515 BCE (3rd of Adar, 3245): Completion of the
construction of the Second Temple at Jerusalem.
996: Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim who “ordered…Jews
to wear wooden calves around their necks” began his reign today.
1130: The Papacy of Honorius II came to an end.
Honorius took no action that directly affected the Jewish people.
However, he did take an active role in the affairs of Eretz Israel as the
ultimate leader of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Crusader-established entity
that the Christians used to control the homeland of the Jews.
1195: This day marked the
Speyer (Germany) ritual-murder libel. Although there was no proof of
any wrongdoing, the Rabbi's daughter was dismembered, and her body was hung in
the market place for a few days. The rabbi, along with many others, was killed
and their houses burned.
1349: Jews were expelled from Burgsordf,
1349: During the Black Plague, the newly chosen
Town Council of Strasbourg, gave orders to arrest all the Jews in the city so
that they could be put to death.
1469: Birthdate of Elia Levita “a Renaissance
Hebrew grammarian, scholar, and poet” who “was the author of the Bovo-Bukh
(written in 1507–1508), the most popular chivalric romance written in Yiddish
and who lived for a decade in the house of Cardinal Giles of Viterb because “he
was one of the foremost teachers of Christian clergy, nobility, and
intellectuals in Hebrew and in Jewish mysticism during the Renaissance.”
1633: Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome so he can
stand trial before the Inquisition for heresy. According to at least one source
this episode highlighted a basic difference between Judaism and the Roman
Catholic Church “There is no scientific fact regarding the natural world that
in itself stands against any of the principles of Judaism.” (As reported by
1681: In England, “the Old Artillery Ground,”
the future site of the Sandys Row Synagogue, “was granted in perpetuity to
George Bradbury and Edward Noell for £5,700, with licence to build new houses
on the same.”
1689: William and Mary are proclaimed joint
sovereigns of Great Britain following the Glorious Revolution. By now, Jews had
officially returned to Great Britain. According to some sources, Jewish
financiers provided support for the cause that brought the new monarchs to the
throne. Eleven years after they began their reign, the Act for
Suppressing Blasphemy which made practicing Judaism legal, was enacted.
King William would knight Solomon de Medina making him the first Jewish peer of
the realm.
1728: Cotton Mather passed away. Like
many Puritans, he saw his people as the modern day Israelites. For more
on this see Cotton Mather and the Jews by Lee Friedman and “The Three
Jewish Children At Berlin: Cotton Mather’s Obsession” by Linda Munk
1763(30th of Shevat, 5523): Rosh
Chodesh Adar observed three days after the Seven Years War came to an end.
1767(14th of Adar I, 5527): Purim
1770: Joseph Abrahams, the son of Abraham
Abrahams of Aldgate, was admitted as a solicitor in Chancery today.
1776: A decree was issued forcing Jews who had
moved out of the Ghetto of Frankfort to return
1781(18th of Shevat, 5561): Mrs.
Fanny Judah who had married Berlah Judah in Montreal, passed away today.
1783: Birthdate of Bina Levi, the daughter of
German native Benedict Levi and husband of Abraham Faist Rosenheim with whom
she had three children.
1794: Dr. Levi Meyers of Georgetown, SC married
Francis Minis, “second daughter of the late Philip Minis” in Savannah, Ga.
1794: Rebeka Heiman and Chaim Guggenheimer gave
birth to Sibila Guggenheimer.
1798: In Germany, Madel Dreifuss and Maier
Ottenheimer gave birth to Voegele Ottenheimer, the wife of Abraham Moses Faist
Rosenheim with whom she had four children.
1801(30th of Shevat, 5561): Rosh
Chodesh Adar
1802(11th of Adar I, 5562): Parashat
1804(1st of Adar, 5564): Rosh
Chodesh Adar
1805(14th of Adar I, 5565): Purim
Katan celebrated as Lewis and Clark meet with Black-Cat who gave them a
1808(15th of Shevat, 5568): Tu B’Shevat;
Shabbat Shirah; Parashat Beshlach
1810: Birthdate of Naphtali Frankfurter, the
native of Oberdorf who was the rabbi at the Reform temple in Hamburg, and who
was a member of the Hamburg Parliament.
1812(30th of Shevat, 5572): Rosh Chodesh
1813(13th of Adar I, 5573): Parashat
1815: One day after he passed away, Barnet
Franks, the husband of the former Jane Jacobs, was buried today at the “Brady
Street Jewish Cemetery.”
1815: Birthday of critic and anthologist Rufus
Wilmot Griswold whose marriage to South Carolina Jewess Charlotte Myers in 1845
was either unusual or scandalous depending on which version one chooses to
believe. In a day before the term “cougar” was in use, the 33
anthologist’s marriage to the 42-year well-to-do matron raised eyebrows.
1816(12th of Tevet, 5576): Parashat
1819(18th of Shevat, 5579): Parashat
1823: In Deventer, Gelderland, The Netherlands,
Aron Levi Goudsmit (aka Aron Levy), the Dutch
born “son of Levie Emanuel Goudsmit and Magdalena Hartog Goudsmit and his wife Henriette
Jette van Raalte gave birth to Levy/Levij Goudsmit the “husband of Lea / Leentje Groen and Betje
Levi Themans and father of Stillborn Goudsmit; Arnold Levi Goudsmit; Alexander
Levi Goudsmit; Stillborn Goudsmit; Stillborn Goudsmit; Hendrik Goudsmit;
Mathilde Goudsmit; Stillborn Goudsmit and Henriette Goudsmit”
1824(14th of Adar I, 5584): Purim
1824: The will of Samuel Simons, a Jew living
in Charleston, SC, was "proved today." He left most of his
estate "to relatives and institutions in London." The one
exception was “a bequest to his 'House Keeper Maria Chapman, a free woman of
Colour" in the amount of "fourteen hundred dollars, two
Negroes...with the issue and increase of the females and also two bedsteads
bedding and chairs." According to Sarna and Mendelssohn, a bequest
of this size and nature would indicate that she was his mistress and not just a
1824: In London, Mr. and Mrs. Zakok Aaron
Jessel, gave birth to Sir George Jessel an influential jurist who was the first
Jew to serve as the Master of Rolls, the most senior judge in England and Wales
with the exception of the Lord Chief Justice
1829: Birthdate of Edmund Burke Wood the
Canadian lawyer who made a famous summation after presiding over the case
of Kieva Barsky, one of a large group of Jewish refugees who had settled in
Winnipeg in 1881 and 1882 after fleeing persecution in Russia. Barsky had been
the victim of a vicious anti-Semitic attack while working on the Canadian
Pacific Railway, narrowly escaping death when a certain Charles Wicks attacked
him with an iron bar. Wood spoke of the contribution of the Jewish people to human
history and said that it “...was wholly out of keeping with Canadian justice
and surely not in keeping with the asylum that should be offered to persecuted
Jewry” that this sort of act should be tolerated.
1832: Birthdate of Bavaria native Joseph
Houseman, the Grand Rapids, Michigan business and member of the B’nai B’rith
1833(24th of Shevat): Rabbi Ezekeiel Feivel be
Ze’ev Wolf, the Maggid of Vilno author of Musar Haskel passed away
1836(25th of Shevat, 5596): Shabbat
Shekalim; Parashat Mishpatim
1841: Birthdate of Heinemann Vogelstein a
German rabbi who was a leader of the Reform Movement and the father of Hermann,
Ludwig and Theodor Vogelstein and of Julie Braun-Vogelstein.
1841: In London, Rebecca Crawcour and Aaron
Hart gave birth to Amelia Hart.
1842: At Budapest, “the son of the secretary of
the Jewish congregation” and his wife gave birth to German actor Ludwig Barnay.
1842: In New York City. Elizabeth and Moses S.
Cohen gave it to Rose “Rosa” Lowenberg, the wife of Solomon Henry Lowenberg and
other of Henry Eger Lowenberg; Bessie E. Falk; Lily Jacobson and Alfred
1845(6th of Adar I, 5606): Eleven
days before his 56th birthday Dr. Jacob de la Motta, the Savannah,
GA born son of Emanuel de la Motta and U.S. Army surgeon who after serving the
War of 1812 settled first in Charleston and then in Savannah where “he was
instrumental in erecting a synagogue” and who in 1816 delivered the eulogy for
Gershom Mendes Seixas passed away today in Charleston.
1846: In New York City, Rachel Seixas Nathan
and Montague M. Hendricks who were married in 1836, gave birth to Agnes
Henricks, the wife of Aaron Wolff and the mother of Lillian Henricks Wolff.
1847: Sharon Turner the English historian and
friend of Isaac D’Israeli passed away today. It was Turner who provided
the advice to the Anglo-Jewish intellectual that led to the baptism of his
children including the future Earl of Beaconsfield.
1847(27th of Shevat, 5607): Parashat
Mishaptim; Shabbat Shekalim
1847(27th of Shevat): Rabbi Zundel, author of Kenan
Rananim passed away
1847: In Germany, Aron and Ella Jaffe gave
birth to Abraham Nathan Jaffa, the “husband of Lea Helene Jaffa.”
1849: Birthdate of Elizabeth Helena De Jongh,
the wife of Amsterdam native Edward Dentz.
1849: Birthdate of Lord Randolph Churchill, the
father of Sir Winston Churchill. Unlike many of his class, according to
the great historian Martin Gilbert, Churchill “was noted for his friendship
with individual Jews.” Lord Randolph had so many Jewish friends that he was the
butt of jokes at his clubs. Of course, the Jews with whom Churchill associated
were men of his economic and social class such as the Rothschilds and Sir
Ernest Cassel, a close personal friend of the Prince of Wales (the future King
Edward). According to Gilbert who was Sir Winston’s official biographer, the
younger Churchill’s Jewish friendships were originally an attempt to show
support for his father and gain the paternal approval he so longed for.
1850: In what is now the Czech Republic,
Theresia Ester Ullman and Rabbi Benjamin Ullman gave birth to Hermann Ullmann,
the husband of Bertha Ullmann.
1851: Charles VI “an 1843 French grand opera in
five acts with music composed by Fromental Halevy” was performed for the first
time in German in Hamburg.
1854(15th of Shevat, 5614): Tu
1854(15th of Shevat, 5614:
Ninety-three-year-old Philadelphia native Leah Nathan Hart, the wife of Jacob
Naphtali Hart and mother of Zipporah Hart passed away today in New York City.
1855: Birthdate of Russian native Isaac
Schwayder, the husband of Rachel Leah Kobey Shwayder with whom he had nine
children including Jesse Shwayder, the founder of Samsonite.
1858: In New York, Zipporah and Benjamin Hayman
Seixas gave birth to Isaac Cardozo Seixas
1859: In London, Bertha Salomons and Lionel
Benjamin Cohen gave birth to Florence Justina Cohen, the husband of Abraham de
Mattos Mocatta and mother of Effie and Edgar Mocatta.
1860: Birthdate of German native Pauline Kern.
1860(20th of Shevat, 5620):
Seventy-one-year-old Isaac Baer Levinsohn “a notable Russian-Hebrew scholar,
satirist, writer and Haskalah leader who was called ‘the Russian Mendelssohn’”
passed away today.
1862: Birthdate of musician Karel Weis who
composed “The Polish Jew.”
1862: Today, during the Civil War, Abraham Hart
who had enlisted in Company A of the 73rd Pennsylvania Infantry for
a three hitch, and who had been commissioned as a first lieutenant was
discharged from Company A so he could transfer to Company I of the same
regiment where he would serve as a captain.
1864: Union General Benjamin Butler responded
to a second letter from N.S. Isaacs in which he had complained about the
General’s negative characterization of Jews, stating that they were smuggling
supplies to Confederates in Louisiana and then describing them in classic
anti-Semitic terms. In defending himself, the General wrote, “I admit that my
experience with men of the Jewish faith or nation has been an unfortunate one.
Living in an inland town in Massachusetts before the war, I had met but few…”
1865: Chaim (Henry) Abrams married Sophia Joel
in Edinburgh, Scotland today.
1865: Private Abraham Greenawalkt, Company G,
104th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, U.S. Army was awarded the
Congressional Medal of Honor for his courageous service at the Battle of
Franklin in November of 1864.
1866(28th of Shevat, 5626): Sophie
Tobias, the sixth and youngest daughter of Isabella Cowen and Isaac Tobias
passed away today in Charleston, S.C.
1866: In New York, Amanda Anna Rothschild, the
Worms, Germany born “daughter of Nathan Blün and Wilhelmina Mindel Blün and her
husband Frank Rothschild” gave birth to Maurice Patsy Rothschild, the husband
of Bella Rothschild and father of Katherine and Marie Patrice Rothschild.
1866: Birthdate of Lev Isaakovich Schwarzmann,
the Russian born philosopher who gained fame as Lev Isaakovich Shestov who was
forced to flee after the October Revolution and found refuge in France where he
died in 1938.
1870: Birthdate of Memphis native Martin
Isaacs, the Lake Forest U. trained attorney whose practice in Chicago included
representing the Employing Tailors Association and who served as a Master in
Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County.
1871: In Omaha, Nebraska, Leah and Edward
Rosewater gave birth to Victor S. Rosewater who followed in his father’s
footsteps as editor and publisher of the Omaha Bee and a leader in Republican
Party politics.
1874: It was reported today that Glad
Tidings, a Jewish journal is being printed every Friday in Calcutta using
“the Arabic language and Hebrews characters.”
1875: In Barchfeld, Germany, Jette and Moses
Joseph Levor gave birth to Joseph Levor, the husband of Rachel Levor and father
of Bruno and Manfred Levor
1875(7th of Adar I, 5635): Rabbi Zacharias
Frankel passed away. The scion of a rabbinic family from Prague, Frankel
“was the founder, in Germany, of Historical Judaism, the forerunner of
Conservative Judaism in America. A member of the first generation of modern
rabbis, Frankel fashioned a multifaceted career as pulpit rabbi, spokesman for
political emancipation, critic of radical religious reform, editor, head of the
first modern rabbinical seminary, and historian of Jewish law.”
1876: An article published today tracing the
history of cremation from ancient times to the present reported that “the early
Christians followed the custom of the Jews, which was bury, not to burn the
dead. The Rabbis gave the text, ‘Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt
return’ as a reason for burial and refused to burn the deceased members of the
community.” The great historian Tacitus was apparently well acquainted
with Jews and their customs since he noted that among the Jews, “it is their
practice – ‘corpora condere quam cremare’---‘to bury rather than to burn.’
(Tacitus, History, Volume 5)
1876: In a testament to futility, it was
reported today that Abraham Joseph Levy who is currently in Cincinnati, Ohio
working to convert Jews to Christianity visited approximately 600 hundred
Jewish families in 1875 and succeeded in converting one family of six to
1876: Martha May Cohen and Louis Samuel Cohen
gave birth to Stanley Samuel Gilbert Cohen
1878: Louisville, KY, Joseph and Louise
Slaughter Meyers gave birth to Florinne Myers Selligman, the wife of Bernard
Selligman and mother of Frieda Selligman Yoelson.
1879: Birthdate of Ernest Albert Rosehnheim the
native of Liverpool who gained fame as Ernest Rose, the race car driver who
rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel while serving in the British
Expeditionary Force during WW I.
1880: 1st of Adar, 5640): Rosh Chodesh Adar
1880: In Altdorf, Germany, Sophie and Simon
Dreifuss gave birth to Bertha Schonwald, the wife of Abraham Schonwald
1880: The funeral of Asher Bijur, a prominent
New York tobacco merchant and leader of the Jewish community is scheduled to
take place at his home on West 53rd Street followed by burial at
Cypress Hill.
1881: The synagogue in Neustettin burned down
today, a few days after Ernst Henrici had delivered an “anti-Semitic diatribe.”
While the Jews thought it was anti-Semitic inspired arson the authorities
thought differently, and five members of the Jewish community convicted on
charges of arson so they could get the insurance money. The verdict was
overturned on appeal.
1881(14th of Adar I, 5641): Purim
1881(14th of Adar I, 5641): Rabbi Gershon
Tanhum of Minsk author of Elano d’Hayei passed away
1881: Rabbi E.B.M. Browne of Atlanta, GA,
delivered a lecture at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church in New York City
on the subject of “The Talmud” during which he explained the origins and
history of this compendium of Jewish law while dispelling many of the myths
surrounding it. Browne wore many hats and served several pulpits.
Browne was the founder and editor of The Jewish South, “a weekly edited first
in Atlanta and later in New Orleans” which he described as “the only Jewish
Journal this side of the Mason and Dixon Line.”
1882: It was reported today that the annual
masquerade ball of the Purim Association will taking place on the evening of
March 2nd.
1882 In London, Anglo-Jewish author Benjamin
Farjeon and his wife Maggie who was not Jewish gave birth to award-winning
author Eleanor Farjeon.
1883: Seventy-nine-year-old composer Richard
Wagner passed away.
1884(17th of Shevat, 5644):
Seventy-one-year-old Aaron David Bernstein “a German Jewish author, reformer
and scientist” whose “translation of the “Song of Songs” and “his publication
of Young Germany established his reputation among the literary critics of
1884: In Wolverhampton, Amelia Cohen and Jonas
Hart gave birth to Sheba Henrietta Hart.
1885: In the UK, the Mersey Tunnel, which was
built under the leadership of Samuel Isaac, opened today.
1885(28th of Shevat, 5645): Seligman
Solomon passed away.
1887: Birthdate of Guy Zinn, the native of
Holbrook, West Virginia who played for all three “major leagues” – American,
National and Federal – from 1911 until 1915.
1887: In New York, “Emanuel and Cecelia
(Balenburg) Manheimer gave birth to the Columbia PhD and “sanitation expert”
Wallace Aaron Manheimer the husband of Mildred Morrison who served as the
Superintendent of the Bronx YMHA and the Hebrew National Orphan Home while
writing “3 act plays” and articles on sanitation.
1887: Rabbi Alexander Kohut of Ahawath Chesed
left for Baltimore this afternoon where he is scheduled to marry Rebekah
1889: Birthdate of Leontine Schlesinger, the
Austrian born actress and director the world would know as Leontine Sagan.
1890: The Russian Jews, who arrived in New York
yesterday from Hamburg on board the SS Rugia, will probably be placed in
quarantine at a building on Clinton Street which the Board of Health uses for
emergency purposes. The Jews are suspected of having contracted typhus
fever which has an incubation period of from 18 to 21 days.
1890: It was reported today that the brass band
from the Hebrew Orphan Asylum under the direction of Mr. Wiegand will perform
“Philadelphia March” in its premiere performance at the upcoming reception
hosted by the Seligman Solomon Society.
1891(NS): Birthdate of Zhitomir, Russia native
and American opera singer, the husband of Mildred Eleanor Levy, whose father,
Heniot Levy, a noted pianist and composer, who had emigrated from his native
Poland to Chicago and the father of pianist, conductor and harpsichordist Igor
1891: The will of Philadelphian Ellen M.
Philips who had passed away on February 2 was admitted to probate today.
1892(15th of Shevat, 5652): Tu
1892: American Socialist leader Julius Gerber
married Lena Sacht today in New York.
1893: Charles Frohman’s comedic performers are
appearing at the Standard Theatre in New York in “The Girl I Left Behind Me.”
1893: The committee formed by the Central
Conference of American Rabbis “to arrange the seconding part of the Union
Prayer book containing the services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur” met for
the second time today in Chicago.
1894: The Independent Western Star Order whose
members included N.T. Brenner, Eugene Weinberger and Sam Cohen was organized
today in Chicago, Illinois.
1894: Birthdate of Mir, Russia native and alum
of the School of Military Engineering in Odessa,Henry J Harkavv, the Fordham
trained attorney and a leader of the Bikur Cholim Convalescent Home who was the
husband of “the former Fannie Gotlieb.”
1895: The Hebrew Institute hosted a meeting
where the issues of tenement house improvements and “the single tax” were
1895: It was reported today that an autopsy
will need to be held to determine the cause of death for Mrs. Hannah
Steinberger whose friends claim she took he own life. They blamed her
action on the cumulative mistreatment of her by her husband who was arrested
last October for assaulting his wife.
1895: In Atlanta, GA, a grand ball will be held
this evening in Concordia Hall, for the delegates attending the district
convention of B’nai Brith. (Editor’s Note – The Concordia Association was
formed by Hungarian and German Jews in 1867 and was the site of Atlanta’s first
Jewish wedding. The Association morphed into the Standard Club in the
1897: It was reported that Theodore Roosevelt,
President of the Board of Police Commissioners delivered the main address at
the dedication Hebrew Technical Institute’s new facility which had been held on
Lincoln’s Birthday even though the building was actually ready for use on
January 4. Other speakers included Max Lowenthal who “delivered an
address for the alumni of the institute and …Professor Morris Loeb, Chairman of
the Instruction Committee.”
1897: Dr. E.G. Hirsch of Chicago conducted
Shabbat morning services today at Temple Beth-El in New York; the congregation
served by Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler.
1898: In Lower Saxony, Hulda Schickler, the
Holocaust victim and her husband Adolf Aron Schickler gave birth to Arthur Kurt
1898: “The Dawn of Literature” published today
summarized the views of Harvard Professor C.H.Toy’s regarding the relationship
between Egyptian and Babylonian literature and Hebrew literature. He contends
that the account of the flood was “engraved on clay tables about 2000 B.C,,
long before the Hebraic account was written and…the Biblical account was
founded on the Babylonian.” He also said that he Jews took the stories of
Ruth, Jonah and Esther from the literature of the Egyptians.
1899: The Union of Judæo-German Congregations
which had been founded in 1869 was officially incorporated today.
1899(3rd of Adar, 5659):
Forty-seven-year-old Sarah Florence Sheftall, Creamer, the daughter of Emanuel
and Jane L. Thiess Sheftall and the wife of James Evan Creamer passed away
after which she was buried in Savannah, GA.
1900(14th of Adar I, 5660): Purim
1900: The auditorium of the Educational
Alliance’s building was the site of “a gathering of the Federation of East Side
Boys’ Clubs” where Professor Felix Adler was among those who gave “their
respective views of reform in municipal affairs.
1900: Birthdate of Mir, Russia native and WW I
veteran Jacob Zavel Jacobson who in 1907 came to the United States where he
attended Drake University in Des Moines, IA, earned a doctorate at the
University of Chicago, wrote B’nai B’rith Magazine and served as an office with
the Iowa Farm-Labor Party.
1901: In Vienna, Sophie and Robert Lazarsfeld
gave birth to sociologist Paul Felix Lazarsfeld, the founder of Columbia
University's Bureau for Applied Social Research.
1901: Constantin C. Arion, who had said that his “Government
would grant rights to the Jews in accordance with the peace treat” and that the
Government “would completely abolish Article 7 of the Rumanian Constitution”
which states that “Jews in Rumania are aliens and that naturalization is only
possible for them individually” completed his service as Minister of Religion
and Public Instruction today. (Editor’s Note – Going back to the Congress of
Berlin, Rumanian government were always promising to emancipate the Jews living
in the country and always failing to do so.)
1902: Birthdate of Louis R. Oshins who “was
City College of New York (CCNY) first team captain when the school resumed
football in 1922 and later became head coach at Brooklyn College where his most
famous player was Allie Sherman, future coach of the New York Giants.
1903: It was reported today, the new officers
of the American Jewish Historical Society are President, Dr. Cyrus Adler; Vice
Presidents, Simeon W. Rosendale, Professor J. H. Hallander,, Rabbi Bernhard
Felsenthal and Professor Charles Gross; Corresponding Secretary, Max J. Kohler;
Recording Secretary, Dr. Herbert Friedenwald;; Treasurer, J.H. Gotteheil; and
Curator Leon Huhner.
1904(27th of Shevat, 5664): Parashat
Mishpatim; Shabbat Shekalim
1904: Birthdate of Ellis Radinsky
1904: It was reported today that at the
celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Hebrew
Technical Institute, a bronze table was unveiled honoring the memory of James
H. Hoffman, “the first president of the institute who served from 1883 to 1900.
1905(8th of Adar, 5565): “Simon
Sobel, who last January complied with an old Jewish custom in which his wife
received a divorce in accordance with rabbinical tenets as laid down in
Deuteronomy XXV, 3-11, died at his home” in Newark, NJ, after having been
stricken with paralysis.
1906: Another Jewish massacre was reported to
have taken place in Bessarabia.
1907: Daniel B. Freedman sold Isaac Blum a
“four story dwelling on 261 West 54th Street.”
1907: In Manhattan, Kieve and Salomea Breen
Kriendler gave birth to Maxwell Arnold “Mac” Kriendler, the St. Johns Law
School Graduate and WW II veteran who was president of the famous “21” Club
from 1947 to 1955.
1908: “Starling allegations of the Czar’s
complicity in the pogroms, which in the last two or three years have led to the
massacring of hundreds of Jews in various parts of Russia have reached the
German Jewish Relief League.”
1909: In Newcastle, New South Wales, “Sir
Samuel Cohen and his wife Elma (née Hart)” gave birth to Major General Paul
Alfred Cullen, who served with distinction during WW II in both North Africa
and the Pacific campaigns against Japan.
1910(4th of Adar): Rabbi Eliezer Gordon,
founder of the Yeshiva in Telz Lithuania passed away today.
1911: Despite his continued involvement with
Friede Kunke, “at the urging of his family” novelist Bruno Alfred Döblin “was
reluctantly engaged” to his future wife Erna Reiss.
1912: “W. Seligman Kills Himself In A Hotel”
published today described the events surrounding the suicide of Washington
Seligman, the son of banker James Seligman, who had made an unsuccessful
attempt to take his life in May of 1903 by slashing his throat with a razor.
1913: Birthdate of Brooklynite Devery Freeman,
the writer and U.S Navy veteran who helped to establish the Writers Guild Of America.
1913: The Council of Jewish Women in Los
Angeles, California opened a day nursery for children of working mothers of all
1913: “The Other” a cinema version of a play of
the same name directed by Max Mack and produced by Jules Greenbaum was released
today in Germany.
1913(6th of Adar): Author Yehiel Michael Pines
passed away
1914: Sixty-year-old Alphonse Bertillon who
testified as a “handwriting expert” which he was not that “Alfred Dreyfus had
written the incriminating document (known as the "bordereau") which
resulted in condemning an innocent man to a disgraceful discharge and life
sentence at the French penal colony of Devil’s Island passed away today.
1914(17th of Shevat, 5674):
Ninety-six-year-old Judith Simcha da silva Solis, the Wilmington, Delaware born
daughter of Charity Hays and Jacob da silva Solis and the husband of Myer David
Cohen with whom she had eight children, passed away today in Philadelphia.
1915(29th of Shevat, 5675): Parashat
Mishpatim; Shabbat Shekalim
1915: It was reported today that a group of
porters and drivers, many of whom were Jews were forced to leave the fortress
at Przemysl and sought refuge in the Russian lines where they said the
garrison’s only meat ration was horseflesh
1915: U.S. Secretary of the Navy Josephus
Daniel today wrote to Herman Bernstein, editor of The Day, that he had
discussed the request of the Jewish Relief Committee with President Wilson and
that he would be willing to naval vessels, (in this case the U.S.S. North
Carolina and the U.S.S. Scorpion, carry “food and medicines for the sick and
starving in the Holy Land” as long as the quantities were limited to the space
available and the supplies were loaded without delaying the sailing of the
1915: It was reported today that “the Committee
on Unemployment among Jewish Girls of which Mrs. Alexander Kohurt is Chairman
has arranged with the War Relief Committee to sell milk at a cent a glass to
the 600 girls in the 7 workrooms that to the generosity of Mrs. Charles
Oppenheim who has made up the deficit in the cost of the milk.
1916: “Julius Kahn, the Republican Congressman
from California” told a meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association that
50,000 Jews were fighting in the British Army, 175,000 Jews in the German Army
and 350,000 Jews in the Russian Army and that “the Jew has always fought well
for whatever country he might living in and for his God” which gave him good
reason that Jews would serve in the Army being expanded to meet the possible
threat of involvement in the war now raging in Europe.
1916: As Americans debated whether nor to take
part in the World War, “Isaac Siegel, the Republican Congressman for the
Twentieth District of New York said that the country was passing through a
critical period, that it was time to adopt a policy that meant something and
that the home industries and American lives on the high seas must be
1916: Three days after he had passed away, eighty-two-year-old
Francis Samuel, the Philadelphia born son of Sarah Samuel and the husband of
Beatrice Julia Samuel was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish
1916: In Nuremberg, Marianne Rath and Julius
Heydecker gave birth to Joe J. Heydecker who secretly made a photographic
record of the Warsaw Ghetto which provided a vivid picture of the Nazi
1916: As of today, the fund of the Jewish
Relief Committee of which Felix M. Warburg is the treasurer has collected
$2,763,764.14 which means it has almost reached its goal of three million
1916: As part of Justice Samuel Greenbaum’s
appeal to New Yorkers to support the Educational Alliance, the public was
invited “to visit the alliance at 137 East Broadway and see what is being done
to make the young people good Americans and place them under good influences”
while keeping them off of the streets.
1917: In Berdichev, Russia (currently
Berdychiv, Ukraine), gave birth to
Holocaust survivor George Fox and his twin sister Hanna.
1917: The University California Board of
Regents adopted a resolution expressing their sorrow at the death of Albert
Bohnnheim, who was described as a “staunch and kindly friend of youth, generous
benefactor of the University of California and an honored member of the
1917: In Hudson, NY, Russian Jewish refugees
Isaac and Ella Miler Slutzky gave birth to Orville Andrew Slutzky “who with his
brother founded the Hunter Mountain ski resort in upstate New York, known in
the 1960s for its celebrity clientele and in the 1970s.” (Paul Vitello)
1918: The Kaiser told “a War Council…that
there was a world-wide conspiracy against Germany, the participants in which
included…’international Jewry’…He made no mention of the fact that as many as
ten thousand Jews…had already been killed fighting in the ranks of the German
1918: Birthdate of Wisconsin native Lewis B.
“Lew” Hamity, the University of Chicago and Chicago Bears running back who “served
in the U.S. Armed Services during World War II and then became a salesman for
Phil Maid Lingerie. He later bought Mapes and Sprowl Steel, serving first as
president, then as chairman.”
1919: German lawyer and politician Eugene
Schiffer began serving as the Minister of Finance today.
1920: “The Jewish Chronicle” published an
article taking exception to Winston Churchill’s characterization of a Jewish
relationship to Bolshevism in an article he had published in the “Illustrated
Sunday Herald.”
1920: In Berlin, “anti-Semitic demonstrations
by students compelled Dr. Albert Einstein to cancel a course of lectures.
1921: Today marked the end of the three-day
celebration marking the incorporation of Congregation Shaaray Tefila.
1922(15th of Shevat, 5682): Tu
1922: “Fruits from Palestine will be eaten
today by New York Jews as part of…the New Year of the Trees, a Palestinian
festival Spring” which is like the American Arbor Day.
1923: Birthdate of Yifrah Neaman, the Lebanese
born British violinist.
1924: Nineteen-year-old Liba Zibranitska, whom
District James A. Lowell had ruled could enter the United States because she
and her siblings had been the victims of anti-Semitic violence and persecution
in the United States is scheduled to leave Boston today to join a sister in
western New York.
1925(19th of Shevat, 5685): Samuel
Goldstein, the President of the Jew Home for Convalescents, the First Deputy
Grand Master of B’rith Abraham and the former President of the United Rumanian
Jews of America passed away today at his home on Fort Washington Avenue.
1926: “‘Reminiscences of My Father’ was the
topic chosen by Maxa Nordau, daughter of the late philosopher, author and
Zionist, Max Nordau for her first lecture” tonight at the Town Hall in New York
1927: When he was installed today as the
“spiritual leader of the Congregation Talmud Torah of Flatbush,” Rabbi Isadore
Goldman delivered “his inaugural sermon” in which he “criticized
Fundamentalists and Moderates alike.”
1928: Birthdate of Bronx native Gerald Fried,
“the son of Ukrainian and Polish Jewish immigrants whose high school friends
included filmmaker Stanley Kurbrick and who, after mastering the Oboe became
the composer of music for films and television.
1928: After an absence of six months, former
State Senator Nathan Straus delivered an address tonight a meeting of the
United Palestine Appeal at Temple B’nai Israel of Washington where he drew “a
comparison between the national ideals of the Polish, Irish and Jewish peoples.
1929: The 31st biennial council of
the Union of American Congregations is scheduled to meet for a third day at
Temple Emanu-El in San Francisco.
1929: “John Haynes Holmes, the pastor of the
New York Community Church, the guest of honor at reception given to him” today
“by the municipality of Tel Aviv” urged the Christian and Moslem communities of
Palestine “to lend their best cooperation to the efforts of the Jewish people
in the rebuilding of the Holy Land.
1930(15th of Shevat, 5690): First Tu
B’Shevat of the Great Depression
1930: Four Jews from Sanhedria -- Zion Cohen,
Abraham Goldstein, Avadia Yedidea and David Yechezkiel – who had been charged
with the murder of an Arab “on September 1 were acquitted today without a
hearing from the defense witnesses” after “a government physician had testified
that the Arab had died from a hemorrhage.”
1930: Following the massacre of sixty Jews in
Hebron, it was reported today that “large party of Jews from Jerusalem had
visited” the city where “they collected all traces of blood by washing the
floors and walls and breaking off pieces of stained plaster from the walls and
ceilings and proceed to bury the collection at the graves of the victims” along
“with blood-stained implements of the massacre” including knives, bludgeons and
1931: “A huge flood…burst” the “Zero Canal”
devastating the first power plant “to create electricity for the entire north
of Palestine.” (As reported by Aviva and Shmuel Bar-Am)
1931: In the wake of a British white paper
aimed at limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine, today Prime Minister Ramsay
Macdonald wrote the famous “Macdonald Letter” to Chiam Weizmann. The
limitation on immigration had been brought on by violent Arab riots in 1929. ,
1932: “A Tremendously Rich Man” a comedy
directed by Steve Sekely and produced by Joe Pasternak was released in Germany
1932: Today, after 139 performances at the
Shubert Theatre in New York, the final curtain came down on “Everybody’s
Welcome,” a musical coming with “lyrics by Irving Kahal and music Sammy Fain.”
1933: “A resolution, calling for the
establishment of a permanent commission on education and youth organization of
the Zionist Organization of America to formulate an educational program of
study and activity, conceived in the light of Palestine development for the
guidance of schools, clubs, community centers and adult groups, was adopted today
at the closing session of the Zionist Organization, at the Young Men's Hebrew
Association, Ninety-second Street and Lexington Avenue.”
1934: In Great Neck, NY Fannie Blanche Segal
(née Bodkin) and George Segal, Sr., a malt and hop agent gave birth to actor
and some-time banjo player George Segal.
1935: “The plan to protect the dietary laws by
affixing metal bands to the legs of approved poultry was declared a success”
today “at a meeting of the Kashruth Association of Greater New York” which was
being held at the Hotel Pennsylvania.
1936: Today, “Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the
national chairman of the United Palestine Appeal announced” today “the
formation of a physicians committee to raise funds for the settlement in
Palestine of a maximum number of Jews of Germany and other countries.”
1936: Approximately 2,000 people attended an
anniversary party in the grand ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria which was a
“celebration of Mrs. Felix Warburg’s sixtieth birthday anniversary” and a
tribute “to her dynamic leadership in Jewish philanthropy.”
1936: According to the annual report issued
today by Gabriel Davidson, the general manager of the Jewish Agricultural
Society, “Jewish farmers in the United States have weather the economic
difficulties of the last few years and are no making steady progress in
1937: George Backer, the chairman of the
Greater New York campaign announced today that “the city’s quota in the
$4,650,000 national drive of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee,
now under way, has been set at $1,860,000” which “will be used for the aid of
persecuted European Jews, chiefly in Poland and Germany.”
1937: While various branches of Christianity
tried to decide how to deal with the Nazis, “The Minister of Church Affairs”
told a group of churchmen, that “Christianity is not dependent upon the
Apostle's Creed .... [but] is represented by the Party .... the German people
are now called ... by the Führer to a real Christianity .... The Führer is the
herald of a new revelation.
1938: The Palestine Post reported that
two Arab brothers were shot and killed by Arab terrorists near Nablus. The
Haifa-Kantara-Cairo train was delayed by sabotage attributed to Arabs taking
part in the uprising.
1938: Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana
delivered a speech to two thousand members of the Brooklyn Conference of the
United Palestine Appeal at the Hotel St. George which was broadcast over
Station WHEN in which he declared “that anti-Semitic regimes like those in
German and Rumania were inimical not only to Jews but to Christians” and “that
the United States, by virtue of a resolution passed by Congress in 1922 in
support of the Balfour Declaration should ‘exert its influence in favor of
allowing maximum Jewish immigration into Palestine.’”
1938: “A nationwide investigation of the status
of all foreign immigrants living in Mexico” which is really aimed at Jews who
have settled in the country since the 1920’s “has been ordered by the Secretary
of the Interior according to an official state made by the President today.”
1938: It was announced today that author I.J.
Singer will be the speaker at the upcoming tea sponsored by The Women’s
American Ort which is part of its effort “to increase membership and facilitate
its work in the rehabilitation of the Jews of Eastern and Central Europe.
1938: While an official communique published to
said that “Cino Olivetti had resigned the vice presidency of the Corporation of
Textile Products, the presidency of the Italian Cotton Institute and the
commissionership of the National Fascist Corporation of Cotton Industrialists “
“for personal reasons” this action was seen as “the first move toward outing
Jews from prominent positions in Italian life.”
1939: Gone with the Wind
director George Cukor was fired by Producer David O. Selznick. Selznick
objected to the slow pace of filming, and star Clark Gable had personal
conflicts with Cukor. Cukor was replaced the next day with Victor Fleming, who
won that year's Academy Award for Best Director for the film. If you have
trouble going to sleep, instead of counting sheep, try counting the Jews
involved in the making of “Gone With the Wind.”
1939: In “German: Reactions to Hitler” Time magazine
reported that Every time Fiihrer Adolf Hitler gets ready to make a speech the
world gets scared. Every time he gets through making a speech the world is
relieved that he has not immediately plunged it into war. Much the same sense
of relief was evident last week after the Dictator finished his annual
Reichstag address. Because he announced no troop movements, made no mention of
forthcoming invasions and delivered his address in rather more subdued tones than
usual, many correspondents, editorial writers, even statesmen called the speech
"mild." Those who took the trouble to wade through the long, formless
address, however, discovered that it was actually one of the most sensational
and threatening talks ever made by the head of a State. Excerpts:
> "Surely no one can seriously
assume that, as in the case of Germany, a mass of 80,000,000 intelligent
persons, can be permanently condemned as pariahs or be forced to remain passive
forever by having some ridiculous legal title [to colonies], based solely on
former acts of force, held up before them."
> "In time of crisis one single
energetic man outweighs ten feeble intellectuals."
> "Europe cannot settle down until
the Jewish question is cleared up."
> "If the international Jewish
financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once
more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the
earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race
in Europe."
> "We shall protect the German
clergy in their capacities as God's ministers, but we shall destroy clergy who
are enemies of the German Reich."
> "Let us thank Almighty God that
He has granted to our generation and to us the great blessing of experiencing
this period of history and this hour."
Remarks like these gave Neville Chamberlain
"the impression that it was not the speech of a man who was preparing to
throw Europe into another crisis." Not a few other popular spokesmen on
both sides of the Atlantic failed to share this view. Said Commentator Dorothy
Thompson of the New York Herald Tribune: "Hitler never delivered a
more ominous speech or one more cunningly calculated to befuddle his opponents
and create dissension in democracies. The speech boils down to a declaration of
intention to reapportion the distribution of the world's wealth among
nations." James G. McDonald, chairman of President Roosevelt's Committee
for Refugees, thought the speech was a threat to peace, that it heralded the
Nazis' use of the Jews for expansion purposes. Osservatore Romano,
semi-official organ of the Roman Catholic Church, challenging the Fiihrer's
statement that no religious persecution exists in Germany, declared that
"liberty has lost all meaning in the ecclesiastical and religious fields
in the Third Reich."
1939: “The German Government’s proposals toward
helping the orderly emigration of refuges from the Reich were submitted today
to the delegates of thirty-two counties” which some think “foreshadows a
checking, if not a reversing of the increasingly ruthless pressure applied to
Jews…in the past six years.”
1940: Captain
Paul Cohen, commanding B Company of the 2/2nd Battalion, 16th Brigade arrived
in North Africa.
1941: Nazi leaders attacked the Dutch Jewish
1942(25th of Shevat, 5702): In the Minsk
Ghetto, Germans killed the leaders of the Jews deported from Hamburg.
1943: The father of Henri Krasucki, Izaak
Krasucki who had been arrested on charges of sabotage was deported from Drancy
today and sent to Birkenau “where he was gassed upon his arrival.”
1943: Twelve young Jews who had escaped from
the Bialystok ghetto deportations attacked a German police unit at Lobpowy
1943: Jews in Salonica were prohibited from
walking on the street at night, nor using any telephone, private or public.
1943: Pianist Władysław Szpilman was able to
escape from the Warsaw Ghetto.
1944: Birthdate of Sheldon Silver the graduate
of Rabbi Jacob Joseph High School and Yeshiva University who began serving as
Speaker of the New York State Assembly in 1994 whose career was destroyed by
1944(19th of Shevat, 5704): Sixty-eight-year-old
Cincinnati, OH native Edgard Simon who gained fame as and “theatrical producer
playwright Edgard Selwyn, the brother of Archibald Selwyn with whom he formed a
successful production and the husband of Ruth Wilcox whom he married after
divorcing Margaret Mayo passed away today.
1944: Birthdate of sometime politician
and disreputable television host, Jerry Springer
1945(30th of Shevat, 5705): Henrietta Szold,
American-Jewish women's leader and the founder of Hadassah, who had been
seriously ill in Hadassah University Hospital on Mount Scopus since December,
died today at the age of 84.
1945: On the day before the night bombing of
Dresden, Victor Klemper assisted in delivering notices of deportation to some
of the last remaining members of the Jewish community in Dresden. Fearful that
he too would soon be sent to his death he used the confusion created by Allied
bombings that night to remove his yellow star, join a refugee column, and
escape into American-controlled territory.”
1945(30th of Shevat, 5705): Russian
born Jake Cohen, the founder (in 1917), owner and publisher of the Memphis
Labor Review passed away today in Memphis, TN.
1945: During World War II, the Red Army takes
Budapest, Hungary from Wehrmacht forces. Reportedly 100,000 Jews were still
alive when the Soviets freed the city from Nazi control.
1945: In Marylebone, London, Gertie (née
Steinberg), and Arthur Schama gave birth to historian Simon Schama.
1946: Birthdate of Richard Blumenthal, an
American lawyer and Democratic politician who has served Attorney General of
1947(23rd of Shevat, 5707):
Fifty-eight-year-old Baltimore native C. Irving Latz, “the president of the
Wolf-Dessauer Department Store in Fort Wayne, Indiana, passed away today.
1948: “Security measures around the Eden Hotel,
in the heart of the Jewish area in Jerusalem were tightened for the protection
of thirty Americans who arrived today on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal in
the United States.”
1949: “Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion served
notice on the United Nations Palestine Conciliation Commission tonight that
Israel would oppose the internationalization of Jerusalem.”
1950: Dr. Serge Koussevitzky, the 75-year-old
conduct emeritus conduct of the Boston Symphony arrived in Israel where he will
be giving 16 concerts between now and March 27.
1951: “The problem of religion and the state,
which moderates of all parties have tried to neutralize in the first hard years
of Israel's existence was brought near to a showdown today in the opening of a
two-day Parliamentary debate on the religious education of children of new
1952: Frederick Loeser and Company, the major
Brooklyn department store founded by Frederick Loeser in 1860 went bankrupt and
effectively closed its doors today.
1952: Birthdate Irene Dische, an American
writer born and raised in New York's Washington Heights district. Her parents
were Viennese Jews, and the neighborhood was home to so many German Jews that
it was known as "the Fourth Reich." That German Jews would refer to
their new surroundings in this way explains, in part, Dische's unusual world
view, which sees isolated individuals living in a shadow realm of confounded
cultural identities. Her works include Strange Traffic and The
Empress of Weehawken.
1952(17th of Shevat, 5712): Seventy-one-year-old
German born musicologist Alfred Einstein, the second cousin of Albert Einstein
and one of a long list of intellectuals who fled Hitler’s Germany and made
their home in the world of American Academia passed away today.
1953: The Israeli Exposition on 22
West 48th Street that features works by the late the Jo Davidson
that included portraits of Jewish leaders including Chaim Weizmann, David
Ben-Gurion, Eliezer Kaplan and Golda Myerson – which he had done on his last
trip to Israel before his death.
1954: Birthdate of sportscaster Howard “Howie”
Rose the “voice” of the Mets and the Islanders.
1955(21st of Shevat, 5715):
Seventy-two-year-old Hungarian born actor Szoke (ZK) Szakall who came to
America when the Nazis came to power and gained fame as character actor in
films as varied as “Casablanca” and the screwball comedy “Ball of Fire” passed
away today.
1955: Israel acquired four of the seven Dead
Sea scrolls. Between 1947 and 1956 thousands of fragments of biblical and early
Jewish documents were discovered in eleven caves near the site of Khirbet
Qumran on the shores of the Dead Sea. These important texts have revolutionized
our understanding of the way the Bible was transmitted and have illuminated the
general cultural and religious background of ancient Palestine.
1955: NBC broadcast the first episode of
“Captain Gallant of the Foreign Legion” produced by Herschel “Harry” Saltzman.
1955: “The Big Combo” film noire written by
Philip Yordan with music by David Raskin, was released today in the United
1956(1st of Adar, 5716): Rosh
Chodesh Adar
1956: “Premier David Ben-Gurion’s coalition
Government survived non-confidence motions of Rightists and Communists today on
the bitter domestic issue of a strike of professional groups.”
1956: It was reported today that “Egyptian
troops and an Israeli patrol exchanged fire in the Ein Haslosha sector of the Gaza
strip when troops in the Egyptian positions attacked the patrol.
1957: “The Government of Israel was seeking
clarification today of a number of aspects of the proposed United States move
in support of freedom of navigation in the Gulf of Aqaba.”
1958: Funeral service as scheduled to be held
at “Riverside” this morning for Cornelia (Gypsy) Meyerson, the daughter of
Kohlman and Janet Meyerson Z”L.
1959: Mattel began selling Barbie dolls.
Ruth Handler, President of Mattel, was the major force behind the creation and
marketing of this American cultural icon.
1959(5th of Adar I, 5719):
Seventy-eight-year-old Louis Brandeis Wehle, the Louisville, KY born son Amy
Brandies and Otto Wehle, the husband of
Mary Gray Patterson Liddell and the father of Mark, Luis and Mary Wehle who was
counsel to the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation,
organizer and counsel to the Federal Shipbuilding Labord Adjustment Board and
“general counsel to the War Finance Corporation passed away today in New York
after which he was buried in his native Louisville.
1959(5th of Adar I, 5719): Seventy-year-old
New York City born composer and conductor William Axt, the holder of a Doctor
of Musical Arts degree from the University of Chicago and the organizer “of the
musical department of MGM who began writing scores for motion pictures in 1921
passed away today in Ukiah, CA.
1960(15th of Shevat, 5720): Tu
B’Shevat celebrated for the last time during the Presidency of Dwight
David “Ike” Eisenhower.
1960(15th of Shevat, 5720):
Forty-nine-year-old German born psychiatrist Gertrude Anna Rosenwald, the wife
of Fritz Richard Rosenwald and the mother of Jean Susan Rosenwald passed away
today in Park Ridge, IL
1961: “Policemen wielding batons broke up today
a demonstration of Hebrew University students opposed to the return of David
Ben-Gurion as head of the Israeli Government.”
1962: Approximately eight hundred students
crowded into an auditorium at Hebrew University “expecting to hear” Edward
Kennedy, the younger brother of President John Kennedy “speak about the Peace
Corps” but instead heard “a twenty minute address on the struggles and sacrifices
Israel and the inspiration the country had given the world.”
1963: Today, Generalissimo Francisco Franco
approved “a project to exhibit in the United States documents and other historical
mementoes of Spain’s Sephardic Jews” which will include manuscripts by
1964(30th of Shevat, 5724): Rosh
Chodesh Adar
1964(30th of Shevat, 5724):
Sixty-seven-year-old Irwin Isadore Rogoff, the Russian born son of Meyer and
Dora Rogoff Goldsmith Stein, the husband of Edith Ezralovitz Rogoff and the
father of Marcia and Philip Rogoff passed away today in Kansas City, MO after
which he was buried at the Sheffield Cemetery.
Birthdate of Harvard and Oxford trained legal expert and author Jeffrey
Rosen, whose works include Conversations with RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg on
Life, Love, Liberty, and Law, William Howard Taft: The American Presidents
Series: The 27th President, 1909-1913 and Louis D. Brandeis: American
1965: The United States Figure Skating
Championships, in which Taffy Pergament placed seventh, came to an end today.
1965: The Italian government prevented a
private theatre in Rome from staging a production of Rolf Hochhuth’s play “The
Deputy” which deals with Pope Pius XII’s response to the murder of the Jews.
1966: It was reported today that Senate
Minority Leader Joseph Zaretzki has said that he would ask the governor of New
York “to help win approval of a bill that would allow the Transit Authority to
give raises to union members who” went on strike last month.
1966: It was reported today that Rabbi Edward
T. Sandrow, the newly elected president of the New York Board of Rabbis” has
proposed “that leaders of the Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish faiths organize
a special joint commission to promote reform of the state’s ‘unenlightened’
divorce law.”
1969: Joseph Rosenstock closed out his 8-year
career at the Met today when he conducted “Die Meistersinger.
1969: At the Broadhurst Theatre, the curtain
went up for the second night Woody Allen’s “Play It Again Sam” even as its
mixed reviews from opening night were published today.
1969(25th of Shevat, 5729): Fifty-five-year-old
Dr. Vincent Marvin Ravel, the El Paso
born son of Theresa Hurwritz and Joseph Berrel Ravel, the Baylor and University
of Pennsylvania trained radiologist who was the husband of Annette Ravel Kluger
Shapiro passed away today.
1970: “Story of a Woman,” directed, produced
and written by Leonardo Bercovici was released in the United States Today.
1972(28th of Shevat, 5732):
Eighty-five-year-old Ann McCreary, the daughter of Alfred S. and Jennie
Brandeis of Louisville and the wife of William Harold McCreary with whom she
had two sons – Alfred and William – passed away today in Louisville.
1975(2nd of Adar, 5735):
Seventy-seven-year-old silent screen actress Dagmar Godowsky passed away on the
105th anniversary of the birth of her father Leopold Godowsky.
1975: CBS broadcast the first screening of
“Queen of the Stardust Ballroom” with a script by Jerome Kass.
1979(16th of Shevat, 5739):
Eighty-three-year-old Sir Israel Brodie, the former Chief Rabbi of Great
Britain and the Commonwealth passed away today.
1980: Forty-eight-year-old actor David Janssen
(born David Harold Meyer in Naponee, NB, to banker Harold Edwad Meyer and
former Miss Nebraska Bernice Graf) who was best known for his role as “Richard
Kimble,” the primary character in the hit television series “The Fugitive.”
1983: “Merline” a musical written by Richard
Levinson, with music by Elmer Bernstein and lyrics by Don Black opened today on
Broadway at the Mark Hellinger Theatre.
1987: “84 Charring Cross Road,” the film
version of the novel by Helen Hanff, the Philadelphia born daughter of Miriam
Levy and Arthur Hanff was released in the United States today
1988: “The In Crowd,” directed by Mark Rosenthal,
with a script by Rosenthal and Lawrence Konner and produced by Keith Rubinstein
and Lawrence Konner was released today in the United States.
1989(8th of Adar I, 5749): Ninety-four-year-old
Goldye Reizel Sandy, the daughter of Rachel and Isaac Aaron Levin, an organizer
of the Hebrew Charities in Baltimore, and the wife of Frederick Sandy with whom
she had two children – Beverley and Harold – passed away today after which she
was buried in Baltimore, MD.
1991(29th of Shevat, 5751): Bernard Sauer
Yiddish actor suffered a fatal heart attack at the age of 67. “He appeared on
Broadway in 1966 in "Let's Sing Yiddish," starring Ben Bonus. He also
performed in "Light, Lively and Yiddish" and in "Sing Israel
Sing." He was also part of a Yiddish repertory company that performed in
1971 at the Anderson Theater in Manhattan. He was the president of the Hebrew
Actors Union for the last five years and a board member of the Yiddish
Theatrical Alliance. He was born in Buenos Aires and attended drama school
there. His first theatrical appearance was in 1945 in Joseph Buloff's
"Yoshke, the Musician."”
1994 (2nd of Adar, 5754):Noam Cohen, age 28, a
member of the General Security Service, was shot and killed in an ambush on his
car. Two of his colleagues who were also in the vehicle suffered moderate
injuries. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.
1994: The New York Times announces the
reissuing of two classics: the intriguing, elegantly narrated Freud’s Moses:
Judaism Terminable and Interminable by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi in which the
author, a historian, analyzes Sigmund Freud's book Moses and Monotheism,
arguing that despite its unorthodox approach, the work can still be read as a
celebration of Judaism and , in paperback, A History of the Jews in America
by Howard M. Sachar
1996(22nd of Shevat, 5756): Actor Martin
Balsam passed away at the age of 76.
1997: In what some might see as Jewish
musical chairs Janet Yellin was confirmed to replace Joseph Stiglitz as Chair
of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers.
1998: “Sphere” a sci-fi thriller directed and
produced Barry Levinson, starring Dustin Hoffman and Live Schreiber, with music
by Elliot Goldenthal whose father is Jewish and filmed by cinematographer Adam
Greenberg was released in the United States today.
2000: The New York Times featured
reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers
including Empires of the Sand The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle
East, 1789-1923 by Efraim Karsh and Inari Karsh and The Mysteries
Within: A Surgeon Reflects on Medical Myths by Sherwin B. Nuland.
2001: Michael Jay Solomon began serving a three
year term as Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Team Communications Group,
2002(1st of Adar, 5762): Rosh
Chodesh Adar
2002: “Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader,
has accepted responsibility for the attempt last month to smuggle Iranian
weapons for use against Israel, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell told
Congress today.”
2002: “In response to the firing this week of
two new types of rockets from the Gaza strip into southern Israel,” today
“Israeli troops in armored vehicles raided” Beit Hanuan, Beit Lahiya and Deir
al Balach.
2003(10th of Adar I, 5763):
Ninety-five Pulitzer prize winning historian James Thomas Flexner passed away
2003(10th of Adar I, 5763): Walt Whitman
Rostow, U.S. economist, and one of the famous Rostow brothers who
served as foreign policy advisors to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson,
passed away. (As reported by Todd S. Purdum)
2004: Grace Brothers stores were rebranded as
Myer. Myer, the largest department store chain in Australia, was started by
Sidney Myer a Russian Jew who came to Melbourne in 1899.
2005: A revival production of Arthur Laurents’
“Hallelujah Baby” is scheduled to come to a close at the Arena Theatre.
2005: The Chicago Tribune
reported that the descendants of the Frieder Brothers and those saved from
the Holocaust through their efforts related the stories of survival
during a public program at the Plum Street Temple in downtown Cincinnati.
The Frieder Brothers were Cincinnati Jews who ran a family-owned cigar factory
in the Philippines where they helped Jews from Hitler's Germany and
Austria take refuge. They enlisted the help of the first Philippine
President Manuel Quezon and the U.S. High Commissioner of the Philippines Paul
McNutt in their efforts to save thousands of Jews. Quezon and
McNutt were also being honored for their efforts. Details of
this self-less act of courage can be in found in Ephraim's Escape to Manila:
From Nazi Tyranny to Japanese Terror, a book that chronicles their
rescue efforts. The Frieder family was very modest. My sister, Judy
Levin Rosenstein (of blessed memory) went to college with Judy Frieder where
they began a life-long friendship. “Frieder” nor any of her family
members ever mentioned this episode.
2005: The Chicago Tribune
reviewed The Orientalist: Solving the Mystery of a Strange and Dangerous
Life by Tom Reiss, a biography of Lev Nussimbaum, one of those fascinating,
colorful characters who populate the periphery of history.
2005: The New York Times
featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to
Jewish readers including Right Turns: Unconventional Lessons From a
Controversial Life by Michael Medved and My Guardian Angel by Sylvie
Weil. Written for children, this historical novel describes the events
that surrounded the arrival of the Crusaders at the town of Troyes, France in
1096. The tale is told through the eyes of a twelve-year-old girl named
Elvina who is the granddaughter Rashi. We all know about Rashi's
daughters and grandsons. Here is a chance to learn about his
granddaughter and the fate of the Jews of France and Germany during the time of
the First Crusade.
2006(15th of Shevat, 5766): Tu
2006: “The United States and Israel are
discussing ways to destabilize the Palestinian government so that newly elected
Hamas officials will fail and elections will be called again, according to
Israeli officials and Western diplomats.”
2006: Naomi Blumenthal, a Likud MK, was
convicted of bribery and obstruction of justice and was sentenced to 8 months
in prison, a ten month suspended sentence and was fined 75,000 shekels.
2007: Stephen Allen Schwarzman, the CEO of the
Blackstone celebrated his 60th birthday a day ahead of time with at
the Armory on Park Avenue with a guest that included everybody from Mayor
Michael Bloomberg to real estate mogul and future President of the United
States, Donald Trump.
2007: Gabi Ashkenazi became the Chief of the
General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. Born in Hagor in 1954, he joined
the army in 1972 as a member of the famous Golani Brigade and saw his first
combat in the Sinai during the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
2007: “In the Loop” published today described
the comings and goings in the federal government including the hiring of Dan
Shapiro by Timmons and Company.
2007: Richard Pearlstone, a member of the
prominent philanthropic Meyerhoff family, has been nominated to a possible
eight-year term as chair of the Jewish Agency's board of governors, beginning
in June. The Meyerhoff family of Baltimore donates millions of dollars a year
to various charitable institutions in the U.S. and Israel. Pearlstone himself
is affiliated with dozens of institutions and is former national chair of the
UJA. He is also former chair of the Agency's budget and finance committee. The Meyerhoff
family-owned Monumental Life Insurance Company was bought by the AEGON, a Dutch
insurance conglomerate.
2008: The 12th New York Sephardic
Jewish Festival continues with showings of “The Last Jews of Libya,” the U.S.
Premiere “Leaving Paradise: The Jews of Jamaica,“ the New York premiere of
“Ladino – Five Hundred Years Young,” and the North American premiere of
“Goodbye Mothers” (Adieu Mères).
2008: Israeli author Amos Oz and former U.S.
vice president Al Gore are among the recipients of this year's Dan David Prize
for influential scientific, technological, cultural or social achievements, the
prize administrators announced in Tel Aviv.
2008: In a dinner speech given at a meeting of
members of France’s Jewish community President Nicolas Sarkozy announced that
beginning next fall, every fifth grader will have to learn the life story of
one of the 11,000 French children killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust
2009: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
was released from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center today, a week after
surgery to remove a tumor on her pancreas, the court announced.
2009: IAF
aircraft struck in the Gaza Strip town of Khan Yunis this afternoon after two
Kassam rockets were earlier fired at southern Israel.
2009: Amy Siegel won first place at the third
annual Manischewitz Cook-Off with her Marvelous
Mediterranean Sliders. At the Third Annual Simply Manischewitz Cook-Off
six finalists, amateur cooks whose recipes were selected from among thousands
of submissions whipped up their easy-to-make dishes at the Marriot Marquis in
New York as they competed for the $25,000 grand prize
2010: The JCC On the Palisades is scheduled to
host an evening with Nachum Heiman, recipient of the 2009 Israel Prize for
2010: Dan Naturman, Tommy Savitt, Gregg Rogell,
Sunda Croonquist and Joe Marks are scheduled to appear in The Raging Jews of
Comedy at the Historic Sixth and I Synagogue in Washington, D.C.
2010: "Zubin and I" is scheduled to
broadcast this evening, as part of the Cultural Heroes series. “Zubin” is Zubin
Mehta. “I” is producer Uri Sivan. It is Israeli. But it is not about war, or
Yiddishkeit or any of the other mundane items that seem to grab the headlines
and mistakenly define what it means to be Jewish.
2010: In an article describing how people
coped with the record snowstorms in the Washington metropolitan area entitled
“Churches, worshipers also feel storms'” Michelle Boorstein writes about Tamara
Miller, 62, who was expecting to go to synagogue on Wednesday, the third
anniversary of her father's death, to say the mandatory annual prayer for the
dead. Miller knew the synagogue would have the quorum of 10 Jews required under
Jewish law for certain obligations, including the reciting of the mourner's
prayer. When she saw the blizzard, however, she thought of the 1990s TV show
"Northern Exposure," about a Jewish doctor living in Alaska, and the
episode in which residents of the mostly American-Indian community scatter
across a vast area to help him get the quota -- called a "minyan" --
so he could pray for his dead uncle. Miller, who has lived in her Northwest
Washington neighborhood for a couple years, sent a plea via the listserv of her
300-unit condo building. Within minutes, she had a few replies. One was from a
neighbor who was in Philadelphia, saying he was also in mourning and offering
to recite the prayer on her behalf at a synagogue there. By sundown, she had 11
people in her living room-- the 10 required Jews and one non-Jewish neighbor
with a cheesecake. "Perhaps our paths will never cross again. Maybe, just
maybe, we shared a moment of faith on the worst blizzard in a hundred
years," Miller, a rabbi and spiritual counselor, wrote in a letter of
thanks. "The act of giving is an act of faith."
2010: A bomb that was detonated this evening in
a crowded café in Pune, India, killed nine people and injured 57 was likely
meant for the nearby Chabad House, Indian authorities said. The bakery is
located several dozen yards from the city's Chabad house. Pune is 125 miles
southeast of Mumbai, where in November 2008 a major terrorist attack in the
city at several sites simultaneously, including the Chabad house, killed 179
people, with them six Jewish victims at the Jewish center.
2010(29th of Shevat, 5770): Robert
J. Myers, an actuary who helped to create the Social Security program and to
set America’s official retirement age at 65, died today at his home in Silver
Spring, MD at the age of 97. (As reported by Mary Williams Walsh)
2011: Among the films scheduled to
be shown at the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival are “Jewish Soldiers in Blue
& Gray,” “Winston Churchill: Walking With Destiny” and “100 Voices: A
Journey Home.”
2011: “Jews and Baseball: An American Love
Story” is one of several movies scheduled to shown today at the 21st
Annual San Diego Jewish Film Festival.
2011: The New York Times featured
reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers
including J.D. Salinger: A Life by Kenneth Slawenski and In the
Valley of the Shadow: On the Foundations of Religious Belief by James L.
2011: Ninety-year-old “Raymond D’Addario, an
Army photographer whose images of Hitler’s top henchmen during the Nuremberg
war crimes trials put their faces before the world as it became increasingly
aware of Nazi atrocities passed way today. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)
.2011: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's
cabinet unanimously approved the appointment of Maj. Gen. Benny Gantz as the
Israel Defense Forces' 20th chief of staff.
2011(9th of Adar I, 5771): General
Al Ungerleider passed away today at the age of 89
2011(9th of Adar I, 5771): Alan F.
Segal “a leading scholar known for his comparative studies of how religions
view the afterlife” who had retired as the Ingeborg Rennert Professor of Jewish
Studies at Barnard College in December of 2012, passed away today at the age of
2011(9th of Adar I, 5771): Irving
Schlossenberg, the oldest living Marine Corps combat correspondent at the time
of his death, and a newspaper photographer who once goaded President Franklin
Roosevelt at a baseball Opening Day, died today at 92 in Overland Park, Kansas.
Schlossenberg rejected his initial 4F classification, underwent foot surgery,
and made it into the Marines as a combat correspondent in World War II. He took
part in five major campaigns, four of which were first wave landings, was
awarded four bronze stars and became a Master Sergeant. Schlossenberg never
received some of the medals he earned for his service, including a Presidential
Unit Citation presented to his division for operations in the Battle of Tarawa
in November 1943. Last November, his son and nephew obtained the medals, which
were delivered two days before Schlossenberg's death. Prior to the war, he was
a photographer at the Washington Post. On Opening Day of the 1940 baseball
season, Schlossenberg convinced FDR to throw out the Opening Pitch a second
time, so he could get a better shot. The resulting wild pitch smashed
Schlossenberg’s camera. Schlossenberg was born in Baltimore and raised in
Washington. He became a copy boy at the Washington Post and then a
photographer. After the war he sold Encyclopedia Britannica and eventually
became executive assistant to the company president. He was a founder of Temple
Kol Ami in Prairie Village, Kansas.
2011(9th of Adar I, 5771): Herschel
W. Leibowitz, a Penn State University psychologist who was among the first
scientists to explore how the mind can misinterpret what the eye sees at night,
a phenomenon that contributes to traffic accidents passed away today in State
College, PA at the age of 85 (As reported by Benedict Carey)
2011: In “Jews in U.S. Are Wary In Happiness
For Egypt” Laurie Goodstein described the mixed feelings that American Jewish
leaders have concerning the current political upheaval in the Land of the
2012: Nathan Englander, author “What We Talk
About When We Talk About Anne Frank” a work of fiction that reportedly has
nothing to do with the life of one of the Holocaust’s most famous victims, is
scheduled to appear at the Historic 6th & Synagogue in
Washington, DC.
2012(20th of Shevat, 5772): Ninety-four-year-old
“Lillian Bassman, a magazine art director and fashion photographer who achieved
renown in the 1940s and ’50s with high-contrast, dreamy portraits of sylphlike
models, then re-emerged in the ’90s as a fine-art photographer after a cache of
lost negatives resurfaced” passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)
2012: “The Cantor’s Son” is scheduled to be
shown at the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival in Atlanta, GA
2012: At 34 Ben Yehuda, David Kilimnick’s Off
the Wall Comedy Club is scheduled to host Open Women’s Open Mic Night
2012: People of faith throughout the world have
been asked to recite psalms and prayers for the recovery of Yisrael be Chana
2012: The wife of an Israeli diplomat was
moderately wounded today when a car bomb exploded outside of Israel's embassy
in the Indian capital of New Delhi. Also today, a Georgian worker employed by
the Israeli embassy in Tbilisi alerted police after noticing a strange object
attached to a car assigned to the Israeli envoy to the country. Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu said that Iran and its client Hezbollah were behind both
attacks as well as other recent thwarted attacks on Israeli officials working
2013: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to
present: “It's a Thin Line: The Eruv and Jewish Community in New York and
2013: American Jewish Historical Society to
present “The Sixties and Jewish Celebrity”
2013: Leon Wieseltier, noted writer and
literary editor of The New Republic, is one of five recipients of the 2013 Dan
David Prize, the foundation committee announced.
2013: The exposure in the Australian media this
week of alleged former Mossad agent Ben Zygier, who reportedly committed
suicide in Ramle’s Ayalon Prison two years ago, could have very dramatic
repercussions for ongoing Mossad operations, Israeli media reported tonight.
2013: Today Israel’s state prosecution asked
the Jerusalem District Court to sentence a man dubbed the “Jewish terrorist” to
two back-to-back life sentences plus 70 years’ imprisonment for his crime of
double murder, saying society should to take away Jacob (Jack) Tytell’s freedom
“until the end of his days.”
Tytell, an American-born Israeli Jew who was
convicted in January of murdering two Palestinians and wounding two Israelis in
a series of violent acts, “trampled, in his actions, every possible value human
society is founded upon,” prosecutor Sagi Ofir explained during the sentencing
2014: The Center for Jewish History is
scheduled to host “Loyalty Betrayed: Jewish Chaplains in the German Army during
the First World War” during which Peter Applebaum will discuss the role of the
30 Jewish chaplains who ministered to the 100,000 Jewish soldiers fighting for
the Kaiser.
2014: The Jewish Museum is scheduled to host
“Hard Talks: Is Psychoanalysis a Hoax?” moderated by author and communications
scholar Liel Leibovitz, featuring Daphne Merkin, a contributing writer at the New
York Times Magazine and Tablet Magazine and Ben Kafka, Associate
Professor of Media Theory and History at New York University.
2014: In “Anchorman” published today Rob Lowe
reviewed Mad As Hell by Dave Itzkoff.
2014: In “Israel: Life on the Kibbutz –
Past, Present & Future,” Ido Rakovsky is scheduled to talk about his
life on Kibbutz Ein Hashoftet” at the JCC of Northern Virginia.
2014: The Center for Jewish History is
scheduled to host “Unresolved History: Jews and Lithuanians after the
Holocaust,” a roundtable discussion about the challenges facing Litvaks in the
21st century.
2014: The IDF fired on two Palestinians who had
entered a restricted zone near the Gaza border and attempted to sabotage the
Israeli security fence, killing one and injuring the other. (As reported by
Adiv Sterman)
2014: “A technical problem caused the credit
card payment system in Israel to fail this morning for five hours, with
hundreds of companies and stores reporting that they were unable to accept
credit payments, and tens of thousands of Israelis affected. “ (As reported by
Stuart Winer)
2014: “Prospect of Spanish Citizenship Appeals
to Descendants of Jews Expelled in 1942
2015: “For Richer For Poorer: Weddings
Unveiled,” an exhibition that tells “story of Jewish weddings in Britain” is
scheduled to open at the Jewish Museum of London.
2015: “The Rewrite” a delightful comedy
featuring Caroline Aaron as “Ellen” was released in the United States today.
2015: “A federal prosecutor in Argentina today
revived the explosive accusations leveled by Alberto Nisman, the prosecutor
whose mysterious death has gripped the country, by seeking to charge President
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner with shielding Iranians from responsibility over
a 1994 bombing” attack on a Jewish community center.
2015: “Anti-Semitic and racial slurs and
swastikas were spray-painted on several homes tonight in Madison, Wisconsin.
2015: In preparation for Valentine’s Day, the
Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host “Shidduch Friday Night”
with the disclaimer that they “do not guarantee that you will find your future
2016(4th of Adar I, 5776): Parashat
2016(4th of Adar I, 5776):
Eighty-year-old Avigdor Ben-Gal, the native of Poland whose outstanding
military career shown brightest when he defended the Golan against great odds
in the Yom Kippur War.
2016(4th of Adar I, 5776):
Eighty-six-year-old who led ABC Carpet, the family business found by his
grandfather Samuel to new heights passed away today. (As reported by Michael
2016: “French-Israeli singer Yael Naim was
declared France’s singer of the year today in the 31st Victoires de la Musique,
the country’s equivalent of the Grammys.”
2016: “Mountain,” a film depicting the life of
“a religious Jewish woman living with her family in the Jewish cemetery on
Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives” and “The Last Cyclist” a film “about a childless
Jewish couple who a adopt an Aryan baby girl prior to WW II” are scheduled to
be shown today at the 26th annual San Diego Jewish Film Festival.
“Junction 48,” an “Israeli drama film directed
by Udi Aloni, co-written by Oren Moverman and the film's star Tamer Nafar was
released today in of all places Berlin.
2016: Moshe Vardi, an Israeli professor
teaching at Rice University “told the annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science” that “robots could take over most
human jobs within the next thirty years” and “that the society’s major
challenge in the coming decades will be to find meaning in a mostly automated
2016: The Debut Album Release show for “Till
the Sun Comes” by Shira Averbuch is scheduled to take place this evening at
Rockwood Music Hall. http://www.shiraaverbuch.com/
2017(17th of Shevat,
5777): On the Jewish calendar, yahrzeit of Haim Palachi, the chief rabbi of
Smyrna who authored texts in Ladino and Hebrew which helped to earn him the
designation of Hakham Bashi and Gazon
2017: The Streicker Center is
scheduled to host an evening with Jill Kargman as she wittily examines life in
New York as seen by a native who has hit big in the world of television comedy.
2017: David Shulkin completed his
service as Under Secretary of the Veterans Affairs for Health.
2017: Steve Mnuchin was confirmed
as Secretary of the Treasury by a vote of 53–47 today.
2017: In honor of “the publication
of Singing God’s Words: The Performance of Biblical Chant in Contemporary
Judaism, the first in-depth study of the meaning and experience of
chanting Torah among contemporary American Jews, the Center for Jewish History
is scheduled to present a discussion led by Rabbi Jeffrey A. Summit who will
described “how this ritual is shaped by such forces as digital technology,
feminism and contemporary views of spirituality.”
2017: “The Radical Jew” is scheduled
to be shown at the San Diego Jewish Film Fest.
2018: The Yeshiva University Museum
is schedule to host a live performance by Elad Kabilio and an ensemble of
musicians from MusicTalks who will help attendees to “experience the music of
Naomi Shemer, the “First Lady” of Israeli song and poetry.”
2018: Chicago Sinai Congregation is
scheduled to host a screening of “Rosenwald” this evening followed by a panel
2018: “Police officials informed
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thia evening they are recommending he be
indicted for bribery and breach of trust in both of the corruption
investigations against him.” (As reported by Raoul Wootliff)
2018: “American snowboarder Arielle
Gold earned a bronze medal in the women’s halfpipe contest at the Winter
Olympics in Pyeongchang” today.
2018: The Oxford University Jewish
Society is scheduled to host a “dine and discuss with Nechama Goldman Barash”
where attendees will examine “the Halachic Legal Structure which uses the
Binary of Male/Female to Develop Traditional Roles in Jewish Society.”
2018: Einstein’s Bros. celebration of
National Bagel Day which had included a week-long free bagel with purchase for
all Shmear Society loyalty club members is scheduled to come to an end today.
2018: In New Orleans, Mardi Gras. For
more see The Crescent City Jewish News, the Jewish voice in Cajun Country https://www.crescentcityjewishnews.com/mardi-gras-with-a-jewish-slant/ and https://www.myjewishlearning.com/southern-and-jewish/is-mardi-gras-more-jewish-than-you-think/ (Editor’s Note: This
marks the 55th anniversary of my first Mardi Gras – truly memorable
event in my Jewish History)
2019: As part of its “Who We Are”
film series, the Streicker Center is scheduled to host a screening of “Life
According to Sam” that tells the story of Sam Berns.
2019: The Breman Museum is scheduled
to host its next Historic Jewish Atlanta Tour with a one-of-a-kind trolley tour
of the Jewish connection to Atlanta’s Civil Rights Movement” which will allow
attendees to “explore the role Jewish institutions played in the fight for
integration with tour stops at The Temple, Prior Tire, the Rich’s Building, the
Peachtree Manor Hotel, and the American Motor Hotel.”
2019: “The Center for Traditional
Music and Dance, the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and the Sholem Aleichem
Cultural Center are scheduled to present “Andy Statman and Zev Feldman: Klezmer
Pioneers Reunited!” – a “special program reunites the legendary klezmer duo of
Andy Statman (clarinet/mandolin) and Walter Zev Feldman (tsimbl/hammered
dulcimer) for the first time in 35 years!”
UK Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host screenings of “Budapest Noir,” a
film centering around the “mysterious death of a Jewish woman” in Manchester.
The JCC of Metro Detroit is scheduled to host a lecture by Martin Jacobs on “Sephardi
Perspectives on the Medieval Muslim World: Benjamin of Tudela and His
"Book of Travels"
In Walnut Creek, CA, the Del Valle Theatre is scheduled to host the opening
night of “My Son the Waiter,” a “Jewish comedy written by and starring Brad
In Newton, MA, the JCC Greater Boston Reimer Goldstein is scheduled to host the
final screening of “Incitement,” the “psychological thriller that follows Yigal
Amir in the year leading up to his assassination of Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin.”
In London, JW3 is scheduled to host the final two screenings of “The
In Roslyn Heights, NY, the Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood is scheduled to host a
screening of “The Spy Behind Home Plate.”
The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host Phoenix Chamber Ensemble and
Tesla Quartet performing a concert celebrating Beethoven’s 250th
At the UC Berkeley School of Law, “Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt” is
scheduled to discuss Antisemitism: Here and Now, “her 2019 book on
understanding anti-Semitism.”
The virtual exhibition “A Tourist in Your Own Home” curated by artist Shasha
Dothan that incorporates the work of six artists who are immigrants to the
United States is scheduled to open today.
The B’nai Jeshurun Men’s Club Virtual Comedy night, A Funny Thing Happened on
the Way to the Food Bank” is scheduled to begin this evening at 7:30 with
proceeds going to benefit several food banks included the Cleveland Kosher Food
In honor of Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), TBZ’s
Inclusion Committee is scheduled to host Christopher Willard, Psy.D., a dynamic
national leader in education and therapy in the field of mindfulness and
positive psychology who will share insights and tools for managing the feelings
of anxiety, loneliness, depression and fear that many of us are experiencing.
UK Jewish Film is scheduled to host a screening of “Why the Jews?” “a daring
and important exploration of the reasons for exceptional Jewish achievement in
the arts and sciences” that includes “fascinating insights from the late Chief
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Shimon Peres, Howard Jacobson, Dr Ruth, Noam Chomsky
and many more.”
Because of Shabbat, the “several hundred thousand Israeli children who went
back to school for the first time in over a month on February 11, despite the
mixed feelings of some parents and experts, will not be in school today.
of Adar, 7801): Parashat Mishpatim; Rosh Chodesh Adar; Shabbat Shekalim
2022: Temple
Israel of Alameda and Keshet, are
scheduled to present an informational workshop on how Jewish groups can be more
LGBTQ inclusive and supportive online.
“Center Makor and Polina Dorosinskaya are scheduled to host a special event organized for couples to
celebrate the day of love!”
The Jewish Community Library is scheduled to present Editors Chiara Camarda,
Amanda K. Sharick and Katharine G. Trostel discuss The Venice Ghetto: A Memory
Space That Travels, their new book on the history of the first ghetto, the
origins of the term and how it has become a global symbol of exile,
marginalization and segregation.
North Peninsula Chabad is is scheduled to host “What Would You Do If You Were
Not Afraid” with Michal Oshaman
The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of
special interest to Jewish readers including Dead Collections by Isaac Fellman,
White Lies: The Double Life of Walter F. White and America’s Darkest Secret by
A. J. Baime
2022: The
ASF Institute of Jewish Experience is scheduled to present “Protest,
Philanthropy, and the Struggle for ‘Aliyah in 1940s ‘Aden.”
“Grete Minde” an opera composted by Berlin businessman Eugene Engel who was
murder at Sobibor in 1943 is scheduled to have its world premiere at an opera
house in Magdeburg, Germany today.
The National Library of Israel is scheduled to present a lecture on “The
Composition of the Talmud,” part of the “What is the Talmud” program.
Super Bowl Sunday without any Jewish players or Jewish owners.
The Schoenbaum Family Foundation is scheduled to sponsor the kickoff campaign
event of the 2023 Annual Campaign with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and a speech
by Robert French the new Federation CEO.
2023: Hundreds
of tech startups, law firms and other private sector companies have allowed
tens of thousands of their employees to join a nationwide civil worker strike scheduled
to take place today against the government’s contentious plans for a judicial
2023: The
organizers of the protest against the government's proposed judicial reform are
scheduled to shut down the economy today
and go to Jerusalem to demonstrate against the actions of the government in
front of the Knesset. (As reported by Korin Elbaz Alush)
The Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present Elad Kabilio of MusicTalks for a program of
music ranging from Klezmer to classical, from piyyut and poetry to Israeli pop
The Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre is scheduled to host Lady Esther Gilbert
reading from the works of Sir Martin’s works which provide answers to the
question “The Bombing of Dresden: War Crime or Necessity.
The Palm Beach Virtual Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to continue today.
All decent people rejoice that Fernando Marman, 61, and Louis Har, 70 are back
with their families after having been rescued by the IDF during a daring
special forces operation.
Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Trudy Gold on “Paul
Newman: A Special for Valentine’s Day.
As part of the National Library of Israel’s USA Signature Speakers Series in
Partnership with the Maltz Museum Matan Barzilai, Head of Archives and Special
Collections at the National Library of Israel (NLI) and Adina Kanefield, CEO of
NLI USA, are scheduled to reflect on how personal diaries reveal nuances in our
historical record. Barzilai will share moving stories from personal diaries
written at the time of the founding of the State of Israel and will also
discuss the library’s current work documenting and preserving accounts of
October 7th and its aftermath.
Lockdown University is scheduled to host conversation between Sir Nick Young
and Helen Fry, an Honorary Research Fellow in the Dept of Hebrew & Jewish
Studies at University College London and Honorary member of The Association of
Jewish Refugees who teaches at the London Jewish Cultural Centre on “The Story
of the Special Rescue.”
2024: Agnon House is scheduled to host Ruby
Nadmar for a conversation with the writer and literary scholar Prof. Haim Weiss
who will “discuss Judaism, life in exile and writing in Hebrew, through reading
the book "Big Fish" as well as Agnon's works.”
2024: Mardi Gras which the author of this blog
remembers fondly from his days at Tulane when it was a good time celebrated by
one and all.
2024: As February 13th, begins in Israel, the Hamas held hostages begin day 130 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid
for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at
midnight Israeli time.)
2025: The Illinois Holocaust Museum is
scheduled to host “a live presentation” of The Umbrella Maker’s Son by
Katrina Leno.
2025: Netflix
star and matchmaker Aleeza Ben Shalom is scheduled to return The Weitzman for a one-night-only
event filled with humor, warmth, and practical advice on dating with purpose in
a lively conversation with Rabbanit Dasi Fruchter—followed by Tribe 12’s
after-party with cocktails, live music, and on-site matchmaking!”
2025: Lockdown University is scheduled to host
a lecture by Judy Gold on “Great Jewish Cities: Odessa.” (editor’s note that Odessa
in Europe, not Odessa, Tx.)
2025: The Jewish Book Council is scheduled to
present “Books That Changed My Life:Yael van der Wouden in Conversation with
Lauren Wein.
2025(15th of Shevat, 5785): New Year
of the Trees – Tu B’Shevat; for more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/
2025: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Global
Jewish Experience, a course offered by JWA is scheduled to begin today with a
presentation by Dr. Sasha
Goldstein-Sabbah on “Jewish Women and Modernity in Turn-of-the-Century
As February 13th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of ant-Semitism sweeps
the United States, the reality is that the remaining Hamas held hostages
including Kfir and Ariel Bibas begin day 496 in captivity (Editor’s note: this
situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a
snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)
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