collengenberger and the wife of Lyman
Gustave Bloomingdale, the co-founder of the department store that bears his
name whom she married in 1871 and with whom she had five children – Samuel,
Hiram,, Hanna, Irving and Corinne – passed away today after which she was
buried at Salem Fields Cemetery in Brooklyn
1941: A group of tailors who worked in shop
supplying uniforms to the German Army were photographed in Nazi occupied
Bendzin, Poland.
1941: "I. Segaloff" wrote “My best
regards to my friend Tatsuo Osako," on the back of a photo. Segaloff was
probably a Jewish refugee who had been helped by Osako who was a young employee
of the Japan Tourist Bureau at the start of World War II. Osako probably worked
with “Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat stationed in Lithuania who granted
transit visas to several thousand Jews in the early days of the war. In doing
so, he defied strict stipulations from Tokyo that such recipients have proper
funds and a clear final destination after Japan. He was one of a handful of
diplomats such as Sweden's Raoul Wallenberg and Hiram Bingham IV of the U.S.
who used their bureaucratic machinery, often without their government's
knowledge, to issue the paperwork that would get Jews to safety. Dubbed the
"Japanese Schindler," Sugihara was honored in 1985 by Yad Vashem as
one of the Righteous Among the Nations, a high honor reserved for non-Jews who
saved Jews at their own personal risk from the Holocaust, Hitler's destruction
of 6 million Jews. A short movie about him, "Visas and Virtue," won
an Academy Award in 1997. Museums at his hometown and in Lithuania are
dedicated to his memory.”
Algiers radio announced that all firms, property and legal titles owned in part
or full by Jews have been put under "Aryan" administration. This came
after the dismissal of 3,000 Jews from the French civil service just a couple
months prior.
Birthdate of Peabody award winner and “feminist” Lynn Sherr.
of Adar, 5702) Shushan Purim
of Adar, 5702): Seventy-nine-year-old Tobias Schanfarber, the Cleveland born
son of Aaron and Sarah (Newman) Schanfarber, the husband of Carrie Phillipson
and graduate of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College who led
congregations in Toleo, Ft. Wayne and Baltimore before settling in as the rabbi
at KAM in Chicago passed away today.
of Adar, 5702): Shushan Purim
1942: Eichmann met with all his territorial representatives to discuss the
organizational problems of the deportations to come. Actual plans commenced
months earlier.
Frank L. Weil, announced today “the appointment of Ralph E. Samuel, the New
York stock broker as chairman of the Greater New York Army and Navy Committee
of the National Jewish Welfare Board.
Most of the Jews living in Cuomotini, Greece were arrested and transported in
20 open train cars to the notorious Dupnitsa transit camp, and then dispatched
from Lom by boat via the Danube. The Jews from Cuomotini and Kavala on the
Karageorge were shot by the Bulgarians and the Germans; while three other
boats, of which one held Cuomotini Jews, arrived in Vienna and from there the
Thracian Jews were sent to Treblinka; where they were gassed upon arrival. The
Bulgarians confiscated all of the Jewish properties and possessions.
The Jews of Drama, a town in Macedonia, were arrested by the Bulgarian police
and army, held in tobacco warehouses in the Agia Barbara quarter for three
days, and then sent to the Gorna Djumaya camp in Bulgaria, where they were kept
in extremely harsh conditions. From there, young men in their teens and early
twenties were sent to forced labor in Bulgaria and 113 families (589 people)
were dispatched by train to Lom and from there put on a boat to Vienna, where
they were reloaded on trains to Treblinka and gassed upon their arrival.
1943: Jews continued to be sent from Paris to
Chelmno, Sobibor, and Majdanek.
1943: At the 15th Annual Oscar award
ceremony, “Mrs. Miniver” directed by William Wyler wins for Best Picture of
1942. Wyler, a refugee from Hitler’s
Europe wins for Best Director.
1944(9th of Adar,
5704): In
Warsaw, four Jewish women were shot in the ghetto along with 80 non-Jews. All
their bodies, dead and wounded alike, were thrown into a building that was then
lit on fire.
1944(9th of Adar, 5704): In Ossining, New York, Louis Buchalter, the
leader of 1930s crime syndicate Murder, Inc. was executed at Sing Sing.
1944(9th of Adar, 5704): In Ossining, New York, Emanuel “Mendy” Weiss
a member of the crime syndicate Murder, Inc. was executed at Sing Sing.
1945: In England, Arnold James Burton, the
Leeds born son of Sir Montague Maruice Burton and Sophia Amelia Burton and his
wife gave birth to Alexander Simon James Montague Burton, the father of Sophie
Amelia Sarah Burton.
1945: “In a move to eliminate duplication of
activities among organizations supplying relief for refugees” the delegations
attending the 60th annual convention of HIAS, led by President
Abraham Herman, called today for the “creation of a council of Jewish voluntary
agencies as the pivotal point of a plan for coordinating their work.
1945: Oscar Straus, soon will be 75 years old,
“celebrated his golden jubilee as a composer-conductor by directing a ‘Straus
Festival’ tonight before a large and enthusiastic audience.”
1945: Eric Jabotinsky, the son of the late
Vladimir Jabotinsky, is scheduled to begin living in Haifa today as part of the
terms under which he was released from the custody of British authorities in
1946(1st of Adar II, 5706): Rosh
Chodesh Adar II
1946: In New York City doctors Ruth (Silboiwtz)
Achs and Samuel Achs gave birth to Naomi Achs, who gained fame as screenwriter
and director Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal.
1946: Birthdate of
English impresario Harvey Goldsmith
1946: Felix
Frankfurter was one of the Associate Justices who heard Girouard v. United
States, a landmark citizenship case, when it was argued today before the
Supreme Court.
1947: Birthdate of
Douglas Peter “Doug” Beal, the Cleveland Ohio native who played volleyball at
Ohio State and then continued his involvement with the sport as a college
and serving as USA Volleyball CEO.
1947: As much of Palestine’s Jewish community
endured the third day of martial law, Joseph Saphir, the mayor of Petach Tikva
reported that 4,000 men were out of work due to the clampdown and the number
was growing. In Tel Aviv, the banks were
closed due to a lack of coin and currency while the population worried about
getting the necessities of life including fresh milk.
1948(23rd of Adar I, 5708): This
morning “Arabs ambushed and killed seventeen Jewish members of the
Haganah…seven miles northwest of Jerusalem.”
1948: U.S. premiere of “The Naked City,” a
gritty, black and white film directed by Jules Dassin, produced by Mark
Hellinger with a screenplay by Albert Maltz and Malvin Wald.
1949: Two days after he had passed away,
funeral services are scheduled to be held for Emanuel Philip Adler, the Times
Publisher who was buried in the Mount Nebo Hebrew Cemetery in Davenport, IA.
1949: The Security Council of the United
Nations recommended Israel for membership in the international body.
1950: “The Baron of Arizona” a western movie
directed and written by Samuel Fuller and featuring Vladimir Sokoloff was
released in the United States today.
1950(15th of Adar, 5710): Parashat
Tetzaveh; Shushan Purim
1950: “Israel and Jordan Working for Peace,” an
article about the proposed Israel-Jordan non-aggression pact entitled Gene
Currivan declares that “Israel decided long ago that while external advice is
always welcome, she must rely principally – as the Jews have over the centuries
– on her own resourcefulness where the future is concerned.”
1950: The Revocation of Citizenship Bill, which made it
possible for Iraq's Jews to flee the country, went into effect.
"By the end of May of 1950, at least ten thousand Iraqi Jews" many of
whom were impoverished before leaving, "had crossed the border into Iran”
as they made their way to Israel.
1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the new, official US Middle
Eastern policy was to “equalize the support for Israel and other countries in
the area.” According to the explanation given to the Post by US Embassy
officials in Tel Aviv, this new policy did not mean that the support hitherto
given to Israel was to be lessened, but that the assistance offered to the Arab
states was to be increased. [This new policy was a product of the newly elected
Republican Administration of Dwight Eisenhower and his Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles. Eisenhower and Dulles
would show their true feelings about Israel when they took the side of the
Egyptians over the Israelis during the Suez Crisis of 1956.]
1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that following the recent Israeli
offer, the Barclay and Ottoman banks in Cyprus started accepting claims from
Arab Palestine refugees for the release of their frozen accounts held in
Israeli banks.
1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that a new draft for the Punishment
of Crimes against the State was tabled in the Knesset. It provided for a death
sentence for the high treason in time of war.
1954(29th of Adar I, 5714):
Eighty-year-old Birdie Loeb Gimbel, the daughter of Henrietta Frank and Marx
Loeb and the wife of department store executive Benedict Gimbel passed away
after which she was buried at Mt. Sinai Cemetery in Philadelphia.
1954: As attempts were being to remove his
security clearance, J. Robert Openheimer, the “father of the Atomic Bomb,” sent
a letter to Major General Kenneth D. Nicholas describing his relationship with
Jean Tatlock.
1955: Following the rape and murder of his
sister Shoshana and the murder of her boyfriend Oded Wegmeister by Bedouin
Tribesmen, Meir Har-Zion “and three
ex-members of the 890 Battalion drove to the Armistice Line with Jordan where
they captured six Bedouins.
1956(21st of Adar, 5716):
Sixty-nine-year-old NYU alum, attorney and unsuccessful Republican candidate
for Congress Max Perlman passed away today leaving behind his wife, Mrs.
Gertrude Hyams Pearlman and his son Franklin Perlman.
1957(1st of Adar II,5717): Rosh
Chodesh Adar II
1957: Israel, in compliance with the United Nations
resolution, withdrew from the Gaza Strip and other territories. These
territories had been seized in the Sinai Campaign of 1956, sometimes referred
to as “the One Hundred Hour War” because of its short duration. The
fighting in 1956 was an Israeli response to years of attacks by terrorists
as well as the arming of the Egyptians by the Soviets with an arsenal of
modern weapons. The history of the war is too complicated to
summarize here. Suffice it to say that the Israelis withdrew with
guarantees from the United Nations and the United States that the Sinai
Peninsula would be a demilitarized zone and that Israel would enjoy unfettered
access from Eilat, its southern port through the Straits of Tiran.
In 1967, Egypt would completely break the agreements of 1957 and the U.N.
would fail to honor its commitments which brought about the Six Days War.
1957: The Importance of Overweight by
childhood obesity researcher Hilda Bruch was published today.
1957: “Ill Met by Moonlight” on which Emeric
Pressburger served as co-writer, co-director and co-producer was released today
in the United Kingdom.
1959(24th of Adar I, 5719):
Ninety-nine-year-old Adolphe Danziger de Castro the native
of Poland and scholar, journalist, lawyer, author of poems, novels and short
stories who was the first president of the La Comunidad Sefardi of Los Angeles
passed away today.
of Adar, 5720): Bronx born Leonard Warenoff, the son
of Russian Jewish immigrants who gained fame as Leonard Warren, a leading
baritone with the Met died suddenly while singing with his Richard Tucker
another of the Jewish immigrants who was a giant in the world of opera.
1961: “The Wall,” a play set in Warsaw from
1940 to 1943 based on the novel by John Hersey which proved that a non-Jew can
create a great Jewish book with a cast that included Joseph Bernard was
performed for the last time on Broadway at the Billy Rose Theatre.
1961: The 1961 Inaugural Conference for Israel
Bonds is scheduled to continue for a second day in Miami Beach.
1962: “The Boston Celtics beat the St. Louis
Haws 123-120 giving Red Auerbach his 700th coaching victory in the
NBA.” (As reported by Bob Wechsler)
1964: Birthdate of New York native and former
New York City Council Member Eva Sarah Moskowitz whose mother “fled Europe
during the Holocaust” avoiding the fate of other family members who died in the
concentration camps.
1964(20th of Adar, 5724):
Eighty-one-year-old Hattie Weltman Simon, the Hempstead, TX born daughter of
Louisa and Louis Weltman and the husband of Uriah Myer Simon passed away today
in Fort Worth, TX after which she wasburied at the Hebrew Rest Cemetery.
1965(1st of Adar II, 5725): Rosh
Chodesh Adar II
1965: Jay Rabinowitz began services as an
Associate Justice of the Alaska Supreme Court.
1966: NYU Law School graduate and member of the
U.S. of Representatives Leo Frederick
Rayfiel completed his service and a Judge of the United States District Court
for the Eastern District of New York.
1966: “The Group” directed by Sidney Lumet,
produced and written by Sidney Buchman and filmed by cinematographer Boris
Kaufman was released in the United States today.
1967: Birthdate of Manchester native Ivan
Lewis, the Chief Executive of Jewish Social Services of Greater Manchester who
was elected as the Labour MP for Bury South in 1997.
1969(14TH of Adar, 5729): The first
Purim during the Nixon Presidency
1969(14th of Adar, 5729):
Seventy-one-year-old “Romanian-born British political scientist and Fabian
socialist who was professor at the University of Chicago passed away today.
1969(14th of Adar, 5729): Pioneering
movie mogul, Nicholas M. Schenck passed away.
1970: “Loving” a comedy directed by Irvin
Kershner, produced and written by Don Devlin and starring George Segal and with
music by Bernardo Segall was released in the United States today.
1970: The funeral for seventy-one year old
Russian born Joseph L. Dubow who in 1902 came to the United States where “he
was admitted to the bar…after graduating from the University of Chattanooga Law
School” and eventually became the “executive director of the New York Coat and
Suit Association” while raising two sons – Peter and Robert – with his wife
Estelle is scheduled to take place today at The Riverside.
1971(7th of Adar, 5731):
Sixty-seven-year-old Wharton graduate James Felt, the son of real estate
developer Abraham Felt, who followed in the footsteps of his father and
grandfather when he went into to the real estate business instead of becoming a
Rabbi and went on to become the Chairman of the City Planning Commission passed
away today.
1971: The second of two-part television
production Clifford Odets’ Paradise Lost co-starring Eli Wallach was broadcast
on American Public Television.
1972(18th of 5732): Parashat Ki
Tisa’ Shabbat Parah
1972(18th of 5732):
Eighty-one-year-old NYU trained obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Isador W.
Kahn the husband of Harriet Kahn, passed away today.
1973(30th of Adar I, 5733): Rosh
Chodesh Adar II
1973(30th of Adar I, 5733):
Eighty-six-year-old Lithuanian born, LSE trained, American labor leader Ossip
Walinsky, the founder of the Women’s Trade Union and the “International Leather
Goods, Plastics and Novelty Workers Union who was the husband of Rose (Newman)
Walinksy passed away today.
1973: The
New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors including The
Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry by Harold Bloom.
1973: Marcel Marceau appears at Hancher
Auditorium in Iowa City, IA.
1974(10th of Adar,
5734): Adolph Gottlieb, prominent Abstract Expressionist painter passed away at
the age of 71.
1974: After having
been beaten by police outside the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, Alexander Tsatskis
and Saul Raslin were taken to Kiev where they were “arrested and interrogated.”
1974: "Five months after Israel's defeat of the
Syrian forces on the Golan Heights, four young Syrian Jewish women were found
raped, robbed and murdered in a cave on the Syrian side of the Syrian-Lebanese
borders...The bodies were returned to their parents in sacks."
1975: Charlie Chaplin was knighted by Queen
Elizabeth II of England.
1975: Tonight, “at 11:00 p.m. eight
Palestinians in two teams landed by boat on the Tel Aviv beach at the foot of
Allenby Street.”
1977(14th of Adar, 5737) Purim
1978(25th of Adar I, 5738): Parashat
Vayakhel; Shabbat Shekalim
1978(25th of Adar I, 5738):
Sixty-seven-year-old Samuel Phillip Mandell,
Philadelphia born son of Morris and Rebecca Mandelm the President of Samuel P.
Mandell and Company, the founder of the Samuel P. Mandel Foundation and the
husband of Ida Slustsky with whom he had five children, including two sets of
twins passed away today.
1979: “The Grand Tour,” a musical
with a book by Michael Stewart (born Myron Stuart Rubin) and music and lyrics
by Jerry Herman based on the S. N. Behrman's play Jacobowsky and the Colonel was
performed on Broadway for the last time at at the Palace Theater today
1980(16th of Adar, 5740):
Sixty-three-year-old Charles Pannet, the Brooklyn native and Executive Director
of Hillcrest Jewish Community Center who was an officer of the National
Association of Synagogue Administrators passed away today in New York City.
1981: It was reported today that New York City
Mayor Koch is scheduled to meet with “Rabbi Rokeach, who is revered as the only
surviving heir of the founder of the sect nearly 200 years ago in the
then-Russian town of Belz’ who has just arrived in New York sparking off a
controversy with Satmars.
1982: The “U.S. Senate adopted a resolution
calling for the Soviet Union to stop the persecution, arrests, and trials of
Jewish activists; to remove obstacles to emigration; and to respect the
religious rights of its citizens.”
1983(19th of Adar, 5743):
Eighty-six-year-old Boston born American Modernist artist and illustrator for
several magazines including The Saturday Evening Post and Harpers
Henry Botkin passed away today.
1984(30th of Adar I, 5744): Rosh Chodesh Adar
1984: The life of journalist and author Sidney
Zion “was transformed” tonight “when his 18-year-old daughter, Libby, a
Bennington College freshman with a history of depression and cocaine use, was
admitted to New York Hospital with fever, chills and agitation. Her condition
was not diagnosed, but two interns gave her a painkiller and sedative, a plan
approved by phone by a senior clinician who had treated members of the family,
and Ms. Zion was tied down to prevent injury. She died eight hours after admission.” This tragedy resulted in Zion leading a
crusade that resulted in national reforms in the training, workload and
supervision of young doctors.
1986: Today, “The New York Times reported on
Kurt Waldheim’s wartime service in the Balkans and his prewar Nazi
1987: Jonathan Pollard was sentenced today by a
Washington, D.C. court to life imprisonment for spying for Israel.
1987: After a four-month hostile takeover, Sumner
Redstone won voting control of Viacom for $3.4 billion today.
1988: Sir John Templeton, sponsor of the
$369,000 Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, has expressed surprise at
charges that this year's prize winner was associated with anti-Semitic and
anti-Israel causes. ''We'd heard absolutely nothing of that nature and I don't
think any of the judges had either,'' Sir John said by telephone today from the
Bahamas. ''We are completely surprised and will be trying to study the facts.''
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the American Jewish Committee
protested the designation of Dr. Inamullah Khan, secretary general of the
Pakistan-based World Moslem Congress, as the winner because Dr. Khan and the
congress have linked to anti-Semitic groups, including those that deny the
Holocaust occurred, and that Dr. Khan had rejected Israel's right to exist. Dr.
Khan is the first Moslem to be chosen for the Templeton Prize.
1988: In Ramat HaSharon, Alon and Arela Mekel
gave birth to professional Gal Mekel. Who played for Wichita State University
before turning professional.
1990: Funeral services are scheduled to be held
to at Riverside Memorial Chapel for Brooklyn Law School trained attorney and
decorated WW II Army veteran New York State Senator Abraham Bernstein, the past
president of the National Association of Jewish Legislators and husband of the
former Gretchen Diamond.
1990(4th of Adar, 5750):
Seventy-two-year-old CCNY and Brooklyn Law School graduate Abraham Bernstein,
the husband of Gretchen Diamond, the decorated WW II Army veteran and member of
both houses of the New York State Legislature suffered a fata heart attack after
which he was interred in the New Mount Lebanon Cemetery.
1992(29th of Adar I, 5752):
Eighty-four-year-old Hollywood animator and Walt Disney collaborator Arthur
Babbitt passed away today.
1993(11th of Adar, 5753): Ta'anit Esther
observed since the 13th of Adar falls on Shabbat
1993(11th of Adar, 5753): Izaak Maurits (Piet)
Kolthoff “a highly influential chemist, widely considered the Father of
Analytical Chemistry” passed away.
1994: The INS
Hanit a corvette built by Northrop Gruman was launched today.
1994: “Greedy” produced by Brian Grazer, a
screenplay co-authored by Lowell Ganz, with music by Randy Edelman and starring
Kirk Douglas was released in the United States today.
1995: President Clinton appointed Martin S.
Indyk as U.S. Ambassador to Israel.
1995(2nd of Adar II, 5755): Parashat
1995(2nd of Adar II, 5755):
Eighty-six-year-old Minnie Sweedler Eisman, the mother of Samuel and Fanny
Belle Sweedler and the wife of Philip Carl Eisman whom she married in 1934
passed away today after which she was buried at Beth Israel Memorial Park in
Cedar Knolls, NJ.
1996(13th of Adar, 5756): A suicide bomber
killed at least 10 people and and wounded at least 35 others. The Arab bomber,
with explosives strapped to his body, blew himself up in the street near the
indoor mall known as Dizengoff Center.
1996(13th of Adar, 5756): This morning, owner
Abe Lebewohl the 2nd Avenue Deli was in his delivery truck, going to make his
habitual deposit at a nearby bank when he was shot and killed, a victim of a
robbery that remains unsolved to this day. His baby brother, Jack Lebewohl,
who, unlike Abe, realized their parents’ American dream by becoming a
“professional,” a real estate lawyer, gave up his practice and took over the
deli. He made a go of it for almost 10 years, despite the fact that delis in
New York have been disappearing for almost 40 years.
1998: “The Fourteenth Knesset re-elected Ezer
Weizman for a second term. For the first time, an acting president was faced by
an opponent, (MK Shaul Amor of the Likud), in the re-election. 119 members
participated in the election: 63 votes were in favor of Weizman, 49 were in
favor of Amor, and 7 were empty ballots.
2000(27th of Adar I, 5760): Parashat
Vayakhel; Shabbat Shekalim
2000: “New Paths in Africa, Europe and Middle
East” published today reported that in Africa and the Middle East, most of the
attention regarding technology “has focused on Israel” and that “there is a
wide range of Israeli technology stocks are listed in London and on Nasdaq.”
2000: Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz
ended his visit to Lebanon today “which was aimed at a common Arab front”
following “the breakdown in peace talks between Israel and Syria” and between
Israel and the Palestinians.
2001: The New York Times featured reviews of
books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Islam's
Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora by Ronald Segal
of Adar, 5761):
Naftali Dean, 85, of Tel Mond; Yevgenya
Malchin, 70, of Netanya and Shlomit Ziv, 58, of Netanya were murdered today by
a Palestinian suicide bomber “in the center of the business district of
2001: Graveside services were held at Temple Emeth
Memorial Park, Baker St., West Roxbury, MA for Deborah (Pessin) Margolis, the
widow of Dr. Benjamin D. Margolis.
2002: As of today, “latest round of unrelenting violence -- more than 20
Israeli deaths in the last 24 hours -- has left the Bush administration stymied
and efforts at meaningful diplomacy stalled.”
2002: “Syria seemed to register unease with the Saudi peace plan, which
offers Israel normal relations with the Arab world in return for its withdrawal
from land occupied in the 1967 war” but which “makes no explicit mention of
resettling the millions of Palestinian refugees spread about the region nor
does it mention any Israeli return of the Golan Heights area to Syria, two
points Damascus has always insisted on.”
2003(30th of Adar I, 5763): Rosh Chodesh Adar II
2003: As the Israelis continue their war against terrorists who hide
among the civilian population, the IAF killed three Palestinians in “separate
shooting incidents and clashes.”
2004(11th of Adar, 5764): Ta’anit Esther
2004: “How Bush’s Advisers Confront the World”
published today provides a review of The Rise of the Vulcans by James
Mann who lists Paul Wolfowitz as one of the six people to whom the President
looks to for guidance on foreign policy.
2005: A German court ruled that the heirs of a
once prominent Jewish-owned department store chain were entitled to
compensation for what has in recent years become one of Berlin's most valuable
pieces of real estate. Deciding one of the biggest and most bitterly disputed
claims for restitution of property seized by the Nazis, the German
Administrative Court awarded $17 million to Barbara Principe and her nephew,
Martin Wortham. They are the main surviving heirs of the family of German Jews
that, until the war, owned and operated the Wertheim department store chain,
which even today is to Berlin what Macy's or Bloomingdale's is to New
York. The Wertheim Company, founded in
the 19th century, owned seven large stores in Berlin before the war, all of
them appropriated by the Nazis in 1937 as part of the process by which Jews
were squeezed out of German economic life and their holdings turned over to
"Aryans." The Wertheim brothers arrived in the United States
penniless in the 1940's. Gunther Wertheim, Mrs. Principe's father, ran a
chicken farm in southern New Jersey.
2005: The New York Times reviewed The Great
Morality by John Kelly. This book
provided “an intimate history of the Black Death. Included in this acclaimed volume are
references to the treatment of the Jews including reports of “survivors
pointing accusatory fingers at Jews and Muslims and outsiders” and the “pogroms
instituted against the Jews, who were scapegoated for spreading the plague; the
abdication of responsibility on the part of many officials and community
leaders; and the exploitation of the needy and grief-stricken by con men and
An exhibition styled “The
Power of Conversation of Jewish Women and Their Salons” opens at the Jewish
2006: Dalia Itizk a native of Jerusalem
born into a family of Iraqi Jews, began serving Speaker of the Knesset, making
her the first women to hold this post.
2006: In
Cedar Rapids, celebration of the birthday of Ivy Hurwitz. In the short time that Ivy has been in Cedar
Rapids, she has demonstrated her culinary wizardry and made herself an integral
part of the Jewish community
2007: The
Sunday New York Times book section featured a review of The Art of Aging:A Doctor’s Prescription for Well-Being
by Jewish author Sherwin B. Nuland and a review of Becoming Judy Chicago: A Biography of the Artist by Gail Levin. “Judy Chicago, born
Judith Sylvia Cohen in Chicago in 1939, is descended from a long line of
rabbis, going back to the Vilna Gaon in eighteenth century Lithuania.”
2007(14th of Adar, 5767): Purim.
2008: As part of “Hadassah on Tour,” Dr.
Michael Wilschanski, the Director of the Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit of the
Division of Pediatrics at Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University in
Jerusalem, speaks in Duluth, MN
2008: In New York, the 92nd Street Y
presents “Breaking News from Israel: Reports from the Front Lines” featuring
NBC journalist Martin Fletcher and moderated by New York Times editor and author Joseph Berger.
2008: James L.
Kugel and Rabbi Harold Kushner are among the 20 writers honored tonight at the
57th annual Jewish Book Awards, to be held at the Center for Jewish History in
Manhattan. In January, the Jewish Book Council, which administers the awards,
named Mr. Kugel's How to Read the Bible: A Guide to Scripture, Then and Now
the Jewish Book of the Year for 2007, and chose Rabbi Kushner, the author of
the 1981 best seller When Bad Things Happen to Good People, the
recipient of its Lifetime Achievement Award. The Jewish Book Council, founded
in 1943, is the only organization in America devoted exclusively to promoting
books reflecting the Jewish experience. The annual awards honor achievement in
biography and memoir, children's and young adult literature, fiction, poetry,
and history.
2008: According to Palestinian sources, the
Arabs suffered 110 casualties during Operation Hot Winter. The Israelis launched Operation Hot Winter
following a series of rocket attacks launched from Gaza that targeted Israeli
towns, including Sderot.
2008(27th of Adar I, 5768):
Eighty-three-year-old Oscar winning composer Leonard Rosenman passed away
In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Hadassah Book Club met at the home of community leader
Amy Barnum to discuss a novel by Anita Dimant entitled Good Harbor
In New York, the Jewish Community Relations Council and the Chinese Community
Relations Council sponsor a presentation by Avrum Ehrlich, Professor at the
University of Shandong, China, entitled China-Israel Relations: Geopolitical
and Social Dimensions.
2009: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits
Ramallah before flying out of Israel as she completes her first official peace
mission to the Middle East.
Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander in chief of the Iran’s Revolutionary Gurad
announced that Iran now has missiles that can reach Israeli nuclear sites. Iran’s Shahab-3 missles have a range of up to
1,250 miles, putting Israel within striking distance.
According to the Proivdence Journal,
the last two paid staff member of the Touro Synagogue in Newport, R.I., were
let go and public tours were canceled because of financial difficulties.
of Adar, 5769: Joseph Bloch, who was a professor of piano literature at the
Juilliard School in New York passed away today at the age of 91. at his home in
Larchmont, N.Y. For the better part of the past five decades, every Juilliard
pianist passed through Mr. Bloch’s classroom. There was a brief interruption to
this process in the 1980s when Mr. Bloch tried to retire but proved
indispensable and was persuaded to return. His pupils included many of the
best-known performers of the second half of the 20th century, among them Van
Cliburn, Emanuel Ax, Garrick Ohlsson, Misha Dichter, Jeffrey Siegel, Jeffrey
Swann and Yoheved Kaplinsky, the current chairwoman of Julliard’s piano
department. A pianist trained as a musicologist, Mr. Bloch did not teach his
students prowess at the keyboard; that was done by the conservatory’s studio
teachers, eminent pianists like Rosina Lhévinne and Adele Marcus. What he
taught was not so much the how-to of pianism but the who, the why and the
what-if. Mr. Bloch also leaves behind a world of pianists, each of them,.
Emmanuel Ax said, “a cultured musician, someone who retains curiosity
throughout one’s life of music.” “Maybe all of us would have found another road
that would have led us to the same end,” Mr. Ax added. “But we were lucky
enough not to have had to look beyond him.”
YIVO is scheduled to present a program entitled Goebbels in Arabia during which
Jeffrey Herf, eminent historian and a professor at the University of Maryland,
discusses his new book, Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World (Yale
University Press), a detailed account of how Hitler's Germany planted the seeds
of its own brand of virulent anti-Semitism in the Middle East
The Twentieth Annual KOACH Kallah is scheduled to begin today at the Pearlston
Conference and Retreat Center in Reisterstown, MD. KOACH is the is the college program
Conservative Movement.
In Washington, D.C., Norman Shore is scheduled to lead a “learn over lunch”
that examines the reign of Solomon as described in Book of I Kings.
Rabbi Joshua Maroof, the spiritual leader of the Magen David Sephardic
Congregation in Rockville, Maryland is scheduled to conduct another class
designed to discover the fascinating world of Sephardic Jewish thought in which
attendees delve into the legacy of great philosophers such as Maimonides and
Joseph Caro (author of the Shulchan Aruch) and discuss monotheism, free will
and other ever-contemporary themes.
The High Court today refused to throw out a lawsuit by Peace Now against
construction in Kiryat Netafim, even though the government says it has evidence
that shows that construction was approved before the lawsuit was undertaken,
contradicting the contention of the suit that the building was illegal. The
court, however, rejected a demand by Peace Now that the town and the Samaria
Regional Council be held in contempt of court for allowing construction to
continue, even though the court had ordered building frozen until the lawsuit
was heard.
Michigan Congressman Sandy Levin took over as chairman of the committee today
when Charles B. Rangel of New York stepped aside in due to a number of ethics
violations. (Levin is Jewish; Rangel is not.)
Agudas Achim in Iowa City is scheduled to celebrate Shabbat Across America.
In Rockville, MD, Tikvat Israel is scheduled to explore the world the Jews of
Ethiopia in a program styled: “From Tesfa to Tikva: A Lens on Ethiopian
Congregation Adat Reyim is scheduled to celebrate a Shabbat Service Honoring
Military Families.
Several hundred people gathered in central Tel Aviv today to protest government
plans to deport hundreds of children of foreign workers and illegal residents
of Israel. Speaking at the rally in Tel Aviv’s Gan Meir Park, famous Israeli
actress Gila Almagor said “these 400 children are considered illegal, but they
are Israeli children just like our children. They were born here, grew up here,
and they don’t have any other country,” adding that they must be given
permanent status in Israel. Almagor also vowed to hide children from the
authorities if the deportations go forward, saying “if the interior minister
doesn’t go back on his decision to expel the children, I, Gila Almagor will do
all I can to hide these children, and I am willing to pay the price for it.”
Ten-year-old Esther Aikpehae, one of the stars of the documentary short
“Strangers no More”, which won an Academy Award last week, and follows the
lives of children at Tel Aviv’s Bialik-Rogozin school, home to 180 children who
face deportation, including Esther, addressed the crowd after Almagor. Aikpehae
spoke about her life in Israel, activities in her scout troop, and the fact
that in her words, she has nowhere else to call home. This was a very happy
week for me, the movie “Strangers No More“, filmed at my school, Bialik-Rogozin
which I took part in, won an Oscar, bringing honor to Israel and the city of
Tel Aviv.” “The Interior Ministry has different plans for me. I speak Hebrew,
write Hebrew, and read it without vowels. But like other kids, I don’t meet the
criteria of the interior ministry, and my status in Israel is in doubt. In the
name of all the other children who find themselves in this position, I call on
the state of Israel to let me stay. We don’t have another country.” Aikpehae is
one of around 400 children of foreign workers and African migrants in Israel
who are set to be deported from Israel following a cabinet decision last July,
even though a very large number of them were born in Israel. Last week, reports
emerged that the Population, Immigration, and Borders Authority has built a
detention facility at Ben-Gurion Airport to jail resident aliens and their
children for a short period of time pending their deportation from Israel.
During the protest today, a small counter-protest appeared suddenly, made up of
about two dozen residents of South Tel Aviv, many of them wearing buttons that
said “no more baby visas!”. The counter-protesters chanted “Israel is a Jewish
country”, and described the influx of foreigners as threatening the Jewish
make-up of Israel and wreaking havoc on their neighborhoods. “They have already
become the majority, and we are the minority”, said “Yochanan”, a resident of
South Tel Aviv’s Shapira neighborhood, who also described what he said is a
soaring crime rate and untold numbers of rapes that are never reported
Twenty-year-old Jessica Feibler, a U.C. student has brought a federal civil
rights lawsuit against the University of California, Berkeley, saying the
university did not protect her from being attacked because she is Jewish. The
case, filed in U.S. District Court in Oakland, Calif., today against the
university, the regents of the University of California and their ranking
officials, is the first of its kind.
of Adar I, 5771): Vivienne Harris, 89, who worked with her husband to found the
Jewish Telegraph, now a regional publishing powerhouse in northern England with
editions in Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool and Glasgow, passed away. Harris
received an Order of the British Empire -- MBE -- for her professional and
charitable works, and was still active as the company's financial director
until days before her death. Her son, Paul, the Telegraph's editor, said that
"I always said that she had three children -- myself, my brother and the
Jewish Telegraph. The paper was very much her baby, and she nurtured it like a
child for 60 years. Even in her 90th year, she was devoted to the
company." Israel's ambassador to the United Kingdon, Ron Prosor, said that
Harris "embodied what we should all be proud of: Jewish values, Zionistic
determination and motivation of someone who established the Jewish Telegraph
with her late husband with just the 10 fingers that she had, against all the
odds. A remarkable woman who I had the privilege of meeting and talking to.
It's a great loss (As reported by the Eulogizer)
The AIPAC Policy Conference is scheduled to begin in Washington, DC
Jeremy Skidmore (director) and the Designers of “New Jerusalem: The
Interrogation of Baruch De Spinoza” are scheduled to take part in a “Talk Back”
which is part of “a month-long national conversation about Spinoza’s impact and
Rabbi Jeffery Saks is scheduled to lead the first in a three-part mini-series,
“Aganon’s Eretz Yisrael” that examines the work of Nobel Prize Winner, S.Y.
Virginia’s Eric Cantor, the House Majority Leader and the only Jewish
Republican serving in the U.S. House of Representatives endorsed Mitt Romney
for president and said that he is not interested in the vice-presidency.
of Adar): Ninety-seven-year-old Shmuel Tankus, who commanded Israel’s navy from
1954 until 1960 passed away today.,7340,L-4198215,00.html
President Barak Obama addressed the AIPAC Policy Conference.
Josh Sussman is scheduled to host a Montreal Aliyah Fair this evening.
Dr. Brian Horowitz is scheduled to be the first speaker at today’s session of
the a day-long conference at Tulane University - “Jewish Music in New Orleans”
of Adar, 5773): Sixty-eight-year-old Rabbi Menachem Froman died tonight at his
home in Tekoa in Gush Etzion, where 200 of his students and followers sang and
prayed instead of learning with him a weekly lesson in the mystical Zohar.
Pawel Frenkel, who fought alongside Mordecai Anielewicz is to be commemorated
today at an event marking anniversary of the Jewish rebellion
Sandy, Larry and Michael Levin, from suburban Chicago, are among those
scheduled to attend the final day of the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington,
Emily Casden, Coordinating Curator for “Art Spiegelman’s Co-Mix: A
Retrospective” is scheduled to participate in a Q & A following a screening
of “The Art of Spiegelman.”
“Dancing in Jaffa” and “An Evening of Yiddish Song” are scheduled to be shown
at the 24th Washington Jewish Film Festival.
The Historic 6th & I Synagogue is scheduled to host “Judaism on
Trial: The Barcelona Disputation of 1263”
The Library of Congress is scheduled to host a screening of Regina, Diana Goo’s
documentary about Regina Jonas the first female Rabbi ordained in Germany who
was murdered at Auschwitz in 1944.
Arab terrorists hurled a firebomb today at the community of Beit El, in the
Binyamin region, north of Jerusalem. No one was hurt and no damage was caused.
A similar attack took place on yesterday, too.
of Adar II, 5774): Fifty-nine Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz, the Chicago native who
“has led Chabad in Illinois since 1977” died suddenly today.
of Adar II, 5774): Nine-two-year-old Frances Calisch Rothenberg, “the
granddaughter of Edward N. Calisch of Temple Beth Ahabah passed away today.
GW’s Rabin Chair Forum and Middle East Forum and the Middle East Program of the
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars are scheduled to host a
program about the making of “JERUSALEM” a “film that tells the…story of
Jerusalem through the viewpoints of…Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
YIVO is scheduled to host “Jacob Glatstein: A Yiddish Genius in Anglicizing
Britain’s advertising watchdog banned an Israeli government tourism
advertisement for suggesting that the Old City of Jerusalem is part of Israel
The Daily Mail reported today that “A
hillside house dating back to the early first century CE in northern Israel may
have been the Nazareth home where Jesus was raised, according to researchers.
of Adar, 5775): Fast of Esther
In the evening, Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids has a “Pizza” Purim complete with
costumes and the traditional Megillah Reading
Rabbi Kushner is scheduled to speaking about “Learning Life from Painting” as
an exhibition of his paintings opens at Congregation Emanuel-El of San
Agudas Achim, in Coralville, IA, is scheduled to host the 20th
Annual Shabbat Across North America.
of Adar, 5777): Parashat Terumah;
“State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda” is scheduled to come to an
end today in New York City.
Assemblyman Dov Hikins tweeted photos tonight showing “headstones toppled in a
Brooklyn Jewish cemetery.”
National Day of Unplugging
The New York Times featured reviews
of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers
including Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism and
Progress by Steven Pinker, Becoming Myself: A Psychiatrist’s Memoir
by Irvin D. Yalom and The Narrow Space: A Pediatric Oncologist, His Jewish,
Muslim, and Christian Patients, and a Hospital in Jerusalem by Elisha
Education Minister Naftali Bennett announced that Gil Shwed, the CEO of Israeli
cybersecurity firm Check Point, has been awarded the Israel Prize in technology
and innovation”
of Adar, 5778): the San Francisco born son of Clayton Solomon, the founder of
Tower Cut Rate Drugs and “the former Annette Sockolov” gave birth to Russell
Malcom “Russ” Solomon, the founder of Tower Records.
The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present “Queen Esther’s
Dilemma,” “a musical by Samuel J. Bernstein inspired by the” Megillah Esther.
In Ames, IA, home of the ISU Cyclones, the Ames Jewish Congregation is
scheduled to host a Megiallah reading “and other fun activities” this morning.
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, American Jewish
Historical Society, Leo Baeck Institute & Yeshiva University Museum are
scheduled to present “March Mash-Up” a family festival featuring The
Gefilteria’s Liz Alpern and Jeffrey Yoskowitz, singer Eléonore Biezunski,
storyteller Shane Baker, and the Yiddish puppet theater troupe Great Small
“Filmmaker and writer Aviva Kempner, who is responsible for The Life and Times
of Hank Greenberg” and “Rosenwald” is scheduled to wear a red, white and blue
button at the Oscar ceremony reading “Let’s Love Our Kids More Than Our Guns!”
The final performance of “A Walk With Mr. Heifetz” which is based on
performance by the violinist Jashcah Heifitz at Ein Harold Kibbutz in 1926, is
scheduled to take place at the Cherry Lane Theatre.
The Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present “The Land of Israel – In
Song” featuring “Israeli singer Ariella Edvy” who “embarks on a musical journey
through Israel’s diverse sites and environments – from the Sea of Galilee to
the Dead Sea, from bustling cities to agricultural kibbutzim.”
The 24th East Bay International Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to
host “The Last Supper” and “Promise at Dawn” (La promesse de l’aube)
As part of the Jewish Book Festival, an evening with Robert Alter discussing
his “translation of the Hebrew Bible” with Raphael Zarum, the “Dean of the
London School of Jewish Studies.”
At Book Passage Marin, Matti Friedman is scheduled to discuss Spies of No
Country, which tells the story of “four Mizrachi Jewish spies under in
Lebanon during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.”
In Washington, DC, American University is scheduled to host “What’s Radical
About Jewish Feminism” in which “Professor Joyce Antler as interviews civil
rights icon Heather Booth and pioneering Jewish lesbian feminist Dr. Evelyn
Torton Beck, who are featured in Antler's new book, Jewish Radical Feminism:
Voices from the Women's Liberation Movement.”
The Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines, Chabad of Ames, the ISU Department
of History and the Philosophy and Religious Studies at ISU are scheduled to
host “The Holocaust through the Eyes of a Child Survivor” an evening with Inge
Auerbach where she “shares her story as a Holocaust survivor who spent 3 years
as a young child in Terezin concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. Auerbacher
was born in Kippenheim, Germany, survived Kristallnacht, and was deported with
her parents in 1942 to Terezin, where out of 15,000 children only about 1
percent survived.”
Adas Israel and the Capital Jewish Museum are scheduled to host a dessert
reception, film, and panel discussion on confronting the environment of hate
American Jews face today with “Tom Gutherz, Senior Rabbi of Charlottesville’s
Congregation Beth Israel, and Doron Ezickson, ADL Vice President of the
Mid-Atlantic/Midwest Division.”
The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host “Hammenashen Bake for
Chairty” where students “bake Hamantashen to help raise money for the amazing
work GIFT do all year round and on Purim.”
The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “Anti-Semitism: The Hate That Sill
Won’t Die in the US.”
The Taube Center for Jewish Studies at Stanford University is scheduled to host
Elisheva Baumgarten, the Prof. Yitzchak Becker Chair for Jewish Studies and
professor in the Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry and the
Department of History as she lectures on “Learning from the Dead about the
Living: Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Northern Europe.”
In Brookline, MA, the Chai Center is scheduled to host a “Hamantashen Baking
The Streicker Center is scheduled to present “Beyond the Exodus: The Haggadah’s
Lessons for Life” during which “Mark Gerson, author of The Telling: How
Judaism’s Essential Book Reveals the Meaning of Life, will plumb the text
with Senator Cory Booker.
In Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Cantorial Soloist Abbie Strauss is scheduled to lead
the morning minyan.
The Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine is scheduled to present “The
Passover Haggadah: A Biography – A Zoom talk with author Rabbi Vanessa Ochs.”
The National JCC Literary Consortium and the Atlanta History Center are
scheduled to present Tulane University history professor and award-winning
author Walter Isaacson as he discusses his latest work The Code Breaker:
Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race, an
“account of how Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues launched
a revolution that will allow us to cure diseases, fend off viruses, and have
healthier babies.
The UC Berkley Center of Jewish Studies is scheduled to present Arun Viswanath as
he talks about his challenges in translating Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone into Yiddish with Hebrew Bible translator Robert Alter.
The Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre is scheduled to host a lecture by Shirli
Gilbert, Professor of Modern Jewish History at University College London, on “Wandering
Jews: Migration in Modern Jewish History.”
“The Fight Over ‘Maus’ Is Part of a Bigger Cultural Battle in Tennessee”
published today described the decision of the McMinn Count School Board to
remove the graphic novel about the Holocaust from its eighth-grade curriculum.
“Rabbi Labish Becker, the executive director of Agudath Israel of America, an
umbrella organization of ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups, has raised more than $2
million for Ukraine since the Russian invasion.”
Starting “Paris Boutique” is scheduled to be available for rent thanks to UK
Jewish Film.
In Boston, the Emerson Colonial Theatre is scheduled to present The Simon &
Garfunkel Story” “a critically acclaimed
concert-style theatre show about two young Jewish boys from Queens, New York,
who went on to become the world’s most successful music duo of all time.”
Hadassah Great Plains is scheduled to host its second annual “Shabbat Zachor
In San Rafael, CA, the Osher Family JCC is scheduled to host two Purim Parties.
The Eden Tamir Music Center is scheduled to present “Ensemble
Millennium/Toscanini Quartet, Ensemble in Residence and Friends.”
of Adar, 5783): Shabbat Zachor
Vice President “Harris is slated to meet with visiting war cabinet Minister
Benny Gantz in Washington” today.
In Metairie, LA, the Jewish Community is scheduled to host a Hamantaschen
Baking Event.
2024: As March
4th begins in Israel, the Hamas held hostages begin
day 150 in captivity.
(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we
are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)
2025: The ADL
is scheduled the second and final session of “Never Is Now.”
2025: As part
of Jewish Book Week Locked Down University is scheduled to host a lecture by
Raquel Ukeles on “101 Treasures from the National Library of Israel” a lecture
by Ruth Franklin and David Herman on “The Many Lives of Anne Frank” lecture by David
Mikics and Liel Leibovitz on “MAD Magazine” Warping America’s Brain” and Cary
Nelson and Abe Socher on “Mindless: What Happened to Universities?”
2025: Qesher
is scheduled to present: “The Jews of
Kurdistan: A Land of Jewish Heritage, and Potential Reconciliation.”
2025: Mardi Gras,
which the author of this blog saw for the first time 62 years ago.
2025: In
another session of the online lecture series “To the Birds” attendees are schedule
to read “Slip” by Y.D. Berkowitz with Professor Avner Holtzman.
2025: The
Sacramento Jewish Film is Festival is scheduled to host “a Zoom chat about the
film “Colleyville” with filmmaker Dani Menken; live from the Manhattan, JCC
2025: At
Boston’s Vilna Shul is scheduled to host JWA CEO Judith Rosenbaum who will
moderate a conversation about the power of representation with State Senator
Becca Rausch and Rabbi Lila Kagedan, along with a retelling of Sirota’s life
and story through film
2025: As March
4th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of ant-Semitism sweeps across the
globe, the reality is that the remaining Hamas held hostages begin day 513 in
captivity (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so
we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)
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